
2461 lines
95 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "normal.hh"
#include "buffer.hh"
#include "buffer_manager.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "changes.hh"
#include "client_manager.hh"
#include "command_manager.hh"
#include "commands.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "diff.hh"
2019-02-14 15:53:36 +01:00
#include "enum.hh"
#include "face_registry.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "flags.hh"
#include "option_manager.hh"
#include "option_types.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
#include "register_manager.hh"
#include "selectors.hh"
#include "shell_manager.hh"
#include "string.hh"
2016-11-29 20:53:11 +01:00
#include "user_interface.hh"
#include "unit_tests.hh"
#include "window.hh"
#include "word_db.hh"
namespace Kakoune
enum class SelectMode
2019-02-14 15:53:36 +01:00
constexpr auto enum_desc(Meta::Type<SelectMode>)
return make_array<EnumDesc<SelectMode>>({
2019-02-14 15:53:36 +01:00
{ SelectMode::Replace, "replace" },
{ SelectMode::Extend, "extend" },
{ SelectMode::Append, "append" },
void merge_selections(Selection& sel, const Selection& new_sel)
const bool forward = sel.cursor() >= sel.anchor();
const bool new_forward = new_sel.cursor() > new_sel.anchor();
if (forward and new_forward)
sel.anchor() = std::min(sel.anchor(), new_sel.anchor());
const bool backward = sel.cursor() <= sel.anchor();
const bool new_backward = new_sel.cursor() < new_sel.anchor();
if (backward and new_backward)
sel.anchor() = std::max(sel.anchor(), new_sel.anchor());
sel.cursor() = new_sel.cursor();
UnitTest test_merge_selection{[] {
auto merge = [](Selection sel, const Selection& new_sel) {
merge_selections(sel, new_sel);
return sel;
kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 3}, {0, 4}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 4}});
kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 1}, {0, 2}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 2}});
kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 0}});
kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 0}, {0, 3}}) == Selection{{0, 0}, {0, 3}});
kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 3} }, {{0, 4}, {0, 2}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 2}});
kak_assert(merge({{0, 1}, {0, 2} }, {{0, 1}, {0, 1}}) == Selection{{0, 1}, {0, 1}});
template<SelectMode mode, typename T>
void select(Context& context, T func)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
2014-01-01 19:45:28 +01:00
auto& selections = context.selections();
if (mode == SelectMode::Append)
2014-01-01 19:45:28 +01:00
auto& sel = selections.main();
if (auto res = func(context, sel))
if (res->captures().empty())
res->captures() = sel.captures();
selections.set_main_index(selections.size() - 1);
2014-01-01 19:45:28 +01:00
auto main_index = selections.main_index();
size_t new_size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i)
auto& sel = selections[i];
auto res = func(context, sel);
if (not res)
if (i <= main_index and main_index != 0)
2014-01-01 19:45:28 +01:00
if (mode == SelectMode::Extend)
merge_selections(sel, *res);
2014-01-01 19:45:28 +01:00
sel.anchor() = res->anchor();
sel.cursor() = res->cursor();
if (not res->captures().empty())
sel.captures() = std::move(res->captures());
if (i != new_size)
selections[new_size] = std::move(sel);
if (new_size == 0)
throw no_selections_remaining{};
2014-01-01 19:45:28 +01:00
template<SelectMode mode, Optional<Selection> (*func)(const Context&, const Selection&)>
void select(Context& context, NormalParams)
2014-01-01 19:45:28 +01:00
select<mode>(context, func);
2014-01-01 19:45:28 +01:00
template<SelectMode mode, typename Func>
void select_and_set_last(Context& context, Func&& func)
[func](Context& context){ select<mode>(context, func); });
