Merge remote-tracking branch 'danr/Improve-Haskell-highlighter'
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,19 +12,61 @@ hook global BufCreate .*[.](hs) %{
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
add-highlighter -group / regions -default code haskell \
string %{(?<!')"} (?<!\\)(\\\\)*" '' \
comment (--[^>]) $ '' \
comment \{- -\} \{- \
macro ^\h*?\K# (?<!\\)\n ''
string '(?<!\'\\)(?<!\')"' (?<!\\)(\\\\)*" '' \
macro ^\h*?\K# (?<!\\)\n '' \
pragma \{-# \#-\} \{- \
comment \{- -\} \{- \
comment --(?![!#$%&*+./<>?@\\\^|~=]) $ ''
add-highlighter -group /haskell/string fill string
add-highlighter -group /haskell/comment fill comment
add-highlighter -group /haskell/pragma fill meta
add-highlighter -group /haskell/macro fill meta
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex \b(import)\b 0:meta
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex \b(True|False)\b 0:value
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex \b(as|case|class|data|default|deriving|do|else|hiding|if|in|infix|infixl|infixr|instance|let|module|newtype|of|qualified|then|type|where)\b 0:keyword
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex \b(Int|Integer|Char|Bool|Float|Double|IO|Void|Addr|Array|String)\b 0:type
# Use (?<!['\w]) and (?!['\w]) instead of \b because ' is valid in identifiers
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<!['\w])0x+[A-Fa-f0-9]+ 0:value
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<!['\w])\d+([.]\d+)? 0:value
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<!['\w])(import|hiding|qualified|module)(?!['\w]) 0:keyword
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<!['\w])(import)(?!['\w])[^\n]+(?<!['\w])(as)(?!['\w]) 2:keyword
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<!['\w])(class|data|default|deriving|infix|infixl|infixr|instance|module|newtype|pattern|type|where)(?!['\w]) 0:keyword
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<!['\w])(case|do|else|if|in|let|mdo|of|proc|rec|then)(?!['\w]) 0:attribute
# The complications below is because period has many uses:
# As function composition operator (possibly without spaces) like "." and "f.g"
# Hierarchical modules like "Data.Maybe"
# Qualified imports like "Data.Maybe.Just", "Data.Maybe.maybe", "Control.Applicative.<$>"
# Quantifier separator in "forall a . [a] -> [a]"
# Enum comprehensions like "[1..]" and "[a..b]" (making ".." and "Module..." illegal)
# matches uppercase identifiers: Monad Control.Monad
# not non-space separated dot: Just.const
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex \b(\u['\w]*\.)*\u['\w]*(?!['\w])(?![.\l]) 0:variable
# matches infix identifier: `mod` `Apa._T'M`
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex `\b(\u['\w]*\.)*[\w]['\w]*` 0:operator
# matches imported operators: M.! M.. Control.Monad.>>
# not operator keywords: M... M.->
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex \b\u['\w]*\.(?!([~=|:@\\]|<-|->|=>|\.\.|::)[^~<=>|:!?/.@$*&#%+\^\-\\])[~<=>|:!?/.@$*&#%+\^\-\\]+ 0:operator
# matches dot: .
# not possibly incomplete import: a.
# not other operators: !. .!
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<![\w~<=>|:!?/.@$*&#%+\^\-\\])\.(?![~<=>|:!?/.@$*&#%+\^\-\\]) 0:operator
# matches other operators: ... > < <= ^ <*> <$> etc
# not dot: .
# not operator keywords: @ .. -> :: ~
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<![~<=>|:!?/.@$*&#%+\^\-\\])(?!([~=|:.@\\]|<-|->|=>|\.\.|::)[^~<=>|:!?/.@$*&#%+\^\-\\])[~<=>|:!?/.@$*&#%+\^\-\\]+ 0:operator
# matches operator keywords: @ ->
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<![~<=>|:!?/.@$*&#%+\^\-\\])(@|~|<-|->|=>|::|=|:|[|])(?![~<=>|:!?/.@$*&#%+\^\-\\]) 1:keyword
# matches: forall [..variables..] .
# not the variables
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex \b(forall)\b[^.\n]*?(\.) 1:keyword 2:keyword
# matches 'x' '\\' '\'' '\n' '\0'
# not incomplete literals: '\'
# not valid identifiers: w' _'
add-highlighter -group /haskell/code regex (?<!\w)'([^\\]|[\\]['"\w\d\\])' 0:string
# this has to come after operators so '-' etc is correct
# Commands
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
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