Regression test =============== :unified-context-diff: Source structure ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- . ├── unit │ └── … └── compose └── … ├── [enabled] → applicability ├── [rc] → configuration ├── [in] → start file ├── cmd → command ├── [script] → UI automation ├── [out] → expected end file ├── [kak_*] → expected expansion values └── [error] → expected error ---------------------------------------------- Usage ----- To test, just type +run [test]+ in the +test+ directory. It will print each passing test. If a test fails, a {unified-context-diff}[unified context diff] is printed showing the test’s expected output and the actual output. Details ------- +enabled+ is optional. If it exists and is executable, it is invoked with no parameters. If it exits with a non-zero exit code, the test is assumed to be not applicable to the current environment (for example, a test for OS-specific integration isn't useful on a different OS) and will be silently skipped. +rc+ is optional and should contain a sequence of commands, _e.g._, +set-option+, +define-command+, +declare-option+. +rc+ is sourced and evaluated before the +cmd+ key sequence is executed. +in+ is optional and should contain the initial text loaded into the input buffer for editing by the +cmd+ key sequence. +cmd+ is required and should contain a key sequence that will edit the input buffer. +cmd+ is executed after the +rc+ command sequence is sourced. +script+ is optional and is a shell-script that will be sourced after +cmd+ is executed. The special +ui_in+ function sends a string (expected to be a JSON UI message, see `doc/json_ui.asciidoc` in the Kakoune source) to the running Kakoune instance, while the special +ui_out+ function checks the next JSON UI messages from Kakoune against its arguments, and fails the test if any of them are different. You can also say `ui_out -ignore N` to ignore the next _N_ JSON UI messages, where _N_ is a positive integer. +out+ is optional and should contain the expected text generated by the +cmd+ key sequence. If the actual +out+ text does not match the expected content in the corresponding file, the unit test will fail. If there is no +out+ then the unit test will always succeed. Any +kak_*+ files should match the corresponding expansion after +cmd+ is complete. For example, a file named +kak_selection_desc+ should match the +%val{selection_desc}+ expansion. See `:doc expansions` for a list of available expansions. If there is an +error+ file, the test is expected to produce an error. If Kakoune exits successfully, or if it fails with the wrong error, the test is marked as a failure.