Add complete_command for completing commands in PATH

use it for pipe completion
This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2013-12-23 20:43:55 +00:00
parent a0d4a44dd5
commit bcba5287ad
3 changed files with 129 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -251,13 +251,54 @@ String find_file(const String& filename, memoryview<String> paths)
return "";
template<typename Filter>
std::vector<String> list_files(const String& prefix,
const String& dirname,
Filter filter)
kak_assert(dirname.empty() or dirname.back() == '/');
DIR* dir = opendir(dirname.empty() ? "./" : dirname.c_str());
auto closeDir = on_scope_end([=]{ closedir(dir); });
std::vector<String> result;
if (not dir)
return result;
std::vector<String> subseq_result;
while (dirent* entry = readdir(dir))
if (not filter(*entry))
String filename = entry->d_name;
if (filename.empty())
const bool match_prefix = prefix_match(filename, prefix);
const bool match_subseq = subsequence_match(filename, prefix);
if (match_prefix or match_subseq)
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR)
filename += '/';
if (prefix.length() != 0 or filename[0] != '.')
if (match_prefix)
if (match_subseq)
auto& real_result = result.empty() ? subseq_result : result;
return real_result;
std::vector<String> complete_filename(const String& prefix,
const Regex& ignored_regex,
ByteCount cursor_pos)
String real_prefix = parse_filename(prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos));
String dirname = "./";
String dirprefix;
String dirname;
String fileprefix = real_prefix;
ByteCount dir_end = -1;
@ -269,49 +310,68 @@ std::vector<String> complete_filename(const String& prefix,
if (dir_end != -1)
dirname = real_prefix.substr(0, dir_end + 1);
dirprefix = dirname;
fileprefix = real_prefix.substr(dir_end + 1);
DIR* dir = opendir(dirname.c_str());
auto closeDir = on_scope_end([=]{ closedir(dir); });
std::vector<String> result;
if (not dir)
return result;
const bool check_ignored_regex = not ignored_regex.empty() and
not boost::regex_match(fileprefix.c_str(), ignored_regex);
std::vector<String> subseq_result;
while (dirent* entry = readdir(dir))
auto filter = [&](const dirent& entry)
String filename = entry->d_name;
if (filename.empty())
return not check_ignored_regex or
not boost::regex_match(entry.d_name, ignored_regex);
std::vector<String> res = list_files(fileprefix, dirname, filter);
for (auto& file : res)
file = escape(dirname + file);
std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
return res;
if (check_ignored_regex and boost::regex_match(filename.c_str(), ignored_regex))
std::vector<String> complete_command(const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos)
String real_prefix = parse_filename(prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos));
String dirname;
String fileprefix = real_prefix;
const bool match_prefix = prefix_match(filename, fileprefix);
const bool match_subseq = subsequence_match(filename, fileprefix);
if (match_prefix or match_subseq)
String name = dirprefix + filename;
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR)
name += '/';
if (fileprefix.length() != 0 or filename[0] != '.')
if (match_prefix)
if (match_subseq)
ByteCount dir_end = -1;
for (ByteCount i = 0; i < real_prefix.length(); ++i)
if (real_prefix[i] == '/')
dir_end = i;
auto& real_result = result.empty() ? subseq_result : result;
std::sort(real_result.begin(), real_result.end());
return real_result;
std::vector<String> path;
if (dir_end != -1)
path.emplace_back(real_prefix.substr(0, dir_end + 1));
fileprefix = real_prefix.substr(dir_end + 1);
path = split(getenv("PATH"), ':');
std::vector<String> res;
for (auto dirname : path)
if (not dirname.empty() and dirname.back() != '/')
dirname += '/';
auto filter = [&](const dirent& entry) {
struct stat st;
if (stat((dirname + entry.d_name).c_str(), &st))
return false;
bool executable = (st.st_mode & S_IXUSR)
| (st.st_mode & S_IXGRP)
| (st.st_mode & S_IXOTH);
return S_ISREG(st.st_mode) and executable;
auto completion = list_files(prefix, dirname, filter);
std::move(completion.begin(), completion.end(), std::back_inserter(res));
std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
auto it = std::unique(res.begin(), res.end());
res.erase(it, res.end());
return res;
time_t get_fs_timestamp(const String& filename)

View File

@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ time_t get_fs_timestamp(const String& filename);
std::vector<String> complete_filename(const String& prefix,
const Regex& ignore_regex,
ByteCount cursor_pos = -1);
std::vector<String> complete_command(const String& prefix,
ByteCount cursor_pos = -1);
#endif // file_hh_INCLUDED

View File

@ -420,7 +420,37 @@ void command(Context& context, int)
void pipe(Context& context, int)
context.input_handler().prompt("pipe:", get_color("Prompt"), complete_nothing,
auto completer = [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags,
const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos)
ByteCount word_start = 0;
ByteCount word_end = 0;
bool first = true;
const ByteCount len = prefix.length();
for (ByteCount pos = 0; pos < cursor_pos;)
if (pos != 0)
first = false;
while (pos != len and is_blank(prefix[pos]))
word_start = pos;
while (pos != len and not is_blank(prefix[pos]))
word_end = pos;
Completions completions{word_start, word_end};
if (first)
completions.candidates = complete_command(prefix.substr(word_start, word_end),
cursor_pos - word_start);
completions.candidates = complete_filename(prefix.substr(word_start, word_end),
cursor_pos - word_start);
return completions;
context.input_handler().prompt("pipe:", get_color("Prompt"), completer,
[](const String& cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context)
if (event != PromptEvent::Validate)