Only make cursor visible after buffer or selection change

Kakoune now does not touch cursors when scrolling. It checks
if either the buffer or selections has been modified since
last redraw.

Fixes #4124
Fixes #2844
Maxime Coste 2023-08-12 13:40:55 +10:00
parent 6942a4c0c9
commit 1e38045d70
10 changed files with 84 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ public:
void repeat_last_select() { if (m_last_select) m_last_select(*this); }
Buffer* last_buffer() const;
void begin_edition();
void end_edition();
@ -215,9 +216,16 @@ struct ScopedEdition
ScopedEdition(Context& context)
: m_context{context},
m_buffer{context.has_buffer() ? &context.buffer() : nullptr}
{ if (m_buffer) m_context.begin_edition(); }
if (m_buffer)
~ScopedEdition() { if (m_buffer) m_context.end_edition(); }
if (m_buffer)
Context& context() const { return m_context; }
@ -230,11 +238,19 @@ struct ScopedSelectionEdition
ScopedSelectionEdition(Context& context)
: m_context{context},
m_buffer{not (m_context.flags() & Context::Flags::Draft) and context.has_buffer() ? &context.buffer() : nullptr}
{ if (m_buffer) m_context.m_selection_history.begin_edition(); }
if (m_buffer)
ScopedSelectionEdition(ScopedSelectionEdition&& other) : m_context{other.m_context}, m_buffer{other.m_buffer}
{ other.m_buffer = nullptr; }
~ScopedSelectionEdition() { if (m_buffer) m_context.m_selection_history.end_edition(); }
if (m_buffer)
Context& m_context;
SafePtr<Buffer> m_buffer;

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ struct DisplaySetup
DisplayCoord cursor_pos;
// Offset of line and columns that must remain visible around cursor
DisplayCoord scroll_offset;
bool ensure_cursor_visible;
using HighlighterIdList = ConstArrayView<StringView>;

View File

@ -752,7 +752,8 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
win_line += wrap_count + 1;
// scroll window to keep cursor visible, and update range as lines gets removed
while (buf_line >= cursor.line and setup.first_line < cursor.line and
while (setup.ensure_cursor_visible and
buf_line >= cursor.line and setup.first_line < cursor.line and
setup.cursor_pos.line + setup.scroll_offset.line >= win_height)
auto remove_count = 1 + line_wrap_count(setup.first_line, indent);
@ -1660,7 +1661,8 @@ private:
setup.cursor_pos.column += cursor_move;
if (last.line >= setup.first_line and
if (setup.ensure_cursor_visible and
last.line >= setup.first_line and
range.first.line <= setup.first_line + setup.line_count and
range.first.line != last.line)

View File

@ -1870,25 +1870,27 @@ void scroll_window(Context& context, LineCount offset, bool mouse_dragging)
win_pos.line = clamp(win_pos.line + offset, 0_line, line_count-1);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
SelectionList& selections = context.selections();
Selection& main_selection = selections.main();
const BufferCoord anchor = main_selection.anchor();
const BufferCoordAndTarget cursor = main_selection.cursor();
auto cursor_off = mouse_dragging ? win_pos.line - window.position().line : 0;
auto line = clamp(cursor.line + cursor_off, win_pos.line + scrolloff.line,
win_pos.line + win_dim.line - 1 - scrolloff.line);
const ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
auto new_cursor = buffer.offset_coord(cursor, line - cursor.line, tabstop);
BufferCoord new_anchor = (mouse_dragging or new_cursor == cursor) ? anchor : new_cursor;
main_selection = { new_anchor, new_cursor };
if (mouse_dragging)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
SelectionList& selections = context.selections();
Selection& main_selection = selections.main();
const BufferCoord anchor = main_selection.anchor();
const BufferCoordAndTarget cursor = main_selection.cursor();
auto cursor_off = win_pos.line - window.position().line;
auto line = clamp(cursor.line + cursor_off, win_pos.line + scrolloff.line,
win_pos.line + win_dim.line - 1 - scrolloff.line);
const ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
auto new_cursor = buffer.offset_coord(cursor, line - cursor.line, tabstop);
main_selection = { anchor, new_cursor };

View File

@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ void regex_prompt(Context& context, String prompt, char reg, T func)
context.selections_write_only() = selections;
if (context.has_window())
if (context.has_window() and event != PromptEvent::Validate)