return select<mode>(context, func);
template<SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace>
void select_coord(Context& context, BufferCoord coord)
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
SelectionList& selections = context.selections();
coord = buffer.clamp(coord);
if (mode == SelectMode::Replace)
selections = SelectionList{ buffer, coord };
else if (mode == SelectMode::Extend)
for (auto& sel : selections)
sel.cursor() = coord;
template<InsertMode mode>
void enter_insert_mode(Context& context, NormalParams params)
context.input_handler().insert(mode, params.count);
void repeat_last_insert(Context& context, NormalParams)
2013-11-14 19:09:15 +01:00
void repeat_last_select(Context& context, NormalParams)
2019-11-02 21:49:26 +01:00
String build_autoinfo_for_mapping(const Context& context, KeymapMode mode,
ConstArrayView<KeyInfo> built_ins)
auto& keymaps = context.keymaps();
Vector<std::pair<String, StringView>> descs;
for (auto& built_in : built_ins)
String keys = join(built_in.keys |
filter([&](Key k){ return not keymaps.is_mapped(k, mode); }) |
',', false);
if (not keys.empty())
descs.emplace_back(std::move(keys), built_in.docstring);
for (auto& key : keymaps.get_mapped_keys(mode))
keymaps.get_mapping(key, mode).docstring);
auto max_len = 0_col;
for (auto& desc : descs)
auto len = desc.first.column_length();
if (len > max_len)
max_len = len;
String res;
for (auto& desc : descs)
res += format("{}:{}{}\n",
String{' ', max_len - desc.first.column_length() + 1},
return res;
template<SelectMode mode>
void goto_commands(Context& context, NormalParams params)
if (params.count != 0)
select_coord<mode>(context, LineCount{params.count - 1});
if (context.has_window())
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "goto", KeymapMode::Goto,
[](Key key, Context& context) {
auto cp = key.codepoint();
2017-09-21 11:53:10 +02:00
if (not cp or key == Key::Escape)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
switch (to_lower(*cp))
case 'g':
case 'k':
select_coord<mode>(context, BufferCoord{0,0});
case 'l':
select<mode, select_to_line_end<true>>(context, {});
case 'h':
select<mode, select_to_line_begin<true>>(context, {});
case 'i':
select<mode, select_to_first_non_blank>(context, {});
case 'j':
select_coord<mode>(context, buffer.line_count() - 1);
case 'e':
select_coord<mode>(context, buffer.back_coord());
case 't':
if (context.has_window())
auto line = context.window().position().line;
select_coord<mode>(context, line);
case 'b':
if (context.has_window())
auto& window = context.window();
auto line = window.position().line + window.dimensions().line - 1;
select_coord<mode>(context, line);
case 'c':
if (context.has_window())
auto& window = context.window();
auto line = window.position().line + window.dimensions().line / 2;
select_coord<mode>(context, line);
case 'a':
Buffer* target = context.last_buffer();
if (not target)
throw runtime_error("no last buffer");
case 'f':
static constexpr char forbidden[] = { '\'', '\\', '\0' };
const auto& paths_opt = context.options()["path"].get<Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Options>>();
const auto paths = context.selections() | transform([&](const auto& sel) {
auto filename = content(buffer, sel);
if (any_of(filename, [](char c){ return contains(forbidden, c); }))
throw runtime_error(format("filename contains invalid characters: '{}'", filename));
const StringView buffer_dir = split_path(buffer.name()).first;
String path = find_file(filename, buffer_dir, paths_opt);
if (path.empty())
throw runtime_error(format("unable to find file '{}'", filename));
return path;
Buffer* buffer_main = nullptr;
for (auto&& [i, path] : paths | enumerate()) {
Buffer* buffer = BufferManager::instance().get_buffer_ifp(path);
if (not buffer)
buffer = open_file_buffer(path, context.hooks_disabled() ?
