Initial selection saving/restoring support bound to ^ and alt-^

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2015-06-25 14:00:50 +01:00
parent 5b554ff474
commit e1ba2991f5
5 changed files with 93 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -371,6 +371,13 @@ view.
* `vk`: scroll the window count line upward
* `vl`: scroll the window count columns right
Current selections position can be saved in a register and restored later on.
`^` followed by a register will save the current selections in that register,
`alt-^` followed by a register will restore the selections saved in it.
Jump list

View File

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void register_env_vars()
}, {
[](StringView name, const Context& context)
{ return selection_to_string(context.buffer(), context.selections().main()); }
{ return selection_to_string(context.selections().main()); }
}, {
[](StringView name, const Context& context)

View File

@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ void jump(Context& context, NormalParams)
context.selections_write_only() = jump;
void save_selections(Context& context, NormalParams)
void push_selections(Context& context, NormalParams)
context.print_status({ format("saved {} selections", context.selections().size()),
@ -1287,6 +1287,64 @@ void spaces_to_tabs(Context& context, NormalParams params)
SelectionList{ buffer, std::move(spaces) }.insert("\t"_str, InsertMode::Replace);
void save_selections(Context& context, NormalParams)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, KeymapMode::None,
[](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers != Key::Modifiers::None)
const char reg = key.key;
String desc = format("{}@{}%{}",
RegisterManager::instance()[reg] = desc;
context.print_status({format("Saved selections in register '{}'", reg), get_face("Information")});
}, "Save selections", "Enter register to save selections into");
void restore_selections(Context& context, NormalParams)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, KeymapMode::None,
[](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers != Key::Modifiers::None)
const char reg = key.key;
auto content = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].values(context);
if (content.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(format("Register {} does not contain a selections desc", reg));
StringView desc = content[0];
auto arobase = find(desc, '@');
auto percent = find(desc, '%');
if (arobase == desc.end() or percent == desc.end())
throw runtime_error(format("Register {} does not contain a selections desc", reg));
Buffer& buffer = BufferManager::instance().get_buffer({arobase+1, percent});
size_t timestamp = str_to_int({percent + 1, desc.end()});
Vector<Selection> sels;
for (auto sel_desc : split({desc.begin(), arobase}, ':'))
SelectionList sel_list{buffer, std::move(sels), timestamp};
if (&buffer != &context.buffer())
context.selections_write_only() = std::move(sel_list);
context.print_status({format("Restored selections from register '{}'", reg), get_face("Information")});
}, "Restore selections", "Enter register to restore selections from");
void undo(Context& context, NormalParams)
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
@ -1564,7 +1622,7 @@ static NormalCmdDesc cmds[] =
{ ctrl('i'), "jump forward in jump list",jump<Forward> },
{ ctrl('o'), "jump backward in jump list", jump<Backward> },
{ ctrl('s'), "push current selections in jump list", save_selections },
{ ctrl('s'), "push current selections in jump list", push_selections },
{ '\'', "rotate main selection", rotate_selections },
{ alt('\''), "rotate selections content", rotate_selections_content },
@ -1599,6 +1657,9 @@ static NormalCmdDesc cmds[] =
{ Key::PageUp, "scroll one page up", scroll<Key::PageUp> },
{ Key::PageDown, "scroll one page down", scroll<Key::PageDown> },
{ '^', "restore selections", restore_selections },
{ alt('^'), "save selections", save_selections },
KeyMap keymap = cmds;

View File

@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ void Selection::merge_with(const Selection& range)
SelectionList::SelectionList(Buffer& buffer, Selection s, size_t timestamp)
: m_buffer(&buffer), m_selections({ std::move(s) }), m_timestamp(timestamp)
SelectionList::SelectionList(Buffer& buffer, Selection s)
: SelectionList(buffer, std::move(s), buffer.timestamp())
@ -29,7 +27,6 @@ SelectionList::SelectionList(Buffer& buffer, Vector<Selection> s, size_t timesta
: m_buffer(&buffer), m_selections(std::move(s)), m_timestamp(timestamp)
kak_assert(size() > 0);
SelectionList::SelectionList(Buffer& buffer, Vector<Selection> s)
@ -535,43 +532,45 @@ void SelectionList::erase()
String selection_to_string(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection)
String selection_to_string(const Selection& selection)
auto& cursor = selection.cursor();
auto& anchor = selection.anchor();
ByteCount distance = buffer.distance(anchor, cursor);
return format("{}.{}{}{}", anchor.line + 1, anchor.column + 1,
distance < 0 ? '-' : '+', abs(distance));
return format("{}.{},{}.{}", anchor.line + 1, anchor.column + 1,
cursor.line + 1, cursor.column + 1);
String selection_list_to_string(const SelectionList& selections)
const auto& buffer = selections.buffer();
return join(transformed(selections, [&buffer](const Selection& s)
{ return selection_to_string(buffer, s); }),
return join(transformed(selections, [](const Selection& s)
{ return selection_to_string(s); }),
':', false);
Selection selection_from_string(const Buffer& buffer, StringView desc)
Selection selection_from_string(StringView desc)
auto dot = find(desc, '.');
auto sign = std::find_if(dot, desc.end(), [](char c) { return c == '+' or c == '-'; });
auto comma = find(desc, ',');
auto dot_anchor = find(StringView{desc.begin(), comma}, '.');
auto dot_cursor = find(StringView{comma, desc.end()}, '.');
if (dot == desc.end() or sign == desc.end())
throw runtime_error(format("'{}' does not follow <line>.<column>+<len> format", desc));
if (comma == desc.end() or dot_anchor == comma or dot_cursor == desc.end())
throw runtime_error(format("'{}' does not follow <line>.<column>,<line>.<column> format", desc));
LineCount line = str_to_int({desc.begin(), dot}) - 1;
ByteCount column = str_to_int({dot+1, sign}) - 1;
ByteCoord anchor{line, column};
ByteCount count = (*sign == '+' ? 1 : -1) * str_to_int({sign+1, desc.end()});
return Selection{anchor, buffer.advance(anchor, count)};
ByteCoord anchor{str_to_int({desc.begin(), dot_anchor}) - 1,
str_to_int({dot_anchor+1, comma}) - 1};
ByteCoord cursor{str_to_int({comma+1, dot_cursor}) - 1,
str_to_int({dot_cursor+1, desc.end()}) - 1};
return Selection{anchor, cursor};
SelectionList selection_list_from_string(Buffer& buffer, StringView desc)
Vector<Selection> sels;
for (auto sel_desc : split(desc, ':'))
sels.push_back(selection_from_string(buffer, sel_desc));
return {buffer, std::move(sels)};

View File

@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ private:
Vector<Selection> compute_modified_ranges(Buffer& buffer, size_t timestamp);
String selection_to_string(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection);
String selection_to_string(const Selection& selection);
String selection_list_to_string(const SelectionList& selection);
Selection selection_from_string(const Buffer& buffer, StringView desc);
Selection selection_from_string(StringView desc);
SelectionList selection_list_from_string(Buffer& buffer, StringView desc);