declare-option -docstring "remove backups once they've been restored" \
    bool autorestore_purge_restored true

## Insert the content of the backup file into the current buffer, if a suitable one is found
define-command autorestore-restore-buffer -docstring "Restore the backup for the current file if it exists" %{
        buffer_dirname=$(dirname "${kak_buffile}")

        if [ -f "${kak_buffile}" ]; then
            newer=$(find "${buffer_dirname}"/".${buffer_basename}.kak."* -newer "${kak_buffile}" -exec ls -1t {} + 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)

            older=$(find "${buffer_dirname}"/".${buffer_basename}.kak."* \! -newer "${kak_buffile}" -exec ls -1t {} + 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)
            # New buffers that were never written to disk.
            newer=$(ls -1t "${buffer_dirname}"/".${buffer_basename}.kak."* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)

        if [ -z "${newer}" ]; then
            if [ -n "${older}" ]; then
                printf %s\\n "
                    echo -debug Old backup file(s) found: will not restore ${older} .

        printf %s\\n "
            ## Replace the content of the buffer with the content of the backup file
            echo -debug Restoring file: ${newer}

            execute-keys -draft %{ %d!cat<space>\"${newer}\"<ret>d }

            ## If the backup file has to be removed, issue the command once
            ## the current buffer has been saved
            ## If the autorestore_purge_restored option has been unset right after the
            ## buffer was restored, do not remove the backup
            hook -group autorestore buffer BufWritePost '${kak_buffile}' %{
                nop %sh{
                    if [ \"\${kak_opt_autorestore_purge_restored}\" = true ];
                        rm -f \"${buffer_dirname}/.${buffer_basename}.kak.\"* 

## Remove all the backups that have been created for the current buffer
define-command autorestore-purge-backups -docstring "Remove all the backups of the current buffer" %{
        [ ! -f "${kak_buffile}" ] && exit

        buffer_dirname=$(dirname "${kak_bufname}")

        rm -f "${buffer_dirname}/.${buffer_basename}.kak."*

        printf %s\\n "
            echo -markup {Information}Backup files removed.

## If for some reason, backup files need to be ignored
define-command autorestore-disable -docstring "Disable automatic backup recovering" %{
    remove-hooks global autorestore

hook -group autorestore global BufCreate .* %{ autorestore-restore-buffer }