: Buffer::Flags::None);
buffer->flags() &= ~Buffer::Flags::NoHooks;
if (i == context.selections().main_index())
buffer_main = buffer;
if (buffer_main and buffer_main != &context.buffer())
case '.':
auto pos = buffer.last_modification_coord();
if (not pos)
throw runtime_error("no last modification position");
if (*pos >= buffer.back_coord())
pos = buffer.back_coord();
select_coord<mode>(context, *pos);
throw runtime_error("key not mapped");
}, (mode == SelectMode::Extend ? "goto (extend to)" : "goto"),
build_autoinfo_for_mapping(context, KeymapMode::Goto,
{{{'g','k'},"buffer top"},
{{'l'}, "line end"},
{{'h'}, "line begin"},
{{'i'}, "line non blank start"},
{{'j'}, "buffer bottom"},
{{'e'}, "buffer end"},
{{'t'}, "window top"},
{{'b'}, "window bottom"},
{{'c'}, "window center"},
{{'a'}, "last buffer"},
{{'f'}, "file"},
{{'.'}, "last buffer change"}}));
template<bool lock>
void view_commands(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const int count = params.count;
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "view", KeymapMode::View,
[count](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key == Key::Escape)
if (lock)
view_commands<true>(context, { count, 0 });
auto cp = key.codepoint();
if (not cp or not context.has_window())
const BufferCoord cursor = context.selections().main().cursor();
Window& window = context.window();
switch (*cp)
case 'v':
case 'c':
case 'm':
case 't':
window.display_line_at(cursor.line, 0);
case 'b':
window.display_line_at(cursor.line, window.dimensions().line-1);
2013-07-26 19:52:05 +02:00
case 'h':
window.scroll(-std::max<ColumnCount>(1, count));
2013-07-26 19:52:05 +02:00
case 'j':
2019-11-28 16:35:52 +01:00
scroll_window(context, std::max<LineCount>(1, count));
case 'k':
2019-11-28 16:35:52 +01:00
scroll_window(context, -std::max<LineCount>(1, count));
2013-07-24 01:38:30 +02:00
case 'l':
window.scroll( std::max<ColumnCount>(1, count));
2013-07-24 01:38:30 +02:00
throw runtime_error("key not mapped");
}, lock ? "view (lock)" : "view",
build_autoinfo_for_mapping(context, KeymapMode::View,
{{{'v','c'}, "center cursor (vertically)"},
{{'m'}, "center cursor (horizontally)"},
{{'t'}, "cursor on top"},
{{'b'}, "cursor on bottom"},
{{'h'}, "scroll left"},
{{'j'}, "scroll down"},
{{'k'}, "scroll up"},
{{'l'}, "scroll right"}}));
void replace_with_char(Context& context, NormalParams)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "replace-char", KeymapMode::None,
[](Key key, Context& context) {
auto cp = key.codepoint();
if (not cp or key == Key::Escape)
ScopedEdition edition(context);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
context.selections().for_each([&](size_t index, Selection& sel) {
CharCount count = char_length(buffer, sel);
replace(buffer, sel, String{*cp, count});
}, "replace with char", "enter char to replace with\n");
Codepoint swap_case(Codepoint cp)
Codepoint res = to_lower(cp);
return res == cp ? to_upper(cp) : res;
template<Codepoint (*func)(Codepoint)>
void for_each_codepoint(Context& context, NormalParams)
using Utf8It = utf8::iterator<BufferIterator>;
ScopedEdition edition(context);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
context.selections().for_each([&](size_t index, Selection& sel) {
String str;
for (auto begin = Utf8It{buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()), buffer},
end = Utf8It{buffer.iterator_at(sel.max()), buffer}+1;
begin != end; ++begin)
utf8::dump(std::back_inserter(str), func(*begin));
replace(buffer, sel, str);
void command(const Context& context, EnvVarMap env_vars, char reg = 0)
if (not CommandManager::has_instance())
throw runtime_error{"commands are not supported"};
String default_command = context.main_sel_register_value(reg ? reg : ':').str();
2013-11-14 19:09:15 +01:00
":", {}, default_command,
context.faces()["Prompt"], PromptFlags::DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix,
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
[](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags,
StringView cmd_line, ByteCount pos) {
return CommandManager::instance().complete(context, flags, cmd_line, pos);
[env_vars = std::move(env_vars), default_command](StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
if (context.has_client())
if (event == PromptEvent::Change)
auto info = CommandManager::instance().command_info(context, cmdline);
context.input_handler().set_prompt_face(context.faces()[info ? "Prompt" : "Error"]);
auto autoinfo = context.options()["autoinfo"].get<AutoInfo>();
if (autoinfo & AutoInfo::Command)
if (cmdline.length() == 1 and is_horizontal_blank(cmdline[0_byte]))
"commands preceded by a blank wont be saved to history",
{}, InfoStyle::Prompt);
else if (info and not info->info.empty())
context.client().info_show(info->name, info->info, {}, InfoStyle::Prompt);
2013-12-03 20:48:53 +01:00
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
if (cmdline.empty())
cmdline = default_command;
CommandManager::instance().execute(cmdline, context, { {}, env_vars });
2019-02-14 15:53:36 +01:00
void command(Context& context, NormalParams params)
EnvVarMap env_vars = {
{ "count", to_string(params.count) },
{ "register", String{&params.reg, 1} }
