Regression test =============== :unified-context-diff: Source structure ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- . ├── unit │ └── … └── compose └── … ├── [rc] → configuration ├── cmd → command ├── [in] → start file ├── [ui-in] → start UI state in JSON format ├── [out] → end file ├── [ui-out] → output UI state in JSON format ├── [selections] → selection contents ├── [state] → selection states └── [error] → error bypass ---------------------------------------------- Usage ----- To test, just type +run [test]+ in the +test+ directory. It will print each passing test. If a test fails, a {unified-context-diff}[unified context diff] is printed showing the test’s expected output and the actual output. Details ------- +rc+ is optional and should contain a sequence of commands, _e.g._, +set-option+, +define-command+, +declare-option+. +rc+ is sourced and evaluated before the +cmd+ key sequence is executed. +cmd+ is required and should contain a key sequence that will edit the input buffer. +cmd+ is executed after the +rc+ command sequence is sourced. +in+ is optional and should contain the initial text loaded into the input buffer for editing by the +cmd+ key sequence. +ui-in+ is optional and should contain the initial json-rpc commands loaded from the UI at startup to set a specific UI state. +out+ is optional and should contain the expected text generated by the +cmd+ key sequence. +ui-out+ is optional and should contain the expected UI JSON output. +selections+ is optional and should contain the expected value of +$kak_selections+ (_i.e._, content of the selection separated by colons). +state+ is optional and should contain the expected value of +$kak_selections_desc+ (_i.e._, range of the selections separated by colons). If the actual +output+ text, +selections+, +state+, or +ui-out+ does not match the expected content in the corresponding file, the unit test will fail. If there is no +output+, +selections+, +state+, or +ui-out+ file, then the unit test will always succeed. If there is an +error+ file, which could be empty, then the unit test will always fail.