Flake8 diagnostics support

This follows the clang diagnostics example and does the same thing. It
just uses the flake8 program and the regex's are a bit different.
This commit is contained in:
Mohammed Kareem 2016-04-12 21:17:50 +02:00
parent d1b693270e
commit e97f99dbab

rc/extra/flake8.kak Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
decl str flake8_options
decl -hidden str flake8_tmp_dir
decl -hidden line-flags flake8_flags
decl -hidden str flake8_errors
def flake8-lint -params 0..1 -docstring "Lint the contents of the current buffer with flake8" %{
dir=$(mktemp -d -t kak-flake8.XXXXXXXX)
mkfifo ${dir}/fifo
echo "set buffer flake8_tmp_dir ${dir}"
echo "write ${dir}/buf"
# end the previous %sh{} so that its output gets interpreted by kakoune
# before launching the following as a background task.
echo "eval -draft %{
edit! -fifo ${dir}/fifo *flake8-output*
set buffer filetype make
set buffer _make_current_error_line 0
hook -group fifo buffer BufCloseFifo .* %{
nop %sh{ rm -r ${dir} }
rmhooks buffer fifo
# this runs in a detached shell, asynchronously, so that kakoune does
# not hang while flake8 is running.
flake8 --ignore=${kak_opt_flake8_options} - < ${dir}/buf > ${dir}/stderr
flags=$(cat ${dir}/stderr | sed -rne "
/^stdin:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:? (W|F|C|N).*/ { s/^stdin:([0-9]+):.*/\1|{yellow}█/; p }
/^stdin:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:? E.*/ { s/^stdin:([0-9]+):.*/\1|{red}█/; p }
" | paste -s -d ':')
errors=$(cat ${dir}/stderr | sed -rne "
/^stdin:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:?.*/ { s/^stdin:([0-9]+):([0-9]+:)? (.*) /\1,\3/; s/'/\\\\'/g; p }
" | sort -n)
sed -e "s|<stdin>|${kak_bufname}|g" < ${dir}/stderr > ${dir}/fifo
echo "set 'buffer=${kak_buffile}' flake8_flags %{${kak_timestamp}:${flags}}
set 'buffer=${kak_buffile}' flake8_errors '${errors}'" | kak -p ${kak_session}
) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
def -hidden flake8-show-error-info %{ %sh{
desc=$(printf %s "${kak_opt_flake8_errors}" | sed -ne "/^${kak_cursor_line},.*/ { s/^[[:digit:]]\+,//g; s/'/\\\\'/g; p }")
if [ -n "$desc" ]; then
echo "info -anchor ${kak_cursor_line}.${kak_cursor_column} '${desc}'"
} }
def flake8-enable-diagnostics -docstring "Activate automatic diagnostics of the code by flake8" %{
addhl flag_lines default flake8_flags
hook window -group flake8-diagnostics NormalIdle .* %{ flake8-show-error-info }
def flake8-disable-diagnostics -docstring "Disable automatic diagnostics of the code" %{
rmhl hlflags_flake8_flags
rmhooks window flake8-diagnostics
def flake8-diagnostics-next -docstring "Jump to the next line that contains an error" %{ %sh{
printf "%s\n" "${kak_opt_flake8_errors}" | (
while read line_content; do
if [ -n "$candidate" ]; then
first_line=$(( first_line == -1 ? candidate : first_line ))
line=$((candidate > kak_cursor_line && (candidate < line || line == -1) ? candidate : line ))
line=$((line == -1 ? first_line : line))
if [ ${line} -ne -1 ]; then
echo "exec ${line} g"
echo 'echo -color Error no next flake8 diagnostic'
} }