Refactor wrap_lines and add some unit tests

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2016-04-03 18:47:05 +01:00
parent 15e82518d3
commit ab5daeb365

View File

@ -376,37 +376,47 @@ Vector<StringView> wrap_lines(StringView text, CharCount max_width)
throw runtime_error("Invalid max width");
using Utf8It = utf8::iterator<const char*>;
Utf8It word_begin{text.begin(), text};
Utf8It word_end{word_begin};
Utf8It it{text.begin(), text};
Utf8It end{text.end(), text};
CharCount col = 0;
Vector<StringView> lines;
Utf8It line_begin{text.begin(), text};
Utf8It line_end = line_begin;
while (word_begin != end)
const CharCategories cat = categorize(*word_begin);
} while (word_end != end and categorize(*word_end) == cat);
Utf8It line_begin = it;
Utf8It last_word_end = it;
col += word_end - word_begin;
if ((word_begin != line_begin and col > max_width) or
cat == CharCategories::EndOfLine)
Vector<StringView> lines;
while (it != end)
const CharCategories cat = categorize(*it);
if (cat == CharCategories::EndOfLine)
lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), it.base());
line_begin = it = it+1;
Utf8It word_end = it+1;
while (word_end != end and categorize(*word_end) == cat)
while (word_end - line_begin >= max_width)
auto line_end = last_word_end <= line_begin ? line_begin + max_width
: last_word_end;
lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), line_end.base());
line_begin = (cat == CharCategories::EndOfLine or
cat == CharCategories::Blank) ? word_end : word_begin;
col = word_end - line_begin;
while (line_end != end and is_horizontal_blank(*line_end))
if (line_end != end and *line_end == '\n')
it = line_begin = line_end;
if (cat == CharCategories::Word or cat == CharCategories::Punctuation)
line_end = word_end;
last_word_end = word_end;
word_begin = word_end;
it = word_end;
if (line_begin != word_begin)
lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), word_begin.base());
if (line_begin != end)
lines.emplace_back(line_begin.base(), text.end());
return lines;
@ -500,6 +510,15 @@ UnitTest test_string{[]()
kak_assert(splitedview[5] == "hihi\\");
kak_assert(splitedview[6] == "");
Vector<StringView> wrapped = wrap_lines("wrap this paragraph\n respecting whitespaces and much_too_long_words", 16);
kak_assert(wrapped.size() == 6);
kak_assert(wrapped[0] == "wrap this");
kak_assert(wrapped[1] == "paragraph");
kak_assert(wrapped[2] == " respecting");
kak_assert(wrapped[3] == "whitespaces and");
kak_assert(wrapped[4] == "much_too_long_wo");
kak_assert(wrapped[5] == "rds");
kak_assert(escape("youpi:matin:tchou:", ':', '\\') == "youpi\\:matin\\:tchou\\:");
kak_assert(unescape("youpi\\:matin\\:tchou\\:", ':', '\\') == "youpi:matin:tchou:");