Merge remote-tracking branch 'divarvel/show-trailing-whitespace'

Maxime Coste 2023-09-08 05:50:11 +10:00
commit dd5b624003
2 changed files with 29 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ highlighter is replaced with the new one.
*-tabpad* <separator>:::
a one character long separator that will be appended to tabulations to honor the *tabstop* option
only highlight whitespaces at the end of the line
*number-lines* [options]::
show line numbers using the `LineNumbers`, `LineNumberCursor` and `LineNumbersWrapped` faces,
with the following *options*:

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@ -961,21 +961,23 @@ const HighlighterDesc show_whitespace_desc = {
{ "tabpad", { ArgCompleter{}, "append as many of the given character as is necessary to honor `tabstop`" } },
{ "spc", { ArgCompleter{}, "replace spaces with the given character" } },
{ "lf", { ArgCompleter{}, "replace line feeds with the given character" } },
{ "nbsp", { ArgCompleter{}, "replace non-breakable spaces with the given character" } } },
{ "nbsp", { ArgCompleter{}, "replace non-breakable spaces with the given character" } },
{ "only-trailing", { {}, "only highlighting trailing whitespaces" } } },
ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 0
struct ShowWhitespacesHighlighter : Highlighter
ShowWhitespacesHighlighter(String tab, String tabpad, String spc, String lf, String nbsp)
ShowWhitespacesHighlighter(String tab, String tabpad, String spc, String lf, String nbsp, bool only_trailing)
: Highlighter{HighlightPass::Move}, m_tab{std::move(tab)}, m_tabpad{std::move(tabpad)},
m_spc{std::move(spc)}, m_lf{std::move(lf)}, m_nbsp{std::move(nbsp)}
m_spc{std::move(spc)}, m_lf{std::move(lf)}, m_nbsp{std::move(nbsp)}, m_only_trailing{std::move(only_trailing)}
static std::unique_ptr<Highlighter> create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*)
ParametersParser parser(params, show_whitespace_desc.params);
bool only_trailing = (bool) parser.get_switch("only-trailing");
auto get_param = [&](StringView param, StringView fallback) {
StringView value = parser.get_switch(param).value_or(fallback);
if (value.char_length() != 1)
@ -985,7 +987,7 @@ struct ShowWhitespacesHighlighter : Highlighter
return std::make_unique<ShowWhitespacesHighlighter>(
get_param("tab", ""), get_param("tabpad", " "), get_param("spc", "·"),
get_param("lf", "¬"), get_param("nbsp", ""));
get_param("lf", "¬"), get_param("nbsp", ""), only_trailing);
@ -1003,12 +1005,30 @@ private:
auto begin = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->begin());
auto end = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->end());
auto last_non_space = begin.coord();
auto is_whitespace = [](Codepoint cp) {
return cp == '\t' or cp == ' ' or cp == '\n' or cp == 0xA0 or cp == 0x202F;
for (BufferIterator it = begin; it != end; )
if (not is_whitespace(utf8::read_codepoint(it, end)))
last_non_space = it.coord();
for (BufferIterator it = begin; it != end; )
auto coord = it.coord();
Codepoint cp = utf8::read_codepoint(it, end);
if (cp == '\t' or cp == ' ' or cp == '\n' or cp == 0xA0 or cp == 0x202F)
if (is_whitespace(cp))
if (m_only_trailing and it.coord() <= last_non_space)
if (coord != begin.coord())
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, coord);
if (it != end)
@ -1035,6 +1055,7 @@ private:
const String m_tab, m_tabpad, m_spc, m_lf, m_nbsp;
const bool m_only_trailing;
const HighlighterDesc line_numbers_desc = {