This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2013-01-03 14:01:48 +01:00
parent 4f6507b808
commit af90db8330

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Basic Movement
* _space_: select the character under selection end
* _alt-space_: flip the selections
* _h_: select the character on the right of selection end
* _j_: select the character below the selection end
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ Basic Movement
* _w_: select the word and following whitespaces on the right of selection end
* _b_: select preceding whitespaces and the word on the left of selection end
* _e_: select preceding whitespaces and the word on the right of selection end
* _alt-[wbe]_: same as [wbe] but select WORD instead of word
* _x_: select line on which selection end lies (or next line when end lies on
an end-of-line)
@ -51,14 +53,20 @@ Basic Movement
* _gg_, _gt_: go to the first line
* _gb_: go to the last line
* _/_: search
* _n_: find next match
* _/_: search (select next match)
* _?_: search (extend to next match)
* _n_: select next match
* _N_: add a new selection with next match
* _alt-n_: replace last selection with next match (preserving the others)
* _alt-c_: center last selection in current window
* _pageup_: scroll up
* _pagedown_: scroll down
for most selection commands, using shift permits to add to current selection
for most selection commands, using shift permits to extend current selection
instead of replacing it. for example, _wWW_ selects 3 consecutive words
Using Counts
@ -88,12 +96,19 @@ Changes
* _p_: paste after current selection end
* _P_: paste before current selection begin
* _alt-p_: replace current selection with yanked text
* _alt-j_: join selected lines
* _>_: indent selected lines
* _<_: deindent selected lines
* _|_: pipe each selections through the given external filter program
and replace with it's output.
* _u_: undo last change
* _U_: redo last change
Multi Selection
@ -129,7 +144,7 @@ point is always the last character of the selection.
* W: select the whole WORD
When it makes sense, _alt-i_ selects the inner object and alt-a the whole
object. For example _alt-i_ ( will only select the inside of the parenthesis,
object. For example _alt-i_ will only select the inside of the parenthesis,
for words, the difference between _alt-i_ and _alt-a_ is that _alt-a_ also
selects the following blanks.
@ -164,14 +179,21 @@ Commands are entered using +:+.
unsaved buffers remaining.
* +wq+: write current buffer and quit
* +b[uffer] <name>+: switch to buffer <name>
* +d[el]b[uf] [<name>]+: delete the buffer <name>
* +d[el]b[uf] [<name>]+: delete the buffer <name>, use d[el]b[uf]! to force
deleting a modified buffer.
* +source <filename>+: execute commands in <filename>
* +runtime <filename>+: execute commands in <filename>, <filename>
is relative to kak executable path.
* +exec <keys>+: execute <keys> as if pressed in normal mode.
* +name <name>+: set current client name
* +exec [-client <name>] <keys>+: execute <keys> as if pressed in normal mode.
if client if specified, exec keys in the named client context.
* +eval [-client <name>] <command>+: execute <command> as if entered in command line
if client if specified, exec command in the named client context.
* +echo <text>+: show <text> in status line
* +set{b,w,g} <option> <value>+: set <option> to <value> in *b*uffer, *w*indow
or *g*lobal scope.
* +c[ol]a[lias] <name> <colspec>+: define a color alias, so that name can be
used instead of colspec in contexts where a color is needed.
String syntax
@ -244,6 +266,11 @@ exisiting filters are:
* +cleanup_whitespaces+: remove trailing whitespaces on the previous line
when inserting an end-of-line.
* +expand_tabulations+: insert spaces instead of tab characters
* +regex+: takes three arguments: current line regex, inserted text regex
and replacement text. when the current line regex and inserted text
regex matches, replace insereted text with the replacement text.
capture groups are available through $[0-9] escape sequence, and
cursor position can be specified with $c.
* +group+: same as highlighters group
@ -332,6 +359,12 @@ Some helper commands can be used to define composite commands:
* +menu <label1> <commands1> <label2> <commands2>...+: display a menu using
labels, the selected label's commands are executed.
+menu+ can take a -auto-single argument, to automatically run commands
when only one choice is provided. and a -select-cmds argument, in which
case menu takes three argument per item, the last one being a command
to execute when the item is selected (but not validated).
* +info <text>+: display text in an information box, when the option inline
is given, place the info box next to last selection end.
* +try <commands> catch <on_error_commands>+: prevent an error in <commands>
from aborting the whole commands execution, execute <on_error_commands>