#include "client.hh" #include "color_registry.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "editor.hh" #include "event_manager.hh" #include "normal.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "buffer_manager.hh" #include "user_interface.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "window.hh" #include "file.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { class InputMode { public: InputMode(Client& client) : m_client(client) {} virtual ~InputMode() {} InputMode(const InputMode&) = delete; InputMode& operator=(const InputMode&) = delete; virtual void on_key(Key key) = 0; virtual void on_replaced() {} Context& context() const { return m_client.context(); } virtual String description() const = 0; using Insertion = Client::Insertion; Insertion& last_insert() { return m_client.m_last_insert; } protected: InputMode& reset_normal_mode(); private: Client& m_client; }; namespace InputModes { static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds idle_timeout{100}; class Normal : public InputMode { public: Normal(Client& client) : InputMode(client), m_idle_timer{Clock::now() + idle_timeout, [this](Timer& timer) { context().hooks().run_hook("NormalIdle", "", context()); }} { context().hooks().run_hook("NormalBegin", "", context()); } void on_replaced() override { context().hooks().run_hook("NormalEnd", "", context()); } void on_key(Key key) override { if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::None and isdigit(key.key)) m_count = m_count * 10 + key.key - '0'; else { auto it = keymap.find(key); if (it != keymap.end()) it->second(context(), m_count); m_count = 0; } context().hooks().run_hook("NormalKey", key_to_str(key), context()); m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + idle_timeout); } String description() const override { return to_string(context().editor().selections().size()) + (m_count != 0 ? " sel; param=" + to_string(m_count) : " sel"); } private: int m_count = 0; Timer m_idle_timer; }; class LineEditor { public: void handle_key(Key key) { if (key == Key::Left or key == Key{Key::Modifiers::Control, 'b'}) { if (m_cursor_pos > 0) --m_cursor_pos; } else if (key == Key::Right or key == Key{Key::Modifiers::Control, 'f'}) { if (m_cursor_pos < m_line.char_length()) ++m_cursor_pos; } else if (key == Key::Home) m_cursor_pos = 0; else if (key == Key::End) m_cursor_pos = m_line.char_length(); else if (key == Key::Backspace) { if (m_cursor_pos != 0) { m_line = m_line.substr(0, m_cursor_pos - 1) + m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos); --m_cursor_pos; } } else { m_line = m_line.substr(0, m_cursor_pos) + codepoint_to_str(key.key) + m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos); ++m_cursor_pos; } } void insert(const String& str) { insert_from(m_cursor_pos, str); } void insert_from(CharCount start, const String& str) { kak_assert(start <= m_cursor_pos); m_line = m_line.substr(0, start) + str + m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos); m_cursor_pos = start + str.char_length(); } void reset(String line) { m_line = std::move(line); m_cursor_pos = m_line.char_length(); } const String& line() const { return m_line; } CharCount cursor_pos() const { return m_cursor_pos; } DisplayLine build_display_line() const { kak_assert(m_cursor_pos <= m_line.char_length()); if (m_cursor_pos == m_line.char_length()) return DisplayLine{{ {m_line, get_color("StatusLine")}, {" "_str, get_color("StatusCursor")} }}; else return DisplayLine({ { m_line.substr(0, m_cursor_pos), get_color("StatusLine") }, { m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos, 1), get_color("StatusCursor") }, { m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos+1), get_color("StatusLine") } }); } private: CharCount m_cursor_pos = 0; String m_line; }; class Menu : public InputMode { public: Menu(Client& client, memoryview choices, MenuCallback callback) : InputMode(client), m_callback(callback), m_choices(choices.begin(), choices.end()), m_selected(m_choices.begin()) { DisplayCoord