# termcmd should be set such as the next argument is the whole # command line to execute decl str termcmd %sh{ if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then echo "'tmux split-window -h'" else for termcmd in 'termite -e ' \ 'urxvt -e sh -c' \ 'rxvt -e sh -c' \ 'xterm -e sh -c' \ 'roxterm -e sh -c' \ 'mintty -e sh -c' \ 'gnome-terminal -e ' \ 'xfce4-terminal -e ' ; do terminal=${termcmd%% *} if which $terminal > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "'$termcmd'" exit fi done fi } def -docstring 'create a new kak client for current session' \ -shell-params \ -command-completion \ new %{ %sh{ if [ -z "${kak_opt_termcmd}" ]; then echo "echo -color Error 'termcmd option is not set'" exit fi if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then kakoune_params="-e '$@'"; fi setsid ${kak_opt_termcmd} "kak -c ${kak_session} ${kakoune_params}" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 & }} def -docstring 'focus given client' \ -shell-params -client-completion \ focus %{ %sh{ if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo "echo -color Error 'too many arguments, use focus [client]'" elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "eval -client '$1' focus" else if [ -n "$kak_client_env_TMUX" ]; then TMUX="$kak_client_env_TMUX" tmux select-pane -t "$kak_client_env_TMUX_PANE" > /dev/null else xdotool windowactivate $kak_client_env_WINDOWID > /dev/null fi fi } }