# https://www.iterm2.com # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ## The default behaviour for the `new` command is to open an vertical pane in ## an iTerm session if not in a tmux session. hook global KakBegin .* %{ %sh{ if [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "iTerm.app" -a -z "$TMUX" ]; then echo " alias global new iterm-new-vertical alias global focus iterm-focus " fi } } def -hidden -params 1.. iterm-new-split-impl %{ %sh{ direction="$1" shift if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then kakoune_params="-e '$@'"; fi sh_cmd="kak -c ${kak_session} ${kakoune_params}" osascript \ -e "tell application \"iTerm\"" \ -e " tell current session of current window" \ -e " tell (split ${direction} with same profile)" \ -e " select" \ -e " write text \"${sh_cmd}\"" \ -e " end tell" \ -e " end tell" \ -e "end tell" } } def iterm-new-vertical -params .. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new vertical pane in iTerm" %{ iterm-new-split-impl 'vertically' %arg{@} } def iterm-new-horizontal -params .. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new horizontal pane in iTerm" %{ iterm-new-split-impl 'horizontally' %arg{@} } def iterm-new-tab -params .. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new tab in iTerm" %{ %sh{ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then kakoune_params="-e '$@'"; fi sh_cmd="kak -c ${kak_session} ${kakoune_params}" osascript \ -e "tell application \"iTerm\"" \ -e " tell current window" \ -e " tell current session of (create tab with default profile)" \ -e " write text \"${sh_cmd}\"" \ -e " end tell" \ -e " end tell" \ -e "end tell" } } def iterm-new-window -params .. -command-completion -docstring "Create a new iTerm window" %{ %sh{ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then kakoune_params="-e '$@'"; fi sh_cmd="kak -c ${kak_session} ${kakoune_params}" osascript \ -e "tell application \"iTerm\"" \ -e " set w to (create window with default profile)" \ -e " tell current session of w" \ -e " write text \"${sh_cmd}\"" \ -e " end tell" \ -e "end tell" } } def iterm-focus -params 0..1 -client-completion -docstring "Focus the given client in iTerm" %{ # Should be possible using ${kak_client_env_ITERM_SESSION_ID}. %sh{echo "echo -color Error 'Not implemented yet for iTerm'"} }