Add support for curly underline and separate underline color

Add support for a third color in face definition that controls
the underline and a 'c' attribute for curly underline (that takes
precedence over 'u' if both are specified)

Allow empty colors to mean default, so that `,,red+u` means the
same as `default,default,red+u`

Fixes #4138
Maxime Coste 2021-09-07 08:21:26 +10:00
parent a6644d3034
commit 3fc8e29d10
52 changed files with 161 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ A 'face' determines how text is displayed, it has a foreground
color, a background color, and some attributes. The value of a face has the
following format:
'fg_color', 'bg_color'::
'fg_color', 'bg_color', 'underline_color'::
a color whose value can be expressed in the following formats:
*black*, *red*, *green*, *yellow*, *blue*, *magenta*, *cyan*, *white*:::
*bright-black*, *bright-red*, *bright-green*, *bright-yellow*:::
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ following format:
hexadecimal value
hexadecimal value
if unspecified, *default* is used.
if unspecified or empty, *default* is used.
Alpha values are used to blend the face onto either its base or the existing
color. For technical reasons alpha values must be >16 if specified.
@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ following format:
string whose individual letters set an attribute:
curly underline, takes precedence over underline if both are

View File

@ -2384,8 +2384,8 @@ const CommandDesc set_face_cmd = {
"facespec format is <fg color>[,<bg color>][+<attributes>][@<base>]\n"
"colors are either a color name, rgb:######, or rgba:######## values.\n"
"attributes is a combination of:\n"
" u: underline, i: italic, b: bold, r: reverse,\n"
" s: strikethrough, B: blink, d: dim,\n"
" u: underline, c: curly underline, i: italic, b: bold,\n"
" r: reverse, s: strikethrough, B: blink, d: dim,\n"
" f: final foreground, g: final background,\n"
" a: final attributes, F: same as +fga\n"
"facespec can as well just be the name of another face.\n"

View File

@ -9,18 +9,19 @@ namespace Kakoune
enum class Attribute : int
Normal = 0,
Underline = 1 << 1,
Reverse = 1 << 2,
Blink = 1 << 3,
Bold = 1 << 4,
Dim = 1 << 5,
Italic = 1 << 6,
Strikethrough = 1 << 7,
FinalFg = 1 << 8,
FinalBg = 1 << 9,
FinalAttr = 1 << 10,
Final = FinalFg | FinalBg | FinalAttr
Normal = 0,
Underline = 1 << 1,
CurlyUnderline = 1 << 2,
Reverse = 1 << 3,
Blink = 1 << 4,
Bold = 1 << 5,
Dim = 1 << 6,
Italic = 1 << 7,
Strikethrough = 1 << 8,
FinalFg = 1 << 9,
FinalBg = 1 << 10,
FinalAttr = 1 << 11,
Final = FinalFg | FinalBg | FinalAttr
constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<Attribute>) { return true; }
@ -30,11 +31,13 @@ struct Face
Color fg = Color::Default;
Color bg = Color::Default;
Attribute attributes = Attribute::Normal;
Color underline = Color::Default;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const Face& lhs, const Face& rhs)
return lhs.fg == rhs.fg and == and
lhs.underline == rhs.underline and
lhs.attributes == rhs.attributes;
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ struct Face
friend constexpr size_t hash_value(const Face& val)
return hash_values(val.fg,, val.attributes);
return hash_values(val.fg,, val.underline, val.attributes);
@ -77,7 +80,8 @@ inline Face merge_faces(const Face& base, const Face& face)
choose(&Face::bg, Attribute::FinalBg),
face.attributes & Attribute::FinalAttr ? face.attributes :
base.attributes & Attribute::FinalAttr ? base.attributes :
face.attributes | base.attributes };
face.attributes | base.attributes,
choose(&Face::underline, Attribute{0}) };