command(context, std::move(env_vars), params.reg);
2019-02-14 15:53:36 +01:00
BufferCoord apply_diff(Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord pos, StringView before, StringView after)
const auto lines_before = before | split_after<StringView>('\n') | gather<Vector<StringView>>();
const auto lines_after = after | split_after<StringView>('\n') | gather<Vector<StringView>>();
auto byte_count = [](auto&& lines, int first, int count) {
return std::accumulate(lines.begin() + first, lines.begin() + first + count, 0_byte,
[](ByteCount l, StringView s) { return l + s.length(); });
for_each_diff(lines_before.begin(), (int)lines_before.size(),
lines_after.begin(), (int)lines_after.size(),
[&, posA = 0, posB = 0](DiffOp op, int len) mutable {
switch (op)
case DiffOp::Keep:
pos = buffer.advance(pos, byte_count(lines_before, posA, len));
posA += len;
posB += len;
case DiffOp::Add:
pos = buffer.insert(pos, {lines_after[posB].begin(),
lines_after[posB + len - 1].end()}).end;
posB += len;
case DiffOp::Remove:
pos = buffer.erase(pos, buffer.advance(pos, byte_count(lines_before, posA, len)));
posA += len;
return pos;
template<bool replace>
void pipe(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char* prompt = replace ? "pipe:" : "pipe-to:";
String default_command = context.main_sel_register_value(params.reg ? params.reg : '|').str();
prompt, {}, default_command, context.faces()["Prompt"],
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
PromptFlags::DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix, '|',
[default_command, selection_edition=std::make_shared<ScopedSelectionEdition>(context)]
(StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context)
if (event != PromptEvent::Validate)
if (cmdline.empty())
cmdline = default_command;
2017-06-29 08:36:07 +02:00
if (cmdline.empty())
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
SelectionList selections = context.selections();
if (replace)
ScopedEdition edition(context);
ForwardChangesTracker changes_tracker;
size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
Vector<Selection> new_sels;
for (auto& sel : selections)
const auto beg = changes_tracker.get_new_coord_tolerant(sel.min());
const auto end = changes_tracker.get_new_coord_tolerant(sel.max());
String in = buffer.string(beg, buffer.char_next(end));
// Needed in case we read selections inside the cmdline
context.selections_write_only().set({keep_direction(Selection{beg, end}, sel)}, 0);
String out = ShellManager::instance().eval(
2017-06-29 08:36:07 +02:00
cmdline, context, in,
if (in.back() != '\n' and not out.empty() and out.back() == '\n')
out.resize(out.length()-1, 0);
auto new_end = apply_diff(buffer, beg, in, out);
if (new_end != beg)
new_sels.push_back(keep_direction({beg, buffer.char_prev(new_end), std::move(sel.captures())}, sel));
if (new_end != BufferCoord{})
new_end = buffer.char_prev(new_end);
new_sels.push_back({new_end, new_end, std::move(sel.captures())});
changes_tracker.update(buffer, timestamp);
context.selections_write_only().set(std::move(new_sels), selections.main_index());
const auto old_main = selections.main_index();
for (int i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i)
2017-06-29 08:36:07 +02:00
ShellManager::instance().eval(cmdline, context,
content(buffer, selections.main()),
void yank(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"';
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, context.selections_content());
context.print_status({ format("yanked {} selections to register {}",
context.selections().size(), reg),
context.faces()["Information"] });
template<bool yank>
void erase_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params)
if (yank)
const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"';
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, context.selections_content());
ScopedEdition edition(context);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
template<bool yank>
void change(Context& context, NormalParams params)
if (yank)
const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"';
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, context.selections_content());
enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::Replace>(context, params);
enum class PasteMode
BufferCoord paste_pos(Buffer& buffer, const Selection& sel, PasteMode mode, bool linewise)
switch (mode)
case PasteMode::Append:
return linewise ? std::min(buffer.line_count(), sel.max().line+1) : buffer.char_next(sel.max());
case PasteMode::Insert:
return linewise ? sel.min().line : sel.min();
return {};
template<PasteMode mode>
void paste(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"';
auto strings = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context);
const bool linewise = any_of(strings, [](StringView str) {
return not str.empty() and str.back() == '\n';
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
2014-01-30 21:46:15 +01:00
ScopedEdition edition(context);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
context.selections().for_each([&](size_t index, Selection& sel) {
auto& str = strings[std::min(strings.size()-1, index)];
auto& min = sel.min();
auto& max = sel.max();
BufferRange range = (mode == PasteMode::Replace) ?
