C++ Coding Style ================ Kakoune is written in C++14, here are the main coding style points: * Avoid external dependencies besides posix/stdc++ * 4 spaces for indentation, no tabs * public interface before private methods/data when defining a class * use +override+ keyword for overridden virtual methods * opening brackets on their own lines by default, except when declaring an object where the opening bracket follows the equal sign. * use alternative logical operator names (and, or, not instead of &&, ||, !) ----- int func() { if (condition) { ... } else statement; } int array[] = { ... }; ----- * End lines with an operator when continuing on the next line ---- if (condition1 or condition2) ---- * Try to keep under 80 columns, even though this is not a strict limit. * CamelCase for types, snake_case for variables/function names * prefix fields with m_, static ones with ms_ except for dumb structs (struct with every field public) where these prefixes can be dropped. * use const and constexpr liberally