# solarized theme %sh{ # Base color definitions base03="rgb:002b36" base02="rgb:073642" base01="rgb:586e75" base00="rgb:657b83" base0="rgb:839496" base1="rgb:93a1a1" base2="rgb:eee8d5" base3="rgb:fdf6e3" yellow="rgb:b58900" orange="rgb:cb4b16" red="rgb:dc322f" magenta="rgb:d33682" violet="rgb:6c71c4" blue="rgb:268bd2" cyan="rgb:2aa198" green="rgb:859900" echo " # then we map them to code face value ${cyan} face type ${yellow} face identifier ${blue} face string ${cyan} face error ${base03},${red} face keyword ${green} face operator default face attribute ${violet} face comment ${base01} face meta ${orange} # and markup face title ${yellow} face header ${blue} face bold ${base1} face italic ${base2} face mono ${base3} face block ${violet} face link ${magenta} face bullet ${orange} face list ${yellow} # and built in faces face Default ${base0},${base03} face PrimarySelection white,blue face SecondarySelection black,blue face PrimaryCursor black,white face SecondaryCursor black,white face LineNumbers ${base0},${base03} face LineNumberCursor default,${base03}+b face MenuForeground ${cyan},${base01} face MenuBackground ${base02},${base01} face MenuInfo ${base03} face Information ${base02},${base1} face Error default,red face StatusLine default,${base02} face StatusLineMode ${orange} face StatusLineInfo ${cyan} face StatusLineValue ${green} face StatusCursor ${base00},${base3} face Prompt yellow face MatchingChar default+b " }