Initial support for insert completion docstring

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2014-11-07 13:54:43 +00:00
parent fc66c7f92f
commit 484fffc288
4 changed files with 53 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def clang-complete %{
cd $(dirname ${kak_buffile})
compl=$(clang++ -x c++ -fsyntax-only ${kak_opt_clang_options} -Xclang -code-completion-at=${pos} - < ${dir}/buf 2> ${dir}/fifo |
grep ^COMPLETION: | grep -v '(Hidden)' | sed -re 's/^COMPLETION: (.+) : .*/\1/; s/:/\\:/g' | uniq | paste -s -d ':')
grep ^COMPLETION: | grep -v '(Hidden)' | sed -re 's/^COMPLETION: (.+) : (.*)/\1@\2/; s/:/\\:/g' | uniq | paste -s -d ':')
echo "eval -client ${kak_client} %[ echo completed; set 'buffer=${kak_buffile}' clang_completions %[${header}:${compl}] ]" | kak -p ${kak_session}
) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def jedi-complete %{
compl=$(python 2> "${dir}/fifo" <<-END
import jedi
script=jedi.Script(open('$dir/buf', 'r').read(), $kak_cursor_line, $kak_cursor_column - 1, '$kak_buffile')
print ':'.join([str( for c in script.completions()])
print ':'.join([str( + "@" + str(c.description).replace(":", "\\:") for c in script.completions()])

