Merge remote-tracking branch 'marcesquerra/racer-extra-commands'

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2018-03-16 15:17:11 +11:00
commit ebd47d538b

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@ -93,3 +93,56 @@ define-command racer-disable-autocomplete -docstring "Disable racer completion"
remove-hooks window racer-autocomplete remove-hooks window racer-autocomplete
unalias window complete racer-complete unalias window complete racer-complete
} }
define-command racer-go-definition -docstring "Jump to where the rust identifier below the cursor is defined" %{
dir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-racer.XXXXXXXX)
printf %s\\n "set-option buffer racer_tmp_dir ${dir}"
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -no-hooks %{ write ${dir}/buf }"
cursor="${kak_cursor_line} $((${kak_cursor_column} - 1))"
racer_data=$(racer --interface tab-text find-definition ${cursor} "${kak_buffile}" "${dir}/buf" | head -n 1)
racer_match=$(printf %s\\n "$racer_data" | cut -f1 )
if [ "$racer_match" = "MATCH" ]; then
racer_line=$(printf %s\\n "$racer_data" | cut -f3 )
racer_column=$(printf %s\\n "$racer_data" | cut -f4 )
racer_file=$(printf %s\\n "$racer_data" | cut -f5 )
printf %s\\n "edit -existing '$racer_file' $racer_line $racer_column"
if [[ "$racer_file" == ${RUST_SRC_PATH}* ]]; then
printf %s\\n "set-option buffer readonly true" # The definition resides on the standard library, and the new buffer should be readonly
if [[ "$racer_file" == ${HOME}/.cargo/registry/src* ]]; then
printf %s\\n "set-option buffer readonly true" # The definition resides on an external crate, and the new buffer should be readonly
printf %s\\n "echo -debug 'racer could not find a definition'"
define-command racer-show-doc -docstring "Show the documentation about the rust identifier below the cursor" %{
dir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-racer.XXXXXXXX)
printf %s\\n "set-option buffer racer_tmp_dir ${dir}"
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -no-hooks %{ write ${dir}/buf }"
cursor="${kak_cursor_line} ${kak_cursor_column}"
racer_data=$(racer --interface tab-text complete-with-snippet ${cursor} "${kak_buffile}" "${dir}/buf" | sed -n 2p )
racer_match=$(printf %s\\n "$racer_data" | cut -f1)
if [ "$racer_match" = "MATCH" ]; then
racer_doc=$(printf %s\\n "$racer_data" | cut -f9 )
racer_doc=$(printf %s\\n "$racer_doc" |
sed -e 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/g' | # Remove leading and trailing quotes
sed -e "s/@/\\\\@/g") # Escape all @ so that it can be properly used in the string expansion
printf "info %%@$racer_doc@"
printf %s\\n "echo -debug 'racer could not find a definition'"