decl str makecmd make decl str make_error_pattern " (?:fatal )?error:" decl str toolsclient decl -hidden int make_current_error_line def -params .. \ -docstring %{make [<arguments>]: make utility wrapper All the optional arguments are forwarded to the make utility} \ make %{ %sh{ output=$(mktemp -d -t kak-make.XXXXXXXX)/fifo mkfifo ${output} ( eval ${kak_opt_makecmd} "$@" > ${output} 2>&1 ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & printf %s\\n "eval -try-client '$kak_opt_toolsclient' %{ edit! -fifo ${output} -scroll *make* set buffer filetype make set buffer make_current_error_line 0 hook -group fifo buffer BufCloseFifo .* %{ nop %sh{ rm -r $(dirname ${output}) } rmhooks buffer fifo } }" }} addhl -group / group make addhl -group /make regex "^((?:\w:)?[^:\n]+):(\d+):(?:(\d+):)?\h+(?:((?:fatal )?error)|(warning)|(note)|(required from(?: here)?))?.*?$" 1:cyan 2:green 3:green 4:red 5:yellow 6:blue 7:yellow addhl -group /make regex "^\h*(~*(?:(\^)~*)?)$" 1:green 2:cyan+b addhl -group /make line '%opt{make_current_error_line}' default+b hook -group make-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=make %{ addhl ref make } hook global WinSetOption filetype=make %{ hook buffer -group make-hooks NormalKey <ret> make-jump } hook -group make-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=(?!make).* %{ rmhl make } hook global WinSetOption filetype=(?!make).* %{ rmhooks buffer make-hooks } decl str jumpclient def -hidden make-jump %{ eval -collapse-jumps %{ try %{ exec gl<a-?> "Entering directory" <ret> exec s "Entering directory '([^']+)'.*\n([^:]+):(\d+):(?:(\d+):)?([^\n]+)\'" <ret>l set buffer make_current_error_line %val{cursor_line} eval -try-client %opt{jumpclient} "edit -existing %reg{1}/%reg{2} %reg{3} %reg{4}; echo -color Information %{%reg{5}}; try %{ focus }" } catch %{ exec <a-h><a-l> s "((?:\w:)?[^:]+):(\d+):(?:(\d+):)?([^\n]+)\'" <ret>l set buffer make_current_error_line %val{cursor_line} eval -try-client %opt{jumpclient} "edit -existing %reg{1} %reg{2} %reg{3}; echo -color Information %{%reg{4}}; try %{ focus }" } } } def make-next -docstring 'Jump to the next make error' %{ eval -collapse-jumps -try-client %opt{jumpclient} %{ buffer '*make*' exec "%opt{make_current_error_line}ggl" "/^(?:\w:)?[^:\n]+:\d+:(?:\d+:)?%opt{make_error_pattern}<ret>" make-jump } try %{ eval -client %opt{toolsclient} %{ exec %opt{make_current_error_line}g } } } def make-prev -docstring 'Jump to the previous make error' %{ eval -collapse-jumps -try-client %opt{jumpclient} %{ buffer '*make*' exec "%opt{make_current_error_line}g" "<a-/>^(?:\w:)?[^:\n]+:\d+:(?:\d+:)?%opt{make_error_pattern}<ret>" make-jump } try %{ eval -client %opt{toolsclient} %{ exec %opt{make_current_error_line}g } } }