= Changelog This changelog contains major and/or breaking changes to Kakoune between released versions. == Development version This version contains a significant overhaul of various Kakoune features that can break user configuration. This was a necessary change to make Kakoune command model cleaner and more robust. * `%sh{...}` strings are not reparsed automatically anymore, they need to go through an explicit `evaluate-commands` * The `-allow-override` switch from `define-command` has been renamed `-override`. * The search prompt uses buffer word completion so that fuzzy completion can be used to quickly search for a buffer word. * The `wrap` highlighter can accept a new `-marker ` switch. * The command line syntax has changed to support robust escaping. - `%sh{...}` is not expanded to multiple tokens automatically anymore, to evaluate its output as multiple tokens/commands, use the `evaluate-commands` command: ------------------------------------------------------------- evaluate-commands %sh{ echo "first command; second command" } ------------------------------------------------------------- - Escaping of `'` in `'...'` and `"` and `%` in `"..."` strings is done by doubling up (`''`, `""` and `%%`) instead of using a backslash - Bare words escaping has been tweaked. See <>. * Various lists (options, registers...) in Kakoune are now written using the command line syntax: - `set-register` now take an arbitrary number of parameters and sets the register to multiple strings. `%reg` expands to a list of strings. - the `$kak_reg_*` environment variable is now a list, `$kak_main_reg_*` provides the previous behaviour. - `%opt` expands list options as list of strings. - selection descs are whitespaces separated instead of `:` separated * Highlighters syntax has changed to permit explicit naming and remove highlighter specific name parameters (such as for the group highlighter) `add-highlighter / ` is the new syntax. * Regions highlighters have been overhauled and are now specified with a sequence of commands instead of a single one: ------------------------------------------------------------------ add-highlighter / regions add-highlighter // region \ ------------------------------------------------------------------ The recursion regex is opt-in through a `-recurse ` flag. They also are not necessarily groups anymore, a region can directly apply any other highlighter See <> * Highlighter type names have been unified, types that used `_` as word separators, such as `show_whitespaces` are now using `-` (`show-whitespace`). * `a` on end of line is not treated specially anymore, it will start inserting on the next character, which will be the first character of the next line. == Kakoune 2018.04.13 First official Kakoune release.