update the readme for highlighters doc

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Maxime Coste 2014-06-14 12:46:26 +01:00
parent 9130f0334b
commit b963d0b11c

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@ -582,14 +582,8 @@ and
:rmhl <highlighter_id>
existing highlighters are:
general highlighters are:
* +number_lines+: show line numbers
* +group <group_name>+: highlighter group, containing other highlighters.
useful when multiple highlighters work together and need to be
removed as one. Adding and removing from a group can be done using
`:addhl -group <group> <highlighter_name> <highlighter_parameters...>`
`:rmhl -group <group> <highlighter_name>`
* +regex <ex> <color>...+: highlight a regex, takes the regex as first parameter,
followed by any number of color parameters. color format is:
@ -603,6 +597,98 @@ existing highlighters are:
* +show_matching+: highlight matching char of the character under the selections
cursor using +MatchingChar+ color alias.
* +number_lines+: show line numbers
* +fill <color>+: fill with given color, mostly useful with region highlighters
(see below)
Highlighting Groups
the +group+ highlighter is a container for other highlighters. You can add
a group to the current window using
addhl group <name>
and then the +-group+ switch of +addhl+ provides a mean to add highlighters
inside this group.
addhl -group <name> <type> <params>...
groups can contain other groups, the +-group+ switch can be used to define a path.
addhl -group <name> group <subname>
addhl -group <name>/<subname> <type> <params>...
Region highlighters
The +region+ highlighters takes 3 to 4 parameters:
addhl region <name> <opening> <closing> [<recurse>]
+name+ is user defined, but +opening+, +closing+ and +recurse+ are regexes.
* +opening+ defines the region start text
* +closing+ defines the region end text
* +recurse+ defines the text that matches recursively an end token into the region.
+recurse+ is useful for regions that can be nested, for example the +%sh{ ... }+
construct in kakoune accept nested +{ ... }+ so +%sh{ ... { ... } ... }+ is valid.
this region can be defined with:
addhl region shell_expand %sh\{ \} \{
It then provides a group named +content+ which can be filled with other highlighters
that will only be applied on the given regions.
addhl -group shell_expand/content ...
The +multi_region+ highlighter is even more powerfull, it can segment the buffer
in non overlapping regions.
addhl multi_region <name> <region_name1> <opening1> <closing1> <recurse1> \
<region_name2> <opening2> <closing2> <recurse2>...
defines multiple regions in which other highlighters can be added
addhl -group <name>/<region_name> ...
Regions are matched using the left-most rule: the left-most region opening starts
a new region. when a region closes, the closest next opening start another region.
That matches the rule governing most programming language parsing.
+multi_region+ also supports a +-default <default_region>+ switch to define the
default region, when no other region matches the current buffer range.
most programming languages can then be properly highlighted using a +multi_region+
highlighter as root:
addhl multi_region -default code <lang> \
string <str_opening> <str_closing> <str_recurse> \
comment <comment_opening> <comment_closing> <comment_recurse>
addhl -group <lang>/code ...
addhl -group <lang>/string ...
addhl -group <lang>/comment ...
Shared Highlighters
@ -610,20 +696,30 @@ Shared Highlighters
Highlighters are often defined for a specific filetype, and it makes then sense to
share the highlighters between all the windows on the same filetypes.
A shared highlighter can be defined with
A shared highlighter can be defined with the +:addhl+ command
defhl <shared_hl_name>
addhl -group /<group_name> ...
Highlighters can be added to it using the regular +:addhl+ command, with the
+-def-group <shared_hl_name>+ option.
when the group switch values starts with a '/', it references a group in the
shared highlighters, rather than the window highlighters.
The common case would be to create a named shared group, and then fill it
with highlighters:
addhl -group / group <name>
addhl -group /name regex ...
It can then be referenced in a window using the +ref+ highlighter.
addhl ref <shared_hl_name>
addhl ref <name>
the +ref+ can reference any named highlighter in the shared namespace.
@ -844,14 +940,17 @@ FIFO Buffer
the +:edit+ command can take a -fifo parameter:
:edit -fifo <filename> <buffername>
:edit -fifo <filename> [-scroll] <buffername>
in this case, a buffer named +<buffername>+ is created which reads its content
from fifo +<filename>+. When the fifo is written to, the buffer is automatically
if the +-scroll+ switch is specified, the initial cursor position will be made
such as the window displaying the buffer will scroll as new data is read.
This is very useful for running some commands asynchronously while displaying
their result in a buffer. See rc/make.kak and rc/grep.kak for examples.