Vi(m) to Kakoune: ================= Kakoune is inspired heavily by Vim. It strives to be as efficient as Vim, more consistent and simpler. A big difference is that a lot of special features in Vim just become regular interactions of basic features in Kakoune. Operations and moves are reversed in Kakoune. First select whatever text you want to operate on, and then use a modifying operation. That makes things more consistent: Vim needs separate x and d operations because of the operator -> move order, while Kakoune only needs the d operation. Selecting first also allows more complex selections. delete a word: * vim: dw * kak: wd delete a character: * vim: x * kak: d or ;d (; reduces the selection to a single char) copy a line: * vim: yy * kak: xy global replace: * vim: :%s/word/replacement<ret> * kak: %sword<ret>creplacement<esc> Explanation: '%' selects the entire buffer, 's' opens a prompt for a regex, <ret> validates the regex and replaces the selection with one per match (hence all occurences of "word" are selected). 'c' deletes the selection contents and enters insert mode where "replacement" is typed, and <esc> goes back to normal mode. Note that the Kakoune version is one key less, and is not a special feature per se, but just a nice way Kakoune features work together. replace in current curly braces block: * vim: viB:s/word/replacement<ret> * kak: <a-i>Bsword<ret>creplacement<esc> Here again, Vim had to rely on a special feature, visual mode. join line with next: * vim: J * kak: <a-J> delete to line end: * vim: d$ * kak: <a-l>d or Gld Some classic Vim moves are not bound to the same key. Kakoune uses shifted moves to extend the selection, so Vim moves that were bound to shifted characters had to change. * % became m (for "matching"). However, m replaces the selection with the next block. If you want to get a selection from the current point to the next block's end, you should use ;M (; reduces the selection to one character). * 0 and $ became <a-h> and <a-l>. Equivalent bindings are gh and gl. :[gv]/re/cmd To emulate :g or :v, use % to select the whole buffer, <a-s> to get one selection per line, and then <a-k> or <a-K> to keep only the selections matching (or not matching) the entered regex.