buffer.replace(min, buffer.char_next(max), str)
: buffer.insert(paste_pos(buffer, sel, mode, linewise), str);
min = range.begin;
max = range.end > range.begin ? buffer.char_prev(range.end) : range.begin;
template<PasteMode mode>
void paste_all(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char reg = params.reg ? params.reg : '"';
auto strings = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context);
bool linewise = false;
String all;
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<ByteCount> offsets;
for (auto& str : strings)
if (str.empty())
if (str.back() == '\n')
linewise = true;
all += str;
if (offsets.empty())
throw runtime_error("nothing to paste");
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<Selection> result;
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
ScopedEdition edition(context);
selections.for_each([&](size_t, const Selection& sel) {
auto range = (mode == PasteMode::Replace) ?
buffer.replace(sel.min(), buffer.char_next(sel.max()), all)
: buffer.insert(paste_pos(buffer, sel, mode, linewise), all);
ByteCount pos_offset = 0;
BufferCoord pos = range.begin;
for (auto offset : offsets)
BufferCoord end = buffer.advance(pos, offset - pos_offset - 1);
result.emplace_back(pos, end);
pos = buffer.next(end);
pos_offset = offset;
selections = std::move(result);
template<PasteMode mode>
void insert_output(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char* prompt = mode == PasteMode::Insert ? "insert-output:" : "append-output:";
String default_command = context.main_sel_register_value(params.reg ? params.reg : '|').str();
prompt, {}, default_command, context.faces()["Prompt"],
PromptFlags::DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix, '|',
[default_command, selection_edition=std::make_shared<ScopedSelectionEdition>(context)]
(StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context)
if (event != PromptEvent::Validate)
if (cmdline.empty())
cmdline = default_command;
if (cmdline.empty())
ScopedEdition edition(context);
auto& selections = context.selections();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
const size_t old_main = selections.main_index();
selections.for_each([&](size_t index, Selection& sel) {
auto [out, status] = ShellManager::instance().eval(
cmdline, context, content(context.buffer(), sel),
auto& min = sel.min();
auto& max = sel.max();
auto range = insert(buffer, sel, paste_pos(buffer, sel, mode, false), out);
min = range.begin;
max = range.end > range.begin ? buffer.char_prev(range.end) : range.begin;
constexpr RegexCompileFlags direction_flags(RegexMode mode)
return (mode & RegexMode::Forward) ?
RegexCompileFlags::None : RegexCompileFlags::Backward | RegexCompileFlags::NoForward;
template<RegexMode mode = RegexMode::Forward, typename T>
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
void regex_prompt(Context& context, String prompt, char reg, T func)
DisplayCoord position = context.has_window() ? context.window().position() : DisplayCoord{};
SelectionList selections = context.selections();
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
auto default_regex = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get_main(context, context.selections().main_index());
std::move(prompt), {}, default_regex, context.faces()["Prompt"],
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
PromptFlags::Search, reg,
[](const Context& context, CompletionFlags, StringView regex, ByteCount pos) -> Completions {
auto current_word = [](StringView s) {
auto it = s.end();
while (it != s.begin() and is_word(*(it-1)))
StringView res{it, s.end()};
if (it == s.begin() or res.empty())
return res;
int backslashes = 0;
for (auto bs = it; bs != s.begin() && *(bs-1) == '\\'; --bs)
return (backslashes % 2 == 1) ? res.substr(1_byte) : res;
const auto word = current_word(regex.substr(0_byte, pos));
auto matches = get_word_db(context.buffer()).find_matching(word);
constexpr size_t max_count = 100;
CandidateList candidates;
candidates.reserve(std::min(matches.size(), max_count));
for_n_best(matches, max_count, [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; },
[&](auto&& m) { candidates.push_back(m.candidate().str()); return true; });
return {(int)(word.begin() - regex.begin()), pos, std::move(candidates) };
[=, func=T(std::move(func)), selection_edition=std::make_shared<ScopedSelectionEdition>(context)]
(StringView str, PromptEvent event, Context& context) mutable {
if (event != PromptEvent::Change and context.has_client())
const bool incsearch = context.options()["incsearch"].get<bool>();
if (incsearch)
context.selections_write_only() = selections;
if (context.has_window())
if (not incsearch and event == PromptEvent::Change)
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
2015-07-25 12:15:03 +02:00
if (not str.empty() or event == PromptEvent::Validate)
func(Regex{str.empty() ? default_regex : str, direction_flags(mode)}, event, context);
catch (regex_error& err)
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
catch (runtime_error&)
context.selections_write_only() = selections;
// only validation should propagate errors,
// incremental search should not.
