Escape additional characters that could be interpreted by the regex/exec engine

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Frank LENORMAND 2015-12-02 13:05:48 +03:00
parent c84f06300a
commit c40dba8a20

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@ -8,11 +8,15 @@ def comment-selection -docstring "Comment/uncomment the current selection" %{
function escape_regex_chars {
## Escape characters that can be interpreted as modifiers/repetitors by the regex engine
sed -r 's,(\*|\+|\[|\]|\{\}|\||\(|\)|\?),\\\1,g' <<< "$@"
sed -r 's,(\*|\+|\[|\]|\{\}|\||\(|\)|\?|\^|\$),\\\1,g' <<< "$@"
function exec_proof {
## Replace some special characters that are interpreted differently in `exec`
sed -r -e 's,<,<lt,g' -e 's,>,gt>,g' -e 's,<lt\b,<lt>,g' -e 's,\bgt>,<gt>,g' <<< "$@"
readonly opening="${kak_opt_comment_selection_chars%%:*}"
readonly closing="${kak_opt_comment_selection_chars##*:}"
readonly opening=$(exec_proof "${kak_opt_comment_selection_chars%%:*}")
readonly closing=$(exec_proof "${kak_opt_comment_selection_chars##*:}")
readonly opening_escaped=$(escape_regex_chars "${opening}")
readonly closing_escaped=$(escape_regex_chars "${closing}")