Display clang completed function documentation

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Maxime Coste 2015-11-30 13:56:01 +00:00
parent 1745344869
commit c71d0e9f8d

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@ -93,13 +93,27 @@ def -shell-params clang-parse -docstring "Parse the contents of the current buff
def clang-complete -docstring "Complete the current selection with clang" %{ clang-parse -complete }
def -hidden clang-show-completion-info %[ try %[
eval -draft %[
exec '<space>{(<a-k>^\(<ret>b'
desc=$(echo "${kak_opt_clang_completions}" | sed -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g; s/\\:/:/g' | grep "^${kak_selection}@" | head -n1 | sed -e 's/.*[^\\]@\(.*[^\\]\)@.*$/\1/' )
if [ -n "$desc" ]; then
echo "eval -client $kak_client %{info -anchor ${kak_cursor_line}.${kak_cursor_column} %{${desc}}}"
] ]
] ]
def clang-enable-autocomplete -docstring "Enable completion with clang" %{
set window completers "option=clang_completions:%opt{completers}"
hook window -group clang-autocomplete InsertIdle .* %{ try %{
hook window -group clang-autocomplete InsertIdle .* %{
try %{
exec -draft <a-h><a-k>(\.|->|::).\'<ret>
echo 'completing...'
} }
alias window complete clang-complete
@ -109,12 +123,11 @@ def clang-disable-autocomplete -docstring "Disable automatic clang completion" %
unalias window complete clang-complete
def -hidden clang-show-error-info %{ %sh{
echo "${kak_opt_clang_errors}" | grep "^${kak_cursor_line},.*" | while read line; do
def -allow-override -hidden clang-show-error-info %{ %sh{
echo "${kak_opt_clang_errors}" | grep "^${kak_cursor_line},.*" | if read line; then
desc=$(echo ${line} | sed -e "s/^[[:digit:]]\+,//g; s/'/\\\\'/g")
echo "info -anchor ${kak_cursor_line}.${kak_cursor_column} '${desc}'"
} }
def clang-enable-diagnostics -docstring "Activate automatic diagnostics of the code by clang" %{
@ -146,14 +159,3 @@ def clang-diagnostics-next -docstring "Jump to the next line that contains an er
} }
def -allow-override -hidden clang-show-completion-info %[
eval -draft %[
exec '{(b'
msg=$(echo "${kak_opt_clang_completions}" | sed -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g' )
echo "echo -debug -- %{$msg}"
desc=$(echo "${kak_opt_clang_completions}" | sed -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g' | grep "^${kak_selection}@" | head -n1 | sed -e 's/.*[^\\]@\(.*[^\\]\)@.*$/\1/' )
echo "eval -client $kak_client info -anchor ${kak_cursor_line}.${kak_cursor_column} ${desc}"
] ]