Add filetype for terraform files with syntax hl

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Gorin 2019-11-18 20:41:42 +00:00
parent 4d7ea276c4
commit 2666d69e6d

rc/filetype/terraform.kak Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# Terraform configuration language
# Detection
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global BufCreate .*[.](tf|tfvars) %{
set-option buffer filetype terraform
# Initialization
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global WinSetOption filetype=terraform %{
require-module terraform
set-option window static_words %opt{terraform_static_words}
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-hooks window terraform-.+ }
hook -group terraform-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=terraform %{
add-highlighter window/terraform ref terraform
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/terraform }
provide-module terraform %§
# Highlighters
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
add-highlighter shared/terraform regions
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code default-region group
add-highlighter shared/terraform/comment1 region '#' '$' fill comment
add-highlighter shared/terraform/comment2 region '\\' '$' fill comment
add-highlighter shared/terraform/comment3 region /\* \*/ fill comment
# Strings can contain interpolated terraform expressions, which can contain
# strings. Currently, we cannot support nesting of the same type of delimiter,
# so instead we render the full interpolation as a value (otherwise, it
# looks bad).
# See
add-highlighter shared/terraform/string region '"' '(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*"' group
add-highlighter shared/terraform/string/fill fill string
add-highlighter shared/terraform/string/inter regex \$\{.+?\} 0:value
add-highlighter shared/terraform/heredoc region -match-capture '<<-?(\w+)' '^\h*(\w+)$' regions
add-highlighter shared/terraform/heredoc/fill default-region fill string
add-highlighter shared/terraform/heredoc/inter region -recurse \{ (?<!\\)(\\\\)*\$\{ \} ref terraform
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/valueDec regex '\b[0-9]+([kKmMgG]b?)?\b' 0:value
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/valueHex regex '\b0x[0-9a-f]+([kKmMgG]b?)?\b' 0:value
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/operators regex [\[\]] 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/field regex '^\h+(\w+)\s*(=)' 1:variable 2:keyword
evaluate-commands %sh{
blocks="connection content data dynamic locals module output provider
provisioner resource terraform variable"
constants="true false null"
keywords="for for_each if in"
types="bool list map number object set string tuple"
var_subs="local module var"
# Builtin functions
fun_num="abs ceil floor log max min parseint pow signum"
fun_str="chomp format formatlist indent join lower regex regexall replace
split strrev substr title trimspace upper"
fun_coll="chunklist coalesce coalescelist compact concat contains
distinct element flatten index keys length lookup
matchkeys merge range reverse setintersection setproduct
setunion slice sort transpose values zipmap"
fun_enc="base64decode base64encode base64gzip csvdecode jsondecode
jsonencode urlencode yamldecode yamlencode"
fun_file="abspath dirname pathexpand basename file fileexists fileset
filebase64 templatefile"
fun_dt="formatdate timeadd timestamp"
fun_crypt="base64sha256 base64sha512 bcrypt filebase64sha256
filebase64sha512 filemd5 filesha1 filesha256 filesha512 md5
rsadecrypt sha1 sha256 sha512 uuid uuidv5"
fun_net="cidrhost cidrnetmask cidrsubnet"
fun_cast="tobool tolist tomap tonumber toset tostring"
functions="$fun_num $fun_str $fun_coll $fun_enc $fun_file $fun_dt $fun_crypt $fun_net $fun_cast"
join() { sep=$2; eval set -- $1; IFS="$sep"; echo "$*"; }
# Add grammar elements to the static completion list
printf %s\\n "declare-option str-list terraform_static_words $(join "$blocks $keywords $constants $types $var_subs $functions" ' ')"
# Highlight grammar elements
printf %s "
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/ regex '\b($(join "$blocks" '|'))\b[^.]' 1:keyword
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/ regex '\b($(join "$keywords" '|'))\b' 1:keyword
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/ regex '\b($(join "$constants" '|'))\b' 1:value
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/ regex '\b($(join "$types" '|'))\b' 1:type
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/ regex '\b($(join "$var_subs" '|'))\b\.' 1:meta
add-highlighter shared/terraform/code/ regex '\b($(join "$functions" '|'))\s*\(' 1:builtin