#include "insert_completer.hh" #include "buffer_manager.hh" #include "buffer_utils.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "display_buffer.hh" #include "face_registry.hh" #include "file.hh" #include "regex.hh" #include "user_interface.hh" #include "window.hh" #include "word_db.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { using StringList = Vector; String option_to_string(const InsertCompleterDesc& opt) { switch (opt.mode) { case InsertCompleterDesc::Word: return "word=" + (opt.param ? *opt.param : ""); case InsertCompleterDesc::Filename: return "filename"; case InsertCompleterDesc::Option: return "option=" + (opt.param ? *opt.param : ""); } kak_assert(false); return ""; } void option_from_string(StringView str, InsertCompleterDesc& opt) { if (str.substr(0_byte, 7_byte) == "option=") { opt.mode = InsertCompleterDesc::Option; opt.param = str.substr(7_byte).str(); return; } else if (str.substr(0_byte, 5_byte) == "word=") { auto param = str.substr(5_byte); if (param == "all" or param == "buffer") { opt.mode = InsertCompleterDesc::Word; opt.param = param.str(); return; } } else if (str == "filename") { opt.mode = InsertCompleterDesc::Filename; opt.param = Optional{}; return; } throw runtime_error(format("invalid completer description: '{}'", str)); } namespace { WordDB& get_word_db(const Buffer& buffer) { static const ValueId word_db_id = ValueId::get_free_id(); Value& cache_val = buffer.values()[word_db_id]; if (not cache_val) cache_val = Value(WordDB{buffer}); return cache_val.as(); } template InsertCompletion complete_word(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos) { auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos); if (pos == buffer.begin() or not is_word(*utf8::previous(pos, buffer.begin()))) return {}; auto end = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos); auto begin = end-1; while (begin != buffer.begin() and is_word(*begin)) --begin; if (not is_word(*begin)) ++begin; String prefix{begin, end}; while (end != buffer.end() and is_word(*end)) ++end; String current_word{begin, end}; struct RankedMatchAndBuffer : RankedMatch { RankedMatchAndBuffer(StringView w, int r = 0, const Buffer* b = nullptr) : RankedMatch{w, r}, buffer{b} {} bool operator==(const RankedMatchAndBuffer& other) const { return word == other.word; } bool operator<(const RankedMatchAndBuffer& other) const { return rank > other.rank; } const Buffer* buffer; }; Vector matches; auto add_matches = [&](const Buffer& buf) { auto& word_db = get_word_db(buf); auto bufmatches = word_db.find_matching(prefix); for (auto& m : bufmatches) matches.push_back({ m.word, m.rank, &buf }); }; add_matches(buffer); if (get_word_db(buffer).get_word_occurences(current_word) <= 1) unordered_erase(matches, StringView{current_word}); if (other_buffers) { for (const auto& buf : BufferManager::instance()) { if (buf.get() == &buffer) continue; add_matches(*buf); } } unordered_erase(matches, StringView{prefix}); // Sort by word, favoring lowercase std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end(), [](const RankedMatchAndBuffer& lhs, const RankedMatchAndBuffer& rhs) { return std::lexicographical_compare( lhs.word.begin(), lhs.word.end(), rhs.word.begin(), rhs.word.end(), [](char a, char b) { const bool low_a = islower(a), low_b = islower(b); return low_a == low_b ? a < b : low_a; }); }); matches.erase(std::unique(matches.begin(), matches.end()), matches.end()); // Stable sort by rank to preserve by word sorting std::stable_sort(matches.begin(), matches.end()); const auto longest = std::accumulate(matches.begin(), matches.end(), 0_char, [](const CharCount& lhs, const RankedMatchAndBuffer& rhs) { return std::max(lhs, rhs.word.char_length()); }); InsertCompletion::CandidateList candidates; candidates.reserve(matches.size()); for (auto& m : matches) { DisplayLine menu_entry; if (m.buffer) { const auto pad_len = longest + 1 - m.word.char_length(); menu_entry.push_back(m.word.str()); menu_entry.push_back(String{' ', pad_len}); menu_entry.push_back({ m.buffer->display_name(), get_face("MenuInfo") }); } else menu_entry.push_back(m.word.str()); menu_entry.push_back({ " " + to_string(m.rank), get_face("cyan") }); candidates.push_back({m.word.str(), "", std::move(menu_entry)}); } return { begin.coord(), cursor_pos, std::move(candidates), buffer.timestamp() }; } template InsertCompletion complete_filename(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos, OptionManager& options) { auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos); auto begin = pos; auto is_filename = [](char c) { return isalnum(c) or c == '/' or c == '.' or c == '_' or c == '-'; }; while (begin != buffer.begin() and is_filename(*(begin-1))) --begin; if (begin == pos) return {}; String prefix{begin, pos}; if (require_slash and not contains(prefix, '/')) return {}; InsertCompletion::CandidateList candidates; if (prefix.front() == '/') { for (auto& filename : Kakoune::complete_filename(prefix, Regex{})) candidates.push_back({ filename, "", filename }); } else { for (auto dir : options["path"].get()) { if (not dir.empty() and dir.back() != '/') dir += '/'; for (auto& filename : Kakoune::complete_filename(dir + prefix, Regex{})) { StringView candidate = filename.substr(dir.length()); candidates.push_back({ candidate.str(), "", candidate.str() }); } } } if (candidates.empty()) return {}; return { begin.coord(), pos.coord(), std::move(candidates), buffer.timestamp() }; } InsertCompletion complete_option(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos, OptionManager& options, StringView option_name) { const StringList& opt = options[option_name].get(); if (opt.empty()) return {}; auto& desc = opt[0]; static const Regex re(R"((\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\+(\d+))?@(\d+))"); MatchResults match; if (regex_match(desc.begin(), desc.end(), match, re)) { ByteCoord coord{ str_to_int({match[1].first, match[1].second}) - 1, str_to_int({match[2].first, match[2].second}) - 1 }; if (not buffer.is_valid(coord)) return {}; auto end = coord; if (match[3].matched) { ByteCount len = str_to_int({match[3].first, match[3].second}); end = buffer.advance(coord, len); } size_t timestamp = (size_t)str_to_int({match[4].first, match[4].second}); auto changes = buffer.changes_since(timestamp); if (find_if(changes, [&](const Buffer::Change& change){ return change.begin < coord; }) != changes.end()) return {}; if (cursor_pos.line == coord.line and cursor_pos.column >= coord.column) { StringView prefix = buffer[coord.line].substr( coord.column, cursor_pos.column - coord.column); const CharCount tabstop = options["tabstop"].get(); const CharCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor_pos); InsertCompletion::CandidateList candidates; for (auto it = opt.begin() + 1; it != opt.end(); ++it) { auto splitted = split(*it, '@'); if (not splitted.empty() and prefix_match(splitted[0], prefix)) { StringView completion = splitted[0]; StringView docstring = splitted.size() > 1 ? splitted[1] : StringView{}; DisplayLine menu_entry = splitted.size() > 2 ? parse_display_line(expand_tabs(splitted[2], tabstop, column)) : DisplayLine{ expand_tabs(splitted[0], tabstop, column) }; candidates.push_back({completion.str(), docstring.str(), std::move(menu_entry)}); } } return { coord, end, std::move(candidates), timestamp }; } } return {}; } InsertCompletion complete_line(const Buffer& buffer, OptionManager& options, ByteCoord cursor_pos) { const CharCount tabstop = options["tabstop"].get(); const CharCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor_pos); StringView prefix = buffer[cursor_pos.line].substr(0_byte, cursor_pos.column); InsertCompletion::CandidateList candidates; for (LineCount l = 0_line; l < buffer.line_count(); ++l) { if (l == cursor_pos.line) continue; ByteCount len = buffer[l].length(); if (len > cursor_pos.column and std::equal(prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), buffer[l].begin())) { StringView candidate = buffer[l].substr(0_byte, len-1); candidates.push_back({candidate.str(), "", expand_tabs(candidate, tabstop, column)}); } } if (candidates.empty()) return {}; std::sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end()); candidates.erase(std::unique(candidates.begin(), candidates.end()), candidates.end()); return { cursor_pos.line, cursor_pos, std::move(candidates), buffer.timestamp() }; } } InsertCompleter::InsertCompleter(const Context& context) : m_context(context), m_options(context.options()) { m_options.register_watcher(*this); } InsertCompleter::~InsertCompleter() { m_options.unregister_watcher(*this); } void InsertCompleter::select(int offset, Vector& keystrokes) { if (not setup_ifn()) return; auto& buffer = m_context.buffer(); m_current_candidate = (m_current_candidate + offset) % (int)m_matching_candidates.size(); if (m_current_candidate < 0) m_current_candidate += m_matching_candidates.size(); const InsertCompletion::Candidate& candidate = m_matching_candidates[m_current_candidate]; auto& selections = m_context.selections(); const auto& cursor_pos = selections.main().cursor(); const auto prefix_len = buffer.distance(m_completions.begin, cursor_pos); const auto suffix_len = std::max(0_byte, buffer.distance(cursor_pos, m_completions.end)); auto ref = buffer.string(m_completions.begin, m_completions.end); for (auto& sel : selections) { const auto& cursor = sel.cursor(); auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(cursor); if (cursor.column >= prefix_len and (pos + suffix_len) != buffer.end() and std::equal(ref.begin(), ref.end(), pos - prefix_len)) { pos = buffer.erase(pos - prefix_len, pos + suffix_len); buffer.insert(pos, candidate.completion); const_cast(selections).update(); } } m_completions.end = cursor_pos; m_completions.begin = buffer.advance(cursor_pos, -candidate.completion.length()); m_completions.timestamp = buffer.timestamp(); if (m_context.has_ui()) { m_context.ui().menu_select(m_current_candidate); if (not candidate.docstring.empty()) m_context.ui().info_show(candidate.completion, candidate.docstring, CharCoord{}, get_face("Information"), InfoStyle::MenuDoc); } for (auto i = 0_byte; i < prefix_len; ++i) keystrokes.push_back(Key::Backspace); for (auto i = 0_byte; i < suffix_len; ++i) keystrokes.push_back(Key::Delete); for (auto& c : candidate.completion) keystrokes.push_back(c); } void InsertCompleter::update() { if (m_explicit_completer and try_complete(m_explicit_completer)) return; reset(); setup_ifn(); } void InsertCompleter::reset() { m_completions = InsertCompletion{}; m_explicit_completer = nullptr; if (m_context.has_ui()) { m_context.ui().menu_hide(); m_context.ui().info_hide(); } } bool InsertCompleter::setup_ifn() { using namespace std::placeholders; if (not m_completions.is_valid()) { auto& completers = m_options["completers"].get(); for (auto& completer : completers) { if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Filename and try_complete([this](const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos) { return complete_filename(buffer, cursor_pos, m_options); })) return true; if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Option and try_complete([&,this](const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos) { return complete_option(buffer, cursor_pos, m_options, *completer.param); })) return true; if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Word and *completer.param == "buffer" and try_complete(complete_word)) return true; if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Word and *completer.param == "all" and try_complete(complete_word)) return true; } return false; } return true; } void InsertCompleter::menu_show() { if (not m_context.has_ui()) return; CharCoord menu_pos = m_context.window().display_position(m_completions.begin); Vector menu_entries; for (auto& candidate : m_matching_candidates) menu_entries.push_back(candidate.menu_entry); m_context.ui().menu_show(menu_entries, menu_pos, get_face("MenuForeground"), get_face("MenuBackground"), MenuStyle::Inline); m_context.ui().menu_select(m_current_candidate); } void InsertCompleter::on_option_changed(const Option& opt) { // Do not reset the menu if the user has selected an entry if (not m_matching_candidates.empty() and m_current_candidate != m_matching_candidates.size() - 1) return; auto& completers = m_options["completers"].get(); for (auto& completer : completers) { if (completer.mode == InsertCompleterDesc::Option and *completer.param == opt.name()) { reset(); setup_ifn(); break; } } } template bool InsertCompleter::try_complete(CompleteFunc complete_func) { auto& buffer = m_context.buffer(); ByteCoord cursor_pos = m_context.selections().main().cursor(); try { m_completions = complete_func(buffer, cursor_pos); } catch (runtime_error& e) { write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while trying to run completer: {}", e.what())); return false; } if (not m_completions.is_valid()) return false; kak_assert(cursor_pos >= m_completions.begin); m_matching_candidates = m_completions.candidates; m_current_candidate = m_matching_candidates.size(); menu_show(); m_matching_candidates.push_back({buffer.string(m_completions.begin, m_completions.end), ""}); return true; } void InsertCompleter::explicit_file_complete() { auto func = [this](const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos) { return complete_filename(buffer, cursor_pos, m_options); }; try_complete(func); m_explicit_completer = func; } void InsertCompleter::explicit_word_complete() { try_complete(complete_word); m_explicit_completer = complete_word; } void InsertCompleter::explicit_line_complete() { auto func = [this](const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos) { return complete_line(buffer, m_options, cursor_pos); }; try_complete(func); m_explicit_completer = func; } }