Merge remote-tracking branch 'caksoylar/fix-colors'

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2020-06-09 21:38:54 +10:00
commit fcc4db3ee5
2 changed files with 44 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ face global list yellow
## builtin
face global Default rgb:121213,rgb:F8F8FF
face global PrimarySelection default,rgb:A6F3A6+fg
face global SecondarySelection default,rgb:DBFFDB+fg
face global PrimaryCursor black,rgb:888888+fg
face global SecondaryCursor black,rgb:888888+fg
face global PrimaryCursorEol black,rgb:A71D5D+fg
face global SecondaryCursorEol black,rgb:A71D5D+fg
face global PrimarySelection rgb:121213,rgb:A6F3A6+fg
face global SecondarySelection rgb:121213,rgb:DBFFDB+fg
face global PrimaryCursor rgb:121213,rgb:888888+fg
face global SecondaryCursor rgb:121213,rgb:AAAAAA+fg
face global PrimaryCursorEol rgb:121213,rgb:A71D5D+fg
face global SecondaryCursorEol rgb:121213,rgb:A71D5D+fg
face global LineNumbers rgb:A0A0A0,rgb:ECECEC
face global LineNumberCursor rgb:434343,rgb:DDDDDD
face global MenuForeground rgb:434343,rgb:CDCDFD

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@ -1,78 +1,73 @@
## Tomorrow-night, adapted by nicholastmosher
evaluate-commands %sh{
foreground="rgb:c5c8c6" # gui05
background="rgb:1d1f21" # gui00
selection="rgb:373b41" # gui02
window="rgb:282a2e" # gui01
comment="rgb:969896" # gui03
red="rgb:cc6666" # gui08
orange="rgb:de935f" # gui09
yellow="rgb:f0c674" # gui0A
green="rgb:b5bd68" # gui0B
blue="rgb:81a2be" # gui0D
aqua="rgb:8abeb7" # gui0C
purple="rgb:b294bb" # gui0E
## code
echo "
face global value ${orange}
face global type ${yellow}
face global variable ${magenta}
face global module ${green}
face global function ${aqua}
face global string ${green_dark}
face global variable ${red}
face global module ${blue}
face global function ${blue}
face global string ${green}
face global keyword ${purple}
face global operator ${aqua}
face global attribute ${purple}
face global comment ${comment}
face global documentation comment
face global meta ${purple}
face global builtin ${orange}
face global builtin ${yellow}
## markup
echo "
face global title blue
face global title ${blue}
face global header ${aqua}
face global mono ${green_dark}
face global mono ${green}
face global block ${orange}
face global link blue
face global link ${blue}
face global bullet ${red}
face global list ${red}
## builtin
echo "
face global Default ${text},${background}
face global PrimarySelection default,${selection}+fg
face global SecondarySelection default,${selection}+fg
face global PrimaryCursor black,${aqua}+fg
face global SecondaryCursor black,${aqua}+fg
face global PrimaryCursorEol black,${green_dark}+fg
face global SecondaryCursorEol black,${green_dark}+fg
face global LineNumbers ${text_light},${background}
face global LineNumberCursor ${yellow},rgb:282828+b
face global MenuForeground ${text_light},blue
face global MenuBackground ${aqua},${window}
face global MenuInfo ${aqua}
face global Information white,${window}
face global Error white,${red}
face global StatusLine ${text},${window}
face global Default ${foreground},${background}
face global PrimarySelection ${foreground},${selection}+fg
face global SecondarySelection ${foreground},${window}+fg
face global PrimaryCursor ${background},${foreground}+fg
face global SecondaryCursor ${background},${aqua}+fg
face global PrimaryCursorEol ${background},${green}+fg
face global SecondaryCursorEol ${background},${green}+fg
face global LineNumbers ${comment},${window}
face global LineNumberCursor ${yellow},${window}+b
face global MenuForeground ${window},${foreground}
face global MenuBackground ${foreground},${window}
face global MenuInfo ${red}
face global Information ${foreground},${window}
face global Error ${foreground},${red}
face global StatusLine ${foreground},${selection}
face global StatusLineMode ${yellow}+b
face global StatusLineInfo ${aqua}
face global StatusLineValue ${green_dark}
face global StatusLineValue ${green}
face global StatusCursor ${window},${aqua}
face global Prompt ${background},${aqua}
face global MatchingChar ${yellow},${background}+b
face global BufferPadding ${aqua},${background}
face global Whitespace ${text_light}+f
face global Whitespace ${comment}+f