menu_pos{ context().ui().dimensions().line, 0_char }; context().ui().menu_show(choices, menu_pos, get_color("MenuForeground"), get_color("MenuBackground"), MenuStyle::Prompt); } void on_key(Key key) override { auto match_filter = [this](const String& str) { return boost::regex_match(str.begin(), str.end(), m_filter); }; if (key == Key(Key::Modifiers::Control, 'm')) { context().ui().menu_hide(); context().print_status(DisplayLine{}); reset_normal_mode(); int selected = m_selected - m_choices.begin(); m_callback(selected, MenuEvent::Validate, context()); return; } else if (key == Key::Escape or key == Key{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'c' }) { if (m_edit_filter) { m_edit_filter = false; m_filter = boost::regex(".*"); m_filter_editor.reset(""); context().print_status(DisplayLine{}); } else { context().ui().menu_hide(); reset_normal_mode(); int selected = m_selected - m_choices.begin(); m_callback(selected, MenuEvent::Abort, context()); } } else if (key == Key::Down or key == Key(Key::Modifiers::Control, 'i') or key == Key(Key::Modifiers::Control, 'n') or key == Key(Key::Modifiers::None, 'j')) { auto it = std::find_if(m_selected+1, m_choices.end(), match_filter); if (it == m_choices.end()) it = std::find_if(m_choices.begin(), m_selected, match_filter); select(it); } else if (key == Key::Up or key == Key::BackTab or key == Key(Key::Modifiers::Control, 'p') or key == Key(Key::Modifiers::None, 'k')) { ChoiceList::const_reverse_iterator selected(m_selected+1); auto it = std::find_if(selected+1, m_choices.rend(), match_filter); if (it == m_choices.rend()) it = std::find_if(m_choices.rbegin(), selected, match_filter); select(it.base()-1); } else if (key == '/' and not m_edit_filter) { m_edit_filter = true; } else if (m_edit_filter) { m_filter_editor.handle_key(key); auto search = ".*" + m_filter_editor.line() + ".*"; m_filter = boost::regex(search.begin(), search.end()); auto it = std::find_if(m_selected, m_choices.end(), match_filter); if (it == m_choices.end()) it = std::find_if(m_choices.begin(), m_selected, match_filter); select(it); } if (m_edit_filter) { auto display_line = m_filter_editor.build_display_line(); display_line.insert(display_line.begin(), { "filter:"_str, get_color("Prompt") }); context().print_status(display_line); } } String description() const override { return "menu"; } private: MenuCallback m_callback; using ChoiceList = std::vector; const ChoiceList m_choices; ChoiceList::const_iterator m_selected; void select(ChoiceList::const_iterator it) { m_selected = it; int selected = m_selected - m_choices.begin(); context().ui().menu_select(selected); m_callback(selected, MenuEvent::Select, context()); } boost::regex m_filter = boost::regex(".*"); bool m_edit_filter = false; LineEditor m_filter_editor; }; String common_prefix(memoryview strings) { String res; if (strings.empty()) return res; res = strings[0]; for (auto& str : strings) { ByteCount len = std::min(res.length(), str.length()); ByteCount common_len = 0; while (common_len < len and str[common_len] == res[common_len]) ++common_len; if (common_len != res.length()) res = res.substr(0, common_len); } return res; } class Prompt : public InputMode { public: Prompt(Client& client, const String& prompt, ColorPair colors, Completer completer, PromptCallback callback) : InputMode(client), m_prompt(prompt), m_prompt_colors(colors), m_completer(completer), m_callback(callback) { m_history_it = ms_history[m_prompt].end(); display(); } void on_key(Key key) override { std::vector& history = ms_history[m_prompt]; const String& line = m_line_editor.line(); if (m_insert_reg) { String reg = RegisterManager::instance()[key.key].values(context())[0]; m_line_editor.insert(reg); m_insert_reg = false; } else if (key == Key{Key::Modifiers::Control, 'm'}) // enter { if (not line.empty()) { std::vector::iterator it; while ((it = find(history, line)) != history.end()) history.erase(it); history.push_back(line); } context().print_status(DisplayLine{}); context().ui().menu_hide(); reset_normal_mode(); // call callback after reset_normal_mode so that callback // may change the mode m_callback(line, PromptEvent::Validate, context()); return; } else if (key == Key::Escape or key == Key { Key::Modifiers::Control, 'c' }) { context().print_status(DisplayLine{}); context().ui().menu_hide(); reset_normal_mode(); m_callback(line, PromptEvent::Abort, context()); return; } else if (key == Key{Key::Modifiers::Control, 'r'}) { m_insert_reg = true; } else if (key == Key::Up or key == Key{Key::Modifiers::Control, 'p'}) { if (m_history_it != history.begin()) { if (m_history_it == history.end()) m_prefix = line; auto it = m_history_it; // search for the previous history entry matching typed prefix do { --it; if (prefix_match(*it, m_prefix)) { m_history_it = it; m_line_editor.reset(*it); break; } } while (it != history.begin()); } } else if (key == Key::Down or // next key == Key{Key::Modifiers::Control, 'n'}) { if (m_history_it != history.end()) { // search for the next history entry matching typed prefix ++m_history_it; while (m_history_it != history.end() and prefix_match(*m_history_it, m_prefix)) ++m_history_it; if (m_history_it != history.end()) m_line_editor.reset(*m_history_it); else m_line_editor.reset(m_prefix); } } else if (key == Key(Key::Modifiers::Control, 'i') or // tab completion key == Key::BackTab) { const bool reverse = (key == Key::BackTab); CandidateList& candidates = m_completions.candidates; // first try, we need to ask our completer for completions if (m_current_completion == -1) { m_completions = m_completer(context(), line, line.byte_count_to(m_line_editor.cursor_pos())); if (candidates.empty()) return; context().ui().menu_hide(); DisplayCoord menu_pos{ context().ui().dimensions().line, 0_char }; context().ui().menu_show(candidates, menu_pos, get_color("MenuForeground"), get_color("MenuBackground"), MenuStyle::Prompt); bool use_common_prefix = context().options()["complete_prefix"].get(); String prefix = use_common_prefix ? common_prefix(candidates) : String(); if (m_completions.end - m_completions.start > prefix.length()) prefix = line.substr(m_completions.start, m_completions.end - m_completions.start); auto it = find(candidates, prefix); if (it == candidates.end()) { m_current_completion = use_common_prefix ? candidates.size() : 0; candidates.push_back(std::move(prefix)); } else m_current_completion = use_common_prefix ? it - candidates.begin() : 0; } else if (not reverse and ++m_current_completion >= candidates.size()) m_current_completion = 0; else if (reverse and --m_current_completion < 0) m_current_completion = candidates.size()-1; const String& completion = candidates[m_current_completion]; context().ui().menu_select(m_current_completion); m_line_editor.insert_from(line.char_count_to(m_completions.start), completion); // when we have only one completion candidate, make next tab complete // from the new content. if (candidates.size() == 1) m_current_completion = -1; } else { context().ui().menu_hide(); m_current_completion = -1; m_line_editor.handle_key(key); } display(); m_callback(line, PromptEvent::Change, context()); } void set_prompt_colors(ColorPair colors) { if (colors != m_prompt_colors) { m_prompt_colors = colors; display(); } } String description() const override { return "prompt"; } private: void display() const { auto display_line = m_line_editor.build_display_line(); display_line.insert(display_line.begin(), { m_prompt, m_prompt_colors }); context().print_status(display_line); } PromptCallback m_callback; Completer m_completer; const String m_prompt; ColorPair m_prompt_colors; Completions m_completions; int m_current_completion = -1; String m_prefix; LineEditor m_line_editor; bool m_insert_reg = false; static std::unordered_map> ms_history; std::vector::iterator m_history_it; }; std::unordered_map> Prompt::ms_history; class NextKey : public InputMode { public: NextKey(Client& client, KeyCallback callback) : InputMode(client), m_callback(callback) {} void on_key(Key key) override { reset_normal_mode(); m_callback(key, context()); } String description() const override { return "enter key"; } private: KeyCallback m_callback; }; struct BufferCompletion { BufferCoord begin; BufferCoord end; CandidateList candidates; size_t timestamp; bool is_valid() const { return not candidates.empty(); } }; class BufferCompleter : public OptionManagerWatcher_AutoRegister { public: BufferCompleter(const Context& context) : OptionManagerWatcher_AutoRegister(context.options()), m_context(context) {} BufferCompleter(const BufferCompleter&) = delete; BufferCompleter& operator=(const BufferCompleter&) = delete; void select(int offset) { if (not setup_ifn()) return; auto& buffer = m_context.buffer(); m_current_candidate = (m_current_candidate + offset) % (int)m_matching_candidates.size(); if (m_current_candidate < 0) m_current_candidate += m_matching_candidates.size(); const String& candidate = m_matching_candidates[m_current_candidate]; const auto& cursor_pos = m_context.editor().main_selection().last(); const auto prefix_len = buffer.distance(m_completions.begin, cursor_pos); const auto suffix_len = buffer.distance(cursor_pos, m_completions.end); const auto buffer_len = buffer.byte_count(); auto ref = buffer.string(m_completions.begin, m_completions.end); for (auto& sel : m_context.editor().selections()) { auto offset = buffer.offset(sel.last()); auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(sel.last()); if (offset >= prefix_len and offset + suffix_len < buffer_len and std::equal(ref.begin(), ref.end(), pos - prefix_len)) { pos = buffer.erase(pos - prefix_len, pos + suffix_len); buffer.insert(pos, candidate); } } m_completions.end = cursor_pos; m_completions.begin = buffer.advance(m_completions.end, -candidate.length()); m_completions.timestamp = m_context.buffer().timestamp(); m_context.ui().menu_select(m_current_candidate); // when we select a match, remove non displayed matches from the candidates // which are considered as invalid with the new completion timestamp m_completions.candidates.clear(); std::copy(m_matching_candidates.begin(), m_matching_candidates.end()-1, std::back_inserter(m_completions.candidates)); } void update() { if (m_completions.is_valid()) { ByteCount longest_completion = 0; for (auto& candidate : m_completions.candidates) longest_completion = std::max(longest_completion, candidate.length()); BufferCoord cursor = m_context.editor().main_selection().last(); BufferCoord compl_beg = m_completions.begin; if (cursor.line == compl_beg.line and is_in_range(cursor.column - compl_beg.column, ByteCount{0}, longest_completion-1)) { String prefix = m_context.buffer().string(compl_beg, cursor); if (m_context.buffer().timestamp() == m_completions.timestamp) m_matching_candidates = m_completions.candidates; else { m_matching_candidates.clear(); for (auto& candidate : m_completions.candidates) { if (candidate.substr(0, prefix.length()) == prefix) m_matching_candidates.push_back(candidate); } } if (not m_matching_candidates.empty()) { m_context.ui().menu_hide(); m_current_candidate = m_matching_candidates.size(); m_completions.end = cursor; menu_show(); m_matching_candidates.push_back(prefix); return; } } } reset(); setup_ifn(); } void reset() { m_completions = BufferCompletion{}; m_context.ui().menu_hide(); } template bool try_complete() { auto& buffer = m_context.buffer(); BufferCoord cursor_pos = m_context.editor().main_selection().last(); m_completions = (this->*complete_func)(buffer, cursor_pos); if (not m_completions.is_valid()) return false; kak_assert(cursor_pos >= m_completions.begin); m_matching_candidates = m_completions.candidates; m_current_candidate = m_matching_candidates.size(); m_context.ui().menu_hide(); menu_show(); m_matching_candidates.push_back(buffer.string(m_completions.begin, m_completions.end)); return true; } using