Move insert mode completion functions into BufferCompleter

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2013-08-03 21:05:56 +02:00
parent 6b66a3dfe5
commit 3fe0b8e719

View File

@ -497,122 +497,6 @@ struct BufferCompletion
bool is_valid() const { return not candidates.empty(); }
static BufferCompletion complete_word(const Buffer& buffer,
BufferCoord cursor_pos,
bool other_buffers)
auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos);
if (pos == buffer.begin() or not is_word(*utf8::previous(pos)))
return {};
auto end = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos);
auto begin = end-1;
while (begin != buffer.begin() and is_word(*begin))
if (not is_word(*begin))
String ex = R"(\<\Q)" + String{begin, end} + R"(\E\w+\>)";
Regex re(ex.begin(), ex.end());
using RegexIt = boost::regex_iterator<BufferIterator>;
std::unordered_set<String> matches;
for (RegexIt it(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), re), re_end; it != re_end; ++it)
auto& match = (*it)[0];
if (match.first <= pos and pos < match.second)
matches.insert(String{match.first, match.second});
if (other_buffers)
for (const auto& buf : BufferManager::instance())
if (buf.get() == &buffer)
for (RegexIt it(buf->begin(), buf->end(), re), re_end; it != re_end; ++it)
auto& match = (*it)[0];
matches.insert(String{match.first, match.second});
CandidateList result;
inserter(result, result.begin()));
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
return { begin.coord(), end.coord(), std::move(result), buffer.timestamp() };
static bool is_filename(char c)
return isalnum(c) or c == '/' or c == '.' or c == '_' or c == '-';
static BufferCompletion complete_filename(const Buffer& buffer,
BufferCoord cursor_pos,
memoryview<String> path)
auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos);
auto begin = pos;
while (begin != buffer.begin() and is_filename(*(begin-1)))
if (begin == pos)
return {};
String prefix{begin, pos};
std::vector<String> res;
for (auto dir : path)
if (not dir.empty() and dir.back() != '/')
dir += '/';
for (auto& filename : complete_filename(dir + prefix, Regex{}))
if (res.empty())
return {};
return { begin.coord(), pos.coord(), std::move(res), buffer.timestamp() };
static BufferCompletion complete_opt(const Buffer& buffer,
BufferCoord cursor_pos,
OptionManager& options)
using StringList = std::vector<String>;
const StringList& opt = options["completions"].get<StringList>();
if (opt.empty())
return {};
auto& desc = opt[0];
static const Regex re(R"((\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\+(\d+))?@(\d+))");
boost::smatch match;
if (boost::regex_match(desc.begin(), desc.end(), match, re))
BufferCoord coord{ str_to_int(match[1].str()) - 1, str_to_int(match[2].str()) - 1 };
if (not buffer.is_valid(coord))
return {};
auto end = coord;
if (match[3].matched)
ByteCount len = str_to_int(match[3].str());
end = buffer.advance(coord, len);
size_t timestamp = (size_t)str_to_int(match[4].str());
ByteCount longest_completion = 0;
for (auto it = opt.begin() + 1; it != opt.end(); ++it)
longest_completion = std::max(longest_completion, it->length());
if (timestamp == buffer.timestamp() and
cursor_pos.line == coord.line and cursor_pos.column <= coord.column and
buffer.distance(coord, cursor_pos) < longest_completion)
return { coord, end, { opt.begin() + 1, opt.end() }, timestamp };
return {};
class BufferCompleter : public OptionManagerWatcher_AutoRegister
@ -710,6 +594,118 @@ public:
using StringList = std::vector<String>;
template<bool other_buffers>
BufferCompletion complete_word(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord cursor_pos)
auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos);
if (pos == buffer.begin() or not is_word(*utf8::previous(pos)))
return {};
auto end = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos);
auto begin = end-1;
while (begin != buffer.begin() and is_word(*begin))
