Fix wrapping of words with 'wrap col - indent < word len < wrap col'

Add a test case for those, and refactor bits of the wrap highlighter.

This explains part of the needed complexity in #2820.
This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2019-04-24 11:38:11 +01:00
parent 64ddd43be9
commit 1c8f1cbc2f
5 changed files with 34 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -670,16 +670,18 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
const auto& cursor = context.context.selections().main().cursor();
const int tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
const LineCount win_height = context.context.window().dimensions().line;
const ColumnCount marker_len = m_marker.column_length();
const ColumnCount marker_len = zero_if_greater(m_marker.column_length(), wrap_column);
const Face face_marker = context.context.faces()["StatusLineInfo"];
for (auto it = display_buffer.lines().begin();
it != display_buffer.lines().end(); ++it)
const LineCount buf_line = it->range().begin.line;
const ByteCount line_length = buffer[buf_line].length();
const ColumnCount indent = m_preserve_indent ? line_indent(buffer, tabstop, buf_line) : 0_col;
const ColumnCount indent = m_preserve_indent ?
zero_if_greater(line_indent(buffer, tabstop, buf_line), wrap_column) : 0_col;
const ColumnCount prefix_len = std::max(marker_len, indent);
auto pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column, tabstop, buf_line, {0, 0});
auto pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column, prefix_len, tabstop, buf_line, {0, 0});
if (pos.byte == line_length)
@ -702,17 +704,12 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
DisplayLine new_line{ AtomList{ atom_it, line.end() } };
line.erase(atom_it, line.end());
ColumnCount prefix_len = 0;
if (marker_len != 0 and marker_len < wrap_column)
if (marker_len != 0)
new_line.insert(new_line.begin(), {m_marker, face_marker});
prefix_len = marker_len;
if (indent > marker_len and indent < wrap_column)
if (indent > marker_len)
auto it = new_line.insert(new_line.begin() + (marker_len > 0), {buffer, coord, coord});
it->replace(String{' ', indent - marker_len});
prefix_len = indent;
if (it+1 - display_buffer.lines().begin() == win_height)
@ -730,7 +727,7 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
it = display_buffer.lines().insert(it+1, new_line);
pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column - prefix_len, tabstop, buf_line, pos);
pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column - prefix_len, prefix_len, tabstop, buf_line, pos);
atom_it = it->begin();
@ -749,14 +746,14 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
const auto& cursor = context.context.selections().main().cursor();
const int tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
auto line_wrap_count = [&](LineCount line, ColumnCount indent) {
auto line_wrap_count = [&](LineCount line, ColumnCount prefix_len) {
LineCount count = 0;
const ByteCount line_length = buffer[line].length();
SplitPos pos{0, 0};
while (true)
pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column - (pos.byte == 0 ? 0_col : indent),
tabstop, line, pos);
pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column - (pos.byte == 0 ? 0_col : prefix_len),
prefix_len, tabstop, line, pos);
if (pos.byte == line_length)
@ -772,7 +769,7 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
setup.scroll_offset.column = 0;
setup.full_lines = true;
const ColumnCount marker_len = m_marker.column_length();
const ColumnCount marker_len = zero_if_greater(m_marker.column_length(), wrap_column);
for (auto buf_line = setup.window_pos.line, win_line = 0_line;
win_line < win_height or buf_line <= cursor.line;
@ -781,13 +778,9 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
if (buf_line >= buffer.line_count())
const ColumnCount indent = m_preserve_indent ? line_indent(buffer, tabstop, buf_line) : 0_col;
ColumnCount prefix_len = 0;
if (marker_len < wrap_column)
prefix_len = marker_len;
if (indent > marker_len and indent < wrap_column)
prefix_len = indent;
const ColumnCount indent = m_preserve_indent ?
zero_if_greater(line_indent(buffer, tabstop, buf_line), wrap_column) : 0_col;
const ColumnCount prefix_len = std::max(marker_len, indent);
if (buf_line == cursor.line)
@ -795,7 +788,7 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
for (LineCount count = 0; true; ++count)
auto next_pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column - (pos.byte != 0 ? prefix_len : 0_col),
tabstop, buf_line, pos);
prefix_len, tabstop, buf_line, pos);
if (next_pos.byte > cursor.column)
setup.cursor_pos = DisplayCoord{
@ -831,7 +824,8 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
SplitPos next_split_pos(const Buffer& buffer, ColumnCount wrap_column, int tabstop, LineCount line, SplitPos current) const
SplitPos next_split_pos(const Buffer& buffer, ColumnCount wrap_column, ColumnCount prefix_len,
int tabstop, LineCount line, SplitPos current) const
const ColumnCount target_column = current.column + wrap_column;
StringView content = buffer[line];
@ -873,7 +867,7 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
// split at last word boundary if the word is shorter than our wrapping width
ColumnCount word_length = pos.column - last_boundary.column;
const char* it = &content[pos.byte];
while (it != content.end() and word_length <= wrap_column)
while (it != content.end() and word_length < (wrap_column - prefix_len))
const Codepoint cp = utf8::read_codepoint(it, content.end());
if (not is_word<WORD>(cp))
@ -914,6 +908,8 @@ struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter
static ColumnCount zero_if_greater(ColumnCount val, ColumnCount max) { return val < max ? val : 0; };
const bool m_word_wrap;
const bool m_preserve_indent;
const ColumnCount m_max_width;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
short line
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong line
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong line

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
add-highlighter global/ wrap -word -indent

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "set_cursor", "params": ["buffer", { "line": 0, "column": 0 }] }
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