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
template<RegexMode mode>
void select_next_matches(Context& context, const Regex& regex, int count)
auto& selections = context.selections();
do {
bool wrapped = false;
for (auto& sel : selections)
sel = keep_direction(find_next_match<mode>(context, sel, regex, wrapped), sel);
} while (--count > 0);
template<RegexMode mode>
void extend_to_next_matches(Context& context, const Regex& regex, int count)
Vector<Selection> new_sels;
auto& selections = context.selections();
do {
bool wrapped = false;
size_t main_index = selections.main_index();
for (auto& sel : selections)
auto new_sel = find_next_match<mode>(context, sel, regex, wrapped);
if (not wrapped)
merge_selections(new_sels.back(), new_sel);
else if (new_sels.size() <= main_index)
if (new_sels.empty())
throw runtime_error{"All selections wrapped"};
selections.set(std::move(new_sels), main_index);
} while (--count > 0);
template<SelectMode mode, RegexMode regex_mode>
void search(Context& context, NormalParams params)
constexpr StringView prompt = mode == SelectMode::Extend ?
(regex_mode & RegexMode::Forward ? "search (extend):" : "reverse search (extend):")
: (regex_mode & RegexMode::Forward ? "search:" : "reverse search:");
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/');
const int count = params.count;
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
regex_prompt<regex_mode>(context, prompt.str(), reg,
[reg, count, saved_reg = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].save(context)]
(const Regex& regex, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
2019-06-12 14:58:01 +02:00
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].restore(context, saved_reg);
if (event == PromptEvent::Abort)
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, regex.str());
if (regex.empty() or regex.str().empty())
if (mode == SelectMode::Extend)
extend_to_next_matches<regex_mode>(context, regex, count);
select_next_matches<regex_mode>(context, regex, count);
template<SelectMode mode, RegexMode regex_mode>
void search_next(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/');
StringView str = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context).front();
if (not str.empty())
Regex regex{str, direction_flags(regex_mode)};
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
bool main_wrapped = false;
do {
bool wrapped = false;
if (mode == SelectMode::Replace)
auto& sel = selections.main();
sel = keep_direction(find_next_match<regex_mode>(context, sel, regex, wrapped), sel);
else if (mode == SelectMode::Append)
auto sel = keep_direction(
find_next_match<regex_mode>(context, selections.main(), regex, wrapped),
selections.set_main_index(selections.size() - 1);
main_wrapped = main_wrapped or wrapped;
} while (--params.count > 0);
if (main_wrapped)
context.print_status({"main selection search wrapped around buffer", context.faces()["Information"]});
throw runtime_error("no search pattern");
template<bool smart>
void use_selection_as_search_pattern(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const auto& buffer = context.buffer();
2019-07-21 04:14:25 +02:00
auto patterns = context.selections() | transform([&](auto&& sel) {
const auto beg = sel.min(), end = buffer.char_next(sel.max());
2019-07-21 04:14:25 +02:00
return format("{}{}{}",
smart and is_bow(buffer, beg) ? "\\b" : "",
escape(buffer.string(beg, end), "^$\\.*+?()[]{}|", '\\'),
smart and is_eow(buffer, end) ? "\\b" : "");
}) | gather<HashSet>();
2019-07-21 04:14:25 +02:00
String pattern = join(patterns, '|', false);
2015-07-01 14:33:20 +02:00
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/');
2015-07-01 14:33:20 +02:00
format("register '{}' set to '{}'", reg, pattern),
context.faces()["Information"] });
2015-07-01 14:33:20 +02:00
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, {pattern});
// Hack, as Window do not take register state into account
if (context.has_window())
void select_regex(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/');
const int capture = params.count;
auto prompt = capture ? format("select (capture {}):", capture) : "select:"_str;
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
regex_prompt(context, std::move(prompt), reg,
[reg, capture, saved_reg = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].save(context)]
(Regex ex, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
2019-06-12 14:58:01 +02:00
