
commands - a


Some commands take an exclamation mark (*!*), which can be used to force
the execution of the command (i.e. to quit a modified buffer, the
command *q!* has to be used).

*cd* <directory>::
	change the current directory to the one passed

*e[dit][!]* <filename> [<line> [<column>]]::
	open buffer on file, go to given line and column. If file is already
	opened, just switch to this file. Use edit! to force reloading

*w[rite]* [<filename>]::
	write buffer to <filename> or use it's name if filename is not given

	write all buffers that are associated to a file

	exit Kakoune, use quit! to force quitting even if there is some
	unsaved buffers remaining

	terminate the current session, all the clients as well as the server

	write the current buffer (or all buffers when *waq* is used) and quit

*b[uffer]* <name>::
	switch to buffer <name>

	switch to the next buffer

	switch to the previous buffer

*d[el]b[uf][!]* [<name>]::
	delete the buffer <name>

*source* <filename>::
	execute commands in <filename>

*runtime* <filename>::
	execute commands in <filename>, <filename> is relative to kak
	executable path

*colorscheme* <name>::
	load named colorscheme

*nameclient* <name>::
	set current client name

*namebuf* <name>::
	set current buffer name

*echo* [options] <text>::
	show *text* in status line, with the following *options*:

	*-color* <face>:::
		print the given text with *face*, most commonly *Error* or *Information*

		expand the markup strings in *text* (c.f. the 'expansions' documentation page)

		print the given text to the *\*debug** buffer

	does nothing, but arguments will be evaluated (e.g. shell expansion)

*set* <scope> <name> <value>::
	change the value of an option (c.f. the 'options' documentation page)

*unset* <scope> <name>::
	unset the value of an option (c.f. the 'options' documentation page)

*alias* <scope> <name> <command>::
	define a new alias, within the context of a scope

*unalias* <scope> <name> [<command>]::
	remove an alias if its current value is the same as the one passed
	as an optional parameter, remove it unconditionally otherwise

*decl* [-hidden] <type> <name> [<value>]::
	declare a new option, the -hidden hides the option in completion
	suggestions (c.f. the 'options' documentation page)

*face* <name> <facespec>::
	define a face (c.f. the 'faces' documentation page)

*exec* [<flags>] <key> ...::
	execute a series of keys, as if they were hit (c.f. the 'execeval'
	documentation page)

*eval* [<flags>] <command> ...::
	execute commands, as if they were entered in the command prompt
	(c.f. the 'execeval' documentation page)

*def* [<flags>] <name> <command>::
	define a new command (c.f. the 'Declaring new commands' section below)

*map* <scope> <mode> <key> <keys>::
	bind a combination of keys to another one (c.f. the 'commands'
	documentation page)

*hook* [-group <group>] <scope> <hook_name> <filtering_regex> <command>::
	execute a command whenever an event is triggered (c.f. the 'hooks'
	documentation page)

*rmhooks* <scope> <group>::
	remove every hooks in *scope* that are part of the given *group*
	(c.f. the 'hooks' documentation page)

*addhl* [<flags>] <highlighter_name> <highlighter_parameters> ...::
	add a highlighter to the current window (c.f. the 'highlighters'
	documentation page)

*rmhl* <highlighter_id>::
	remove the highlighter whose id is *highlighter_id* (c.f. the
	'highlighters' documentation page)

Kakoune provides some helper commands that can be used to define composite

*prompt* <prompt> <register> <command>::
	prompt the user for a string, when the user validates, store the
	result in given *register* and run *commmand*. the *-init <str>*
	switch allows setting initial content, the *-password* switch hides
        the entered text and clears the register after command execution.

*onkey* <register> <command>::
	wait for next key from user, writes it into given <register> and
	execute commands

*menu* <label1> <commands1> <label2> <commands2> ...::
	display a menu using labels, the selected label’s commands are
	executed. menu can take an *-auto-single* argument, to automatically
	run commands when only one choice is provided, and a *-select-cmds*
	argument, in which case menu takes three argument per item, the
	last one being a command to execute when the item is selected (but
	not validated)

*info* [options] <text>::
	display text in an information box with the following *options*:

	*-anchor* <line>.<column>:::
		print the text at the given coordinates

	*-placement* {above,below}:::
		set the placement relative to the anchor

	*-title* <text>:::
		set the title of the message box

*try* <commands> catch <on_error_commands>::
	prevent an error in *commands* from aborting the whole commands
	execution, execute *on_error_commands* instead. If nothing is to be
	done on error, the catch part can be omitted

*reg* <name> <content>::
	set register *name* to *content*

*select* <anchor_line>.<anchor_column>,<cursor_line>.<cursor_column>:...::
	replace the current selections with the one described in the argument

*debug* {info,buffers,options,memory,shared-strings}::
	print some debug information in the *\*debug** buffer

Note that those commands are also available in the interactive mode, but
are not really useful in that context.

Multiple commands
Commands (c.f. previous sections) can be chained, by being separated either
by new lines or by semicolons, as such a semicolon must be escaped with a
backslash (\;) to be considered as a literal semicolon argument

Declaring new commands
New commands can be defined using the *def* command:

*def* [flags] <command_name> <commands>::
	*commands* is a string containing the commands to execute, and *flags*
	can be any combination of the following parameters:

*-params* <num>:::
	the command accepts a *num* parameter, which can be either a number,
	or of the form <min>..<max>, with both <min> and <max> omittable

	try file completion on any parameter passed to this command

	try client name completion on any parameter passed to this command

	try buffer name completion on any parameter passed to this command

	following string is a shell command which takes parameters as
	positional params and output one completion candidate per line

	allow the new command to replace an existing one with the same name

	do not show the command in command name completions

	define the documentation string for the command

Using shell expansion allows to define complex commands or to access Kakoune

def " print_selection %{ echo %sh{ ${kak_selection} } }"