View File

@ -85,37 +85,34 @@ static uint32_t compute_faces_hash(const FaceRegistry& faces)
Window::Setup Window::build_setup(const Context& context) const
Vector<BufferRange, MemoryDomain::Display> selections;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
selections.push_back({sel.cursor(), sel.anchor()});
return { m_position, m_dimensions,
std::move(selections) };
return {m_position, m_dimensions,
context.selections() | gather<Vector<BasicSelection, MemoryDomain::Display>>()};
bool Window::needs_redraw(const Context& context) const
auto& selections = context.selections();
if (m_position != m_last_setup.position or
return m_position != m_last_setup.position or
m_dimensions != m_last_setup.dimensions or
context.buffer().timestamp() != m_last_setup.timestamp or
selections.main_index() != m_last_setup.main_selection or
selections.size() != m_last_setup.selections.size() or
compute_faces_hash(context.faces()) != m_last_setup.faces_hash)
return true;
compute_faces_hash(context.faces()) != m_last_setup.faces_hash or
not std::equal(selections.begin(), selections.end(),
m_last_setup.selections.begin(), m_last_setup.selections.end());
for (int i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i)
if (selections[i].cursor() != m_last_setup.selections[i].begin or
selections[i].anchor() != m_last_setup.selections[i].end)
return true;
return false;
bool Window::should_make_cursor_visible(const Context& context) const
auto& selections = context.selections();
return context.buffer().timestamp() != m_last_setup.timestamp or
selections.main_index() != m_last_setup.main_selection or
selections.size() != m_last_setup.selections.size() or
not std::equal(selections.begin(), selections.end(),
m_last_setup.selections.begin(), m_last_setup.selections.end());
const DisplayBuffer& Window::update_display_buffer(const Context& context)
@ -215,11 +212,15 @@ DisplaySetup Window::compute_display_setup(const Context& context) const
const int tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
const auto& cursor = context.selections().main().cursor();
// Ensure cursor line is visible
if (cursor.line - offset.line < win_pos.line)
win_pos.line = std::max(0_line, cursor.line - offset.line);
if (cursor.line + offset.line >= win_pos.line + m_dimensions.line)
win_pos.line = std::min(buffer().line_count()-1, cursor.line + offset.line - m_dimensions.line + 1);
bool ensure_cursor_visible = should_make_cursor_visible(context);
if (ensure_cursor_visible)
if (cursor.line - offset.line < win_pos.line)
win_pos.line = std::max(0_line, cursor.line - offset.line);
if (cursor.line + offset.line >= win_pos.line + m_dimensions.line)
win_pos.line = std::min(buffer().line_count()-1, cursor.line + offset.line - m_dimensions.line + 1);
DisplaySetup setup{
@ -228,13 +229,15 @@ DisplaySetup Window::compute_display_setup(const Context& context) const
{cursor.line - win_pos.line,
get_column(buffer(), tabstop, cursor) - win_pos.column},
for (auto pass : { HighlightPass::Move, HighlightPass::Wrap })
m_builtin_highlighters.compute_display_setup({context, setup, pass, {}}, setup);
check_display_setup(setup, *this);
// now ensure the cursor column is visible
if (ensure_cursor_visible)
auto underflow = std::max(-setup.first_column,
setup.cursor_pos.column - setup.scroll_offset.column);

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
Buffer& buffer() const { return *m_buffer; }
bool needs_redraw(const Context& context) const;
void force_redraw() { m_last_setup = Setup{}; }
void force_redraw() { m_last_setup.dimensions = {}; }
void set_client(Client* client) { m_client = client; }
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ private:
void run_hook_in_own_context(Hook hook, StringView param,
String client_name = "");
bool should_make_cursor_visible(const Context& context) const;
SafePtr<Buffer> m_buffer;
SafePtr<Client> m_client;
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ private:
size_t timestamp;
size_t faces_hash;
size_t main_selection;
Vector<BufferRange, MemoryDomain::Display> selections;
Vector<BasicSelection, MemoryDomain::Display> selections;
Setup build_setup(const Context& context) const;
Setup m_last_setup;

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ ui_out '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "draw_status", "params": [[], [{ "face": {
ui_out '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "set_cursor", "params": ["buffer", { "line": 0, "column": 0 }] }'
ui_out '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "refresh", "params": [true] }'
ui_in '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "scroll", "params": [ 2 ] }'
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ui_out '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "info_hide", "params": [] }'
ui_out '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "draw_status", "params": [[], [{ "face": { "fg": "default", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": "out 3:1 " }, { "face": { "fg": "black", "bg": "yellow", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": "" }, { "face": { "fg": "default", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": " " }, { "face": { "fg": "blue", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": "1 sel" }, { "face": { "fg": "default", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": " - client0@[kak-tests]" }], { "fg": "cyan", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }] }'
ui_out '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "draw_status", "params": [[], [{ "face": { "fg": "default", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": "out 1:1 " }, { "face": { "fg": "black", "bg": "yellow", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": "" }, { "face": { "fg": "default", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": " " }, { "face": { "fg": "blue", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": "1 sel" }, { "face": { "fg": "default", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }, "contents": " - client0@[kak-tests]" }], { "fg": "cyan", "bg": "default", "underline": "default", "attributes": [] }] }'
ui_out '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "set_cursor", "params": ["buffer", { "line": 0, "column": 0 }] }'
ui_out '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "refresh", "params": [false] }'

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
ui_out -ignore 1
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ui_out -ignore 7
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