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].restore(context, saved_reg);
if (event == PromptEvent::Abort)
if (not context.history_disabled())
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, ex.str());
auto& selections = context.selections();
auto& buffer = selections.buffer();
2013-05-13 14:28:03 +02:00
if (not ex.empty() and not ex.str().empty())
selections = SelectionList{buffer, select_matches(buffer, selections, ex, capture)};
void split_regex(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/');
const int capture = params.count;
auto prompt = capture ? format("split (on capture {}):", (int)capture) : "split:"_str;
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
regex_prompt(context, std::move(prompt), reg,
[reg, capture, saved_reg = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].save(context)]
(Regex ex, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
2019-06-12 14:58:01 +02:00
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].restore(context, saved_reg);
if (event == PromptEvent::Abort)
if (not context.history_disabled())
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, ex.str());
auto& selections = context.selections();
auto& buffer = selections.buffer();
2013-05-13 14:28:03 +02:00
if (not ex.empty() and not ex.str().empty())
selections = SelectionList{buffer, split_on_matches(buffer, selections, ex, capture)};
void split_lines(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const LineCount count{params.count == 0 ? 1 : params.count};
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<Selection> res;
for (auto& sel : selections)
if (sel.anchor().line == sel.cursor().line)
auto min = sel.min();
auto max = sel.max();
for (auto line = min.line; line <= max.line; line += count)
auto last_line = std::min(line + count - 1, buffer.line_count() - 1);
std::max<BufferCoord>(min, line),
std::min<BufferCoord>(max, {last_line, buffer[last_line].length() - 1})
}, sel));
selections = std::move(res);
void select_boundaries(Context& context, NormalParams)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
Vector<Selection> res;
for (auto& sel : selections)
if (sel.min() != sel.max())
selections = std::move(res);
void join_lines_select_spaces(Context& context, NormalParams)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<Selection> selections;
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
const LineCount min_line = sel.min().line;
const LineCount max_line = sel.max().line;
auto end_line = std::min(buffer.line_count()-1,
max_line + (min_line == max_line ? 1 : 0));
for (LineCount line = min_line; line < end_line; ++line)
auto begin = buffer.iterator_at({line, buffer[line].length()-1});
auto end = std::find_if_not(begin+1, buffer.end(), is_horizontal_blank);
selections.emplace_back(begin.coord(), (end-1).coord());
if (selections.empty())
context.selections_write_only() = std::move(selections);
ScopedEdition edition(context);
context.selections().replace({" "_str});
void join_lines(Context& context, NormalParams params)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
SelectionList sels{context.selections()};
auto restore_sels = on_scope_end([&]{
context.selections_write_only() = std::move(sels);
join_lines_select_spaces(context, params);
template<bool matching>
void keep(Context& context, NormalParams params)
constexpr StringView prompt = matching ? "keep matching:" : "keep not matching:";
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '/');
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
regex_prompt(context, prompt.str(), reg,
[reg, saved_reg = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].save(context),
(const Regex& regex, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
2019-06-12 14:58:01 +02:00
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].restore(context, saved_reg);
if (event == PromptEvent::Abort)
if (not context.history_disabled())
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, regex.str());
if (regex.empty() or regex.str().empty())
const Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<Selection> keep;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
auto begin = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min());
auto end = utf8::next(buffer.iterator_at(sel.max()), buffer.end());
// We do not consider if end is on an eol, as it seems to
// give more intuitive behaviours in keep use cases.