StringList = std::vector; template BufferCompletion complete_word(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord cursor_pos) { auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos); if (pos == buffer.begin() or not is_word(*utf8::previous(pos))) return {}; auto end = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos); auto begin = end-1; while (begin != buffer.begin() and is_word(*begin)) --begin; if (not is_word(*begin)) ++begin; String ex = R"(\<\Q)" + String{begin, end} + R"(\E\w+\>)"; Regex re(ex.begin(), ex.end()); using RegexIt = boost::regex_iterator; std::unordered_set matches; for (RegexIt it(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), re), re_end; it != re_end; ++it) { auto& match = (*it)[0]; if (match.first <= pos and pos < match.second) continue; matches.insert(String{match.first, match.second}); } if (other_buffers) { for (const auto& buf : BufferManager::instance()) { if (buf.get() == &buffer) continue; for (RegexIt it(buf->begin(), buf->end(), re), re_end; it != re_end; ++it) { auto& match = (*it)[0]; matches.insert(String{match.first, match.second}); } } } CandidateList result; std::copy(make_move_iterator(matches.begin()), make_move_iterator(matches.end()), inserter(result, result.begin())); std::sort(result.begin(), result.end()); return { begin.coord(), end.coord(), std::move(result), buffer.timestamp() }; } BufferCompletion complete_filename(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord cursor_pos) { auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos); auto begin = pos; auto is_filename = [](char c) { return isalnum(c) or c == '/' or c == '.' or c == '_' or c == '-'; }; while (begin != buffer.begin() and is_filename(*(begin-1))) --begin; if (begin == pos) return {}; String prefix{begin, pos}; StringList res; if (prefix.front() == '/') res = Kakoune::complete_filename(prefix, Regex{}); else { for (auto dir : options()["path"].get()) { if (not dir.empty() and dir.back() != '/') dir += '/'; for (auto& filename : Kakoune::complete_filename(dir + prefix, Regex{})) res.push_back(filename.substr(dir.length())); } } if (res.empty()) return {}; return { begin.coord(), pos.coord(), std::move(res), buffer.timestamp() }; } BufferCompletion complete_option(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord cursor_pos) { const StringList& opt = options()["completions"].get(); if (opt.empty()) return {}; auto& desc = opt[0]; static const Regex re(R"((\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\+(\d+))?@(\d+))"); boost::smatch match; if (boost::regex_match(desc.begin(), desc.end(), match, re)) { BufferCoord coord{ str_to_int(match[1].str()) - 1, str_to_int(match[2].str()) - 1 }; if (not buffer.is_valid(coord)) return {}; auto end = coord; if (match[3].matched) { ByteCount len = str_to_int(match[3].str()); end = buffer.advance(coord, len); } size_t timestamp = (size_t)str_to_int(match[4].str()); ByteCount longest_completion = 0; for (auto it = opt.begin() + 1; it != opt.end(); ++it) longest_completion = std::max(longest_completion, it->length()); if (timestamp == buffer.timestamp() and cursor_pos.line == coord.line and cursor_pos.column <= coord.column and buffer.distance(coord, cursor_pos) < longest_completion) return { coord, end, { opt.begin() + 1, opt.end() }, timestamp }; } return {}; } BufferCompletion complete_line(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord cursor_pos) { String prefix = buffer[cursor_pos.line].substr(0_byte, cursor_pos.column); StringList res; for (LineCount l = 0_line; l < buffer.line_count(); ++l) { if (l == cursor_pos.line) continue; ByteCount len = buffer[l].length(); if (len > cursor_pos.column and std::equal(prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), buffer[l].begin())) res.push_back(buffer[l].substr(0_byte, len-1)); } if (res.empty()) return {}; std::sort(res.begin(), res.end()); res.erase(std::unique(res.begin(), res.end()), res.end()); return { cursor_pos.line, cursor_pos, std::move(res), buffer.timestamp() }; } private: void on_option_changed(const Option& opt) override { if (opt.name() == "completions") { reset(); setup_ifn(); } } void menu_show() { DisplayCoord menu_pos = m_context.window().display_position(m_completions.begin); m_context.ui().menu_show(m_matching_candidates, menu_pos, get_color("MenuForeground"), get_color("MenuBackground"), MenuStyle::Inline); m_context.ui().menu_select(m_current_candidate); } bool setup_ifn() { if (not m_completions.is_valid()) { auto& completers = options()["completers"].get(); if (contains(completers, "option") and try_complete<&BufferCompleter::complete_option>()) return true; if (contains(completers, "word=buffer") and try_complete<&BufferCompleter::complete_word>()) return true; if (contains(completers, "word=all") and try_complete<&BufferCompleter::complete_word>()) return true; if (contains(completers, "filename") and try_complete<&BufferCompleter::complete_filename>()) return true; return false; } return true; } const Context& m_context; BufferCompletion m_completions; CandidateList m_matching_candidates; int m_current_candidate = -1; }; class Insert : public InputMode { public: Insert(Client& client, InsertMode mode) : InputMode(client), m_inserter(context().editor(), mode), m_completer(context()), m_idle_timer{Clock::now() + idle_timeout, [this](Timer& timer) { context().hooks().run_hook("InsertIdle", "", context()); m_completer.update(); }} { last_insert().first = mode; last_insert().second.clear(); context().hooks().run_hook("InsertBegin", "", context()); } void on_key(Key key) override { if (&context().editor() != &m_inserter.editor()) return reset_normal_mode().on_key(key); last_insert().second.push_back(key); if (m_mode == Mode::InsertReg) { if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::None) m_inserter.insert(RegisterManager::instance()[key.key].values(context())); m_mode = Mode::Default; return; } if (m_mode == Mode::Complete) { if (key.key == 'f') m_completer.try_complete<&BufferCompleter::complete_filename>(); if (key.key == 'w') m_completer.try_complete<&BufferCompleter::complete_word>(); if (key.key == 'o') m_completer.try_complete<&BufferCompleter::complete_option>(); if (key.key == 'l') m_completer.try_complete<&BufferCompleter::complete_line>(); m_mode = Mode::Default; return; } bool update_completions = true; bool moved = false; if (key == Key::Escape or key == Key{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'c' }) { context().hooks().run_hook("InsertEnd", "", context()); m_completer.reset(); reset_normal_mode(); } else if (key == Key::Backspace) m_inserter.erase(); else if (key == Key::Left) { m_inserter.move_cursors(-1_char); moved = true; } else if (key == Key::Right) { m_inserter.move_cursors(1_char); moved = true; } else if (key == Key::Up) { m_inserter.move_cursors(-1_line); moved = true; } else if (key == Key::Down) { m_inserter.move_cursors(1_line); moved = true; } else if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::None) { m_inserter.insert(codepoint_to_str(key.key)); context().hooks().run_hook("InsertKey", key_to_str(key), context()); } else if (key == Key{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'r' }) m_mode = Mode::InsertReg; else if ( key == Key{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'm' }) m_inserter.insert(String() + '\n'); else if ( key == Key{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'i' }) m_inserter.insert(String() + '\t'); else if ( key == Key{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'n' }) { m_completer.select(1); update_completions = false; } else if ( key == Key{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'p' }) { m_completer.select(-1); update_completions = false; } else if ( key == Key{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'x' }) m_mode = Mode::Complete; else if ( key == Key{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'u' }) context().buffer().commit_undo_group(); if (update_completions) m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + idle_timeout); if (moved) context().hooks().run_hook("InsertMove", key_to_str(key), context()); } String description() const override { return "insert"; } private: enum class Mode { Default, Complete, InsertReg }; Mode m_mode = Mode::Default; IncrementalInserter m_inserter; BufferCompleter m_completer; Timer m_idle_timer; }; } InputMode& InputMode::reset_normal_mode() { m_client.change_input_mode(new InputModes::Normal(m_client)); return *m_client.m_mode; } Client::Client(std::unique_ptr&& ui, Editor& editor, String name) : m_ui(std::move(ui)), m_context(*this, editor), m_mode(new InputModes::Normal(*this)), m_name(name) { } Client::~Client() { } void Client::change_input_mode(InputMode* new_mode) { m_mode->on_replaced(); m_mode_trash.emplace_back(std::move(m_mode)); m_mode.reset(new_mode); } void Client::insert(InsertMode mode) { change_input_mode(new InputModes::Insert(*this, mode)); } void Client::repeat_last_insert() { if (m_last_insert.second.empty()) return; std::vector keys; swap(keys, m_last_insert.second); // context.last_insert will be refilled by the new Insert // this is very inefficient. change_input_mode(new InputModes::Insert(*this, m_last_insert.first)); for (auto& key : keys) m_mode->on_key(key); kak_assert(dynamic_cast(m_mode.get()) != nullptr); } void Client::prompt(const String& prompt, ColorPair prompt_colors, Completer completer, PromptCallback callback) { change_input_mode(new InputModes::Prompt(*this, prompt, prompt_colors, completer, callback)); } void Client::set_prompt_colors(ColorPair prompt_colors) { InputModes::Prompt* prompt = dynamic_cast(m_mode.get()); if (prompt) prompt->set_prompt_colors(prompt_colors); } void Client::menu(memoryview choices, MenuCallback callback) { change_input_mode(new InputModes::Menu(*this, choices, callback)); } void Client::on_next_key(KeyCallback callback) { change_input_mode(new InputModes::NextKey(*this, callback)); } bool is_valid(Key key) { return key != Key::Invalid and key.key <= 0x10FFFF; } void Client::handle_available_input() { while (m_ui->is_key_available()) { handle_key(m_ui->get_key()); m_mode_trash.clear(); } m_context.window().forget_timestamp(); } void Client::handle_key(Key key) { if (is_valid(key)) { const bool was_recording = is_recording(); m_mode->on_key(key); // do not record the key that made us enter or leave recording mode. if (was_recording and is_recording()) m_recorded_keys += key_to_str(key); } } void Client::start_recording(char reg) { kak_assert(m_recording_reg == 0); m_recorded_keys = ""; m_recording_reg = reg; } bool Client::is_recording() const { return m_recording_reg != 0; } void Client::stop_recording() { kak_assert(m_recording_reg != 0); RegisterManager::instance()[m_recording_reg] = memoryview(m_recorded_keys); m_recording_reg = 0; } void Client::print_status(DisplayLine status_line) { m_status_line = std::move(status_line); m_context.window().forget_timestamp(); } DisplayLine Client::generate_mode_line() const { auto pos = context().editor().main_selection().last(); auto col = context().buffer()[pos.line].char_count_to(pos.column); std::ostringstream oss; oss << context().buffer().display_name() << " " << (int)pos.line+1 << ":" << (int)col+1; if (context().buffer().is_modified()) oss << " [+]"; if (is_recording()) oss << " [recording]"; if (context().buffer().flags() & Buffer::Flags::New) oss << " [new file]"; oss << " [" << m_mode->description() << "]" << " - " << name(); return { oss.str(), get_color("StatusLine") }; } void Client::redraw_ifn() { if (m_context.window().timestamp() != m_context.buffer().timestamp()) { DisplayCoord dimensions = m_context.ui().dimensions(); if (dimensions == DisplayCoord{0,0}) return; m_context.window().set_dimensions(dimensions); m_context.window().update_display_buffer();; m_context.ui().draw(m_context.window().display_buffer(), m_status_line, generate_mode_line()); } } }