if (not is_word(*begin))
String ex = R"(\<\Q)" + String{begin, end} + R"(\E\w+\>)";
Regex re(ex.begin(), ex.end());
using RegexIt = boost::regex_iterator<BufferIterator>;
std::unordered_set<String> matches;
for (RegexIt it(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), re), re_end; it != re_end; ++it)
auto& match = (*it)[0];
if (match.first <= pos and pos < match.second)
matches.insert(String{match.first, match.second});
if (other_buffers)
for (const auto& buf : BufferManager::instance())
if (buf.get() == &buffer)
for (RegexIt it(buf->begin(), buf->end(), re), re_end; it != re_end; ++it)
auto& match = (*it)[0];
matches.insert(String{match.first, match.second});
CandidateList result;
inserter(result, result.begin()));
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
return { begin.coord(), end.coord(), std::move(result), buffer.timestamp() };
BufferCompletion complete_filename(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord cursor_pos)
auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(cursor_pos);
auto begin = pos;
auto is_filename = [](char c)
return isalnum(c) or c == '/' or c == '.' or c == '_' or c == '-';
while (begin != buffer.begin() and is_filename(*(begin-1)))
if (begin == pos)
return {};
String prefix{begin, pos};
StringList res;
for (auto dir : options()["path"].get<StringList>())
if (not dir.empty() and dir.back() != '/')
dir += '/';
for (auto& filename : Kakoune::complete_filename(dir + prefix, Regex{}))
if (res.empty())
return {};
return { begin.coord(), pos.coord(), std::move(res), buffer.timestamp() };
BufferCompletion complete_opt(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord cursor_pos)
const StringList& opt = options()["completions"].get<StringList>();
if (opt.empty())
return {};
auto& desc = opt[0];
static const Regex re(R"((\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\+(\d+))?@(\d+))");
boost::smatch match;
if (boost::regex_match(desc.begin(), desc.end(), match, re))
BufferCoord coord{ str_to_int(match[1].str()) - 1, str_to_int(match[2].str()) - 1 };
if (not buffer.is_valid(coord))
return {};
auto end = coord;
if (match[3].matched)
ByteCount len = str_to_int(match[3].str());
end = buffer.advance(coord, len);
size_t timestamp = (size_t)str_to_int(match[4].str());
ByteCount longest_completion = 0;
for (auto it = opt.begin() + 1; it != opt.end(); ++it)
longest_completion = std::max(longest_completion, it->length());
if (timestamp == buffer.timestamp() and
cursor_pos.line == coord.line and cursor_pos.column <= coord.column and
buffer.distance(coord, cursor_pos) < longest_completion)
return { coord, end, { opt.begin() + 1, opt.end() }, timestamp };
return {};
void on_option_changed(const Option& opt) override
if ( == "completions")
@ -734,17 +730,16 @@ private:
if (not m_completions.is_valid())
auto& buffer = m_context.buffer();
auto& completers = options()["completers"].get<std::vector<String>>();
auto& completers = options()["completers"].get<StringList>();
BufferCoord cursor_pos = m_context.editor().main_selection().last();
if (contains(completers, "option"))
m_completions = complete_opt(buffer, cursor_pos, options());
if (not m_completions.is_valid() and
(contains(completers, "word=buffer") or contains(completers, "word=all")))
m_completions = complete_word(buffer, cursor_pos,
contains(completers, "word=all"));
m_completions = complete_opt(buffer, cursor_pos);
if (not m_completions.is_valid() and contains(completers, "word=buffer"))
m_completions = complete_word<false>(buffer, cursor_pos);
if (not m_completions.is_valid() and contains(completers, "word=all"))
m_completions = complete_word<true>(buffer, cursor_pos);
if (not m_completions.is_valid() and contains(completers, "filename"))
m_completions = complete_filename(buffer, cursor_pos,
m_completions = complete_filename(buffer, cursor_pos);
if (not m_completions.is_valid())
return false;