## ## reeder theme ## a light theme inspired after https://github.com/hyspace/st2-reeder-theme ## evaluate-commands %sh{ white="rgb:f9f8f6" white_light="rgb:f6f5f0" black="rgb:383838" black_light="rgb:635240" grey_dark="rgb:c6b0a4" grey_light="rgb:e8e8e8" brown_dark="rgb:af4609" brown_light="rgb:baa188" brown_lighter="rgb:f0e7df" orange="rgb:fc7302" orange_light="rgb:f88e3b" green="rgb:438047" green_light="rgb:7ba84d" red="rgb:f03c3c" # Base color definitions echo " # then we map them to code face global value ${orange_light}+b face global type ${orange} face global variable default face global module ${green} face global function default face global string ${green} face global keyword ${brown_dark} face global operator default face global attribute ${green} face global comment ${brown_light} face global meta ${brown_dark} face global builtin default+b # and markup face global title ${orange}+b face global header ${orange}+b face global bold default+b face global italic default+i face global mono ${green_light} face global block ${green} face global link ${orange} face global bullet ${brown_dark} face global list ${black} # and built in faces face global Default ${black_light},${white} face global PrimarySelection ${black},${brown_lighter}+fg face global SecondarySelection ${black_light},${grey_light}+fg face global PrimaryCursor ${black},${grey_dark}+fg face global SecondaryCursor ${black},${grey_dark}+fg face global PrimaryCursorEol ${black},${brown_dark}+fg face global SecondaryCursorEol ${black},${brown_dark}+fg face global LineNumbers ${grey_dark},${white} face global LineNumberCursor ${grey_dark},${brown_lighter} face global MenuForeground ${orange},${brown_lighter} face global MenuBackground ${black_light},${brown_lighter} face global MenuInfo default,${black} face global Information ${black_light},${brown_lighter} face global Error default,${red} face global StatusLine ${black},${grey_light} face global StatusLineMode ${orange} face global StatusLineInfo ${black}+b face global StatusLineValue ${green_light} face global StatusCursor ${orange},${white_light} face global Prompt ${black_light} face global MatchingChar default+b face global BufferPadding ${grey_dark},${white} face global Whitespace ${grey_dark}+f " }