prompt the user for a string, when the user validates, store the result in given *register* and run *commmand*. the *-init <str>* switch allows setting initial content
*onkey* <register> <command>::
wait for next key from user, writes it into given <register> and execute commands
display a menu using labels, the selected label’s commands are executed. menu can take an *-auto-single* argument, to automatically run commands when only one choice is provided, and a *-select-cmds* argument, in which case menu takes three argument per item, the last one being a command to execute when the item is selected (but not validated)
*info* <text>::
display text in an information box, at can take an *-anchor* option, which accepts left, right and cursor as value, in order to specify where the info box should be anchored relative to the main selection
*try* <commands> catch <on_error_commands>::
prevent an error in *commands* from aborting the whole commands execution, execute *on_error_commands* instead. If nothing is to be done on error, the catch part can be ommitted
Commands (c.f. previous sections) can be chained, by being separated either by new lines or by semicolons, as such a semicolon must be escaped with a backslash (\;) to be considered as a literal semicolon argument
Declaring new commands
New commands can be defined using the *def* command:
*def* [flags] <command_name> <commands>::
*commands* is a string containing the commands to execute, and *flags* can be any combination of the following parameters:
*-params* <num>::
the command accepts a *num* parameter, which can be either a number, or of the form <min>..<max>, with both <min> and <max> omittable
try file completion on any parameter passed to this command
try client name completion on any parameter passed to this command
try buffer name completion on any parameter passed to this command
following string is a shell command which takes parameters as positional params and output one completion candidate per line
allow the new command to replace an exisiting one with the same name
do not show the command in command name completions