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@ -93,13 +93,14 @@ InsertCompletion complete_word(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos)
String current_word{begin, end};
auto& word_db = get_word_db(buffer);
std::unordered_set<String> matches;
std::unordered_set<ComplAndDesc> matches;
auto bufmatches = subseq ? word_db.find_subsequence(prefix)
: word_db.find_prefix(prefix);
matches.insert(bufmatches.begin(), bufmatches.end());
for (auto& match : bufmatches)
matches.insert(ComplAndDesc{match, ""});
if (word_db.get_word_occurences(current_word) <= 1)
matches.erase(ComplAndDesc{current_word, ""});
if (other_buffers)
@ -110,11 +111,12 @@ InsertCompletion complete_word(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos)
auto& buf_word_db = get_word_db(*buf);
bufmatches = subseq ? buf_word_db.find_subsequence(prefix)
: buf_word_db.find_prefix(prefix);
matches.insert(bufmatches.begin(), bufmatches.end());
for (auto& match : bufmatches)
matches.insert(ComplAndDesc{match, ""});
CandidateList result;
matches.erase(ComplAndDesc{prefix, ""});
ComplAndDescList result;
std::copy(matches.begin(), matches.end(),
inserter(result, result.begin()));
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
@ -142,9 +144,12 @@ InsertCompletion complete_filename(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos,
if (require_slash and not contains(prefix, '/'))
return {};
StringList res;
ComplAndDescList res;
if (prefix.front() == '/')
res = Kakoune::complete_filename(prefix, Regex{});
for (auto& filename : Kakoune::complete_filename(prefix, Regex{}))
res.emplace_back(std::move(filename), "");
for (auto dir : options["path"].get<StringList>())
@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ InsertCompletion complete_filename(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos,
if (not dir.empty() and dir.back() != '/')
dir += '/';
for (auto& filename : Kakoune::complete_filename(dir + prefix, Regex{}))
res.emplace_back(filename.substr(dir.length()), "");
if (res.empty())
@ -190,7 +195,19 @@ InsertCompletion complete_option(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos,
if (timestamp == buffer.timestamp() and
cursor_pos.line == coord.line and cursor_pos.column >= coord.column and
buffer.distance(coord, cursor_pos) < longest_completion)
return { coord, end, { opt.begin() + 1, opt.end() }, timestamp };
ComplAndDescList res;
for (auto it = opt.begin() + 1; it != opt.end(); ++it)
size_t pos = it->find_first_of("@");
if (pos != String::npos)
res.emplace_back(it->substr(0_byte, (int)pos),
res.emplace_back(*it, "");
return { coord, end, std::move(res), timestamp };
return {};
@ -198,14 +215,14 @@ InsertCompletion complete_option(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos,
InsertCompletion complete_line(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord cursor_pos)
StringView prefix = buffer[cursor_pos.line].substr(0_byte, cursor_pos.column);
StringList res;
ComplAndDescList res;
for (LineCount l = 0_line; l < buffer.line_count(); ++l)
if (l == cursor_pos.line)
ByteCount len = buffer[l].length();
if (len > cursor_pos.column and std::equal(prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), buffer[l].begin()))
res.push_back(buffer[l].substr(0_byte, len-1));
res.emplace_back(buffer[l].substr(0_byte, len-1), "");
if (res.empty())
return {};
@ -236,7 +253,7 @@ void InsertCompleter::select(int offset)
m_current_candidate = (m_current_candidate + offset) % (int)m_matching_candidates.size();
if (m_current_candidate < 0)
m_current_candidate += m_matching_candidates.size();
const String& candidate = m_matching_candidates[m_current_candidate];
const ComplAndDesc& candidate = m_matching_candidates[m_current_candidate];
auto& selections = m_context.selections();
const auto& cursor_pos = selections.main().cursor();
const auto prefix_len = buffer.distance(m_completions.begin, cursor_pos);
@ -251,16 +268,24 @@ void InsertCompleter::select(int offset)
std::equal(ref.begin(), ref.end(), pos - prefix_len))
pos = buffer.erase(pos - prefix_len, pos + suffix_len);
buffer.insert(pos, candidate);
buffer.insert(pos, candidate.first);
m_completions.end = cursor_pos;
m_completions.begin = buffer.advance(cursor_pos, -candidate.length());
m_completions.begin = buffer.advance(cursor_pos, -candidate.first.length());
m_completions.timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
if (m_context.has_ui())
if (not candidate.second.empty())
CharCoord pos = m_context.window().dimensions();
pos.column -= 1;
m_context.ui().info_show(candidate.first, candidate.second, pos,
get_face("Information"), MenuStyle::Prompt);
// when we select a match, remove non displayed matches from the candidates
// which are considered as invalid with the new completion timestamp
@ -274,7 +299,7 @@ void InsertCompleter::update()
ByteCount longest_completion = 0;
for (auto& candidate : m_completions.candidates)
longest_completion = std::max(longest_completion, candidate.length());
longest_completion = std::max(longest_completion, candidate.first.length());
ByteCoord cursor = m_context.selections().main().cursor();
ByteCoord compl_beg = m_completions.begin;
@ -291,7 +316,7 @@ void InsertCompleter::update()
for (auto& candidate : m_completions.candidates)
if (candidate.substr(0, prefix.length()) == prefix)
if (candidate.first.substr(0, prefix.length()) == prefix)
@ -300,7 +325,7 @@ void InsertCompleter::update()
m_current_candidate = m_matching_candidates.size();
m_completions.end = cursor;
m_matching_candidates.emplace_back(prefix, "");
@ -363,7 +388,7 @@ void InsertCompleter::menu_show()
std::vector<String> menu_entries;
for (auto& candidate : m_matching_candidates)
menu_entries.push_back(expand_tabs(candidate, tabstop, column));
menu_entries.push_back(expand_tabs(candidate.first, tabstop, column));
m_context.ui().menu_show(menu_entries, menu_pos,
@ -409,7 +434,7 @@ bool InsertCompleter::try_complete(CompleteFunc complete_func)
m_matching_candidates = m_completions.candidates;
m_current_candidate = m_matching_candidates.size();
m_matching_candidates.push_back(buffer.string(m_completions.begin, m_completions.end));
m_matching_candidates.emplace_back(buffer.string(m_completions.begin, m_completions.end), "");
return true;

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@ -39,11 +39,14 @@ using InsertCompleterDescList = std::vector<InsertCompleterDesc>;
String option_to_string(const InsertCompleterDesc& opt);
void option_from_string(StringView str, InsertCompleterDesc& opt);
using ComplAndDesc = std::pair<String, String>;
using ComplAndDescList = std::vector<ComplAndDesc>;
struct InsertCompletion
ByteCoord begin;
ByteCoord end;
CandidateList candidates;
ComplAndDescList candidates;
size_t timestamp;
bool is_valid() const { return not candidates.empty(); }
@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ private:
const Context& m_context;
OptionManager& m_options;
InsertCompletion m_completions;
CandidateList m_matching_candidates;
ComplAndDescList m_matching_candidates;
int m_current_candidate = -1;