View File

@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ namespace Kakoune
static FaceRegistry::FaceSpec parse_face(StringView facedesc)
constexpr StringView invalid_face_error = "invalid face description, expected [<fg>][,<bg>][+<attr>][@base] or just [base]";
constexpr StringView invalid_face_error = "invalid face description, expected [<fg>][,<bg>[,<underline>]][+<attr>][@base] or just [base]";
if (all_of(facedesc, [](char c){ return is_word(c); }) and not is_color_name(facedesc))
return {Face{}, facedesc.str()};
auto bg_it = find(facedesc, ',');
auto underline_it = bg_it == facedesc.end() ? bg_it : std::find(bg_it+1, facedesc.end(), ',');
auto attr_it = find(facedesc, '+');
auto base_it = find(facedesc, '@');
if (bg_it != facedesc.end()
@ -25,12 +26,19 @@ static FaceRegistry::FaceSpec parse_face(StringView facedesc)
auto colors_end = std::min(attr_it, base_it);
auto parse_color = [](StringView spec) {
return spec.empty() ? Color::Default : str_to_color(spec);
FaceRegistry::FaceSpec spec;
auto& face = spec.face;
face.fg = colors_end != facedesc.begin() ?
str_to_color({facedesc.begin(), std::min(bg_it, colors_end)}) : Color::Default;
face.fg = parse_color({facedesc.begin(), std::min(bg_it, colors_end)});
if (bg_it != facedesc.end()) = bg_it+1 != attr_it ? str_to_color({bg_it+1, colors_end}) : Color::Default;
{ = parse_color({bg_it+1, std::min(underline_it, colors_end)});
if (underline_it != facedesc.end())
face.underline = parse_color({underline_it+1, colors_end});
if (attr_it != facedesc.end())
for (++attr_it; attr_it != base_it; ++attr_it)
@ -38,6 +46,7 @@ static FaceRegistry::FaceSpec parse_face(StringView facedesc)
switch (*attr_it)
case 'u': face.attributes |= Attribute::Underline; break;
case 'c': face.attributes |= Attribute::CurlyUnderline; break;
case 'r': face.attributes |= Attribute::Reverse; break;
case 'b': face.attributes |= Attribute::Bold; break;
case 'B': face.attributes |= Attribute::Blink; break;
@ -65,6 +74,7 @@ String to_string(Attribute attributes)
struct Attr { Attribute attr; StringView name; }
attrs[] {
{ Attribute::Underline, "u" },
{ Attribute::CurlyUnderline, "c" },
{ Attribute::Reverse, "r" },
{ Attribute::Blink, "B" },
{ Attribute::Bold, "b" },
@ -90,7 +100,7 @@ String to_string(Attribute attributes)
String to_string(Face face)
return format("{},{}{}", face.fg,, face.attributes);
return format("{},{},{}{}", face.fg,, face.underline, face.attributes);
Face FaceRegistry::operator[](StringView facedesc) const

View File

@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ String to_json(Attribute attributes)
String to_json(Face face)
return format(R"(\{ "fg": {}, "bg": {}, "attributes": {} })",
to_json(face.fg), to_json(, to_json(face.attributes));
return format(R"(\{ "fg": {}, "bg": {}, "underline": {}, "attributes": {} })",
to_json(face.fg), to_json(, to_json(face.underline), to_json(face.attributes));
String to_json(const DisplayAtom& atom)

View File

@ -223,7 +223,8 @@ void TerminalUI::Screen::set_face(const Face& face, Writer& writer)
static constexpr int fg_table[]{ 39, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 };
static constexpr int bg_table[]{ 49, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 };
static constexpr int attr_table[]{ 0, 4, 7, 5, 1, 2, 3, 9 };
static constexpr int ul_table[]{ 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
static constexpr const char* attr_table[]{ "0", "4", "4:3", "7", "5", "1", "2", "3", "9" };
auto set_color = [&](bool fg, const Color& color, bool join) {
if (join)
@ -255,7 +256,24 @@ void TerminalUI::Screen::set_face(const Face& face, Writer& writer)
join = true;
if ( !=
set_color(false,, join);
join = true;
if (m_active_face.underline != face.underline)
if (join)
if (face.underline != Color::Default)
if (face.underline.isRGB())
format_with(writer, "58:2::{}:{}:{}", face.underline.r, face.underline.g, face.underline.b);
format_with(writer, "58:5:{}", ul_table[(int)(char)face.underline.color]);
format_with(writer, "59");
m_active_face = face;

View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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