const auto flags = match_flags(is_bol(begin.coord()), false,
is_bow(buffer, begin.coord()),
is_eow(buffer, end.coord()));
if (regex_search(begin, end, begin, end, regex, flags) == matching)
if (keep.empty())
throw no_selections_remaining{};
context.selections_write_only() = std::move(keep);
void keep_pipe(Context& context, NormalParams params)
String default_command = context.main_sel_register_value(params.reg ? params.reg : '|').str();
"keep pipe:", {}, default_command, context.faces()["Prompt"],
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
PromptFlags::DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix, '|', shell_complete,
[default_command, selection_edition=std::make_shared<ScopedSelectionEdition>(context)]
(StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
if (event != PromptEvent::Validate)
if (cmdline.empty())
cmdline = default_command;
if (cmdline.empty())
const Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
auto& shell_manager = ShellManager::instance();
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<Selection> keep;
auto& selections = context.selections();
const size_t old_main = selections.main_index();
size_t new_main = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i)
auto& sel = selections[i];
if (shell_manager.eval(cmdline, context, content(buffer, sel),
ShellManager::Flags::None).second == 0)
if (i >= old_main and new_main == (size_t)-1)
new_main = keep.size() - 1;
if (keep.empty())
throw no_selections_remaining{};
if (new_main == -1)
new_main = keep.size() - 1;
context.selections_write_only().set(std::move(keep), new_main);
template<bool indent_empty = false>
void indent(Context& context, NormalParams params)
CharCount count = params.count ? params.count : 1;
CharCount indent_width = context.options()["indentwidth"].get<int>();
String indent = indent_width == 0 ? String{'\t', count} : String{' ', indent_width * count};
ScopedEdition edition(context);
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
LineCount last_line = 0;
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
for (auto line = std::max(last_line, sel.min().line); line < sel.max().line+1; ++line)
if (indent_empty or buffer[line].length() > 1)
buffer.insert(line, indent);
// avoid reindenting the same line if multiple selections are on it
last_line = sel.max().line+1;
template<bool deindent_incomplete = true>
void deindent(Context& context, NormalParams params)
ColumnCount count = params.count ? params.count : 1;
ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
ColumnCount indent_width = context.options()["indentwidth"].get<int>();
if (indent_width == 0)
indent_width = tabstop;
indent_width = indent_width * count;
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
LineCount last_line = 0;
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
for (auto line = std::max(sel.min().line, last_line);
line < sel.max().line+1; ++line)
ColumnCount width = 0;
auto content = buffer[line];
for (auto column = 0_byte; column < content.length(); ++column)
const char c = content[column];
if (c == '\t')
width = (width / tabstop + 1) * tabstop;
else if (c == ' ')
if (deindent_incomplete and width != 0)
buffer.erase(line, BufferCoord{line, column});
if (width >= indent_width)
buffer.erase(line, BufferCoord{line, column+1});
// avoid reindenting the same line if multiple selections are on it
last_line = sel.max().line + 1;
template<ObjectFlags flags, SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace>
void select_object(Context& context, NormalParams params)
auto get_title = [] {
const auto whole_flags = (ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::ToEnd);
const bool whole = (flags & whole_flags) == whole_flags;
return format("{} {}{}surrounding object{}",
mode == SelectMode::Extend ? "extend" : "select",
whole ? "" : "to ",
flags & ObjectFlags::Inner ? "inner " : "",
whole ? "" : (flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin ? " begin" : " end"));
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context,"text-object", KeymapMode::Object,
2019-02-13 20:14:10 +01:00
[params](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key == Key::Escape)
2019-02-13 20:14:10 +01:00
const int count = params.count <= 0 ? 0 : params.count - 1;
static constexpr struct ObjectType
Key key;
Optional<Selection> (*func)(const Context&, const Selection&, int, ObjectFlags);
} selectors[] = {
{ 'w', select_word<Word> },
{ alt('w'), select_word<WORD> },
{ 's', select_sentence },
{ 'p', select_paragraph },
{ Key::Space, select_whitespaces },
{ 'i', select_indent },
{ 'n', select_number },
2016-09-27 00:32:07 +02:00
{ 'u', select_argument },
auto obj_it = find(selectors | transform(&ObjectType::key), key).base();
if (obj_it != std::end(selectors))
return select_and_set_last<mode>(
context, [=](Context& context, Selection& sel) { return obj_it->func(context, sel, count, flags); });
static constexpr auto regex_selector = [=](StringView open, StringView close, int count) {
return [open=Regex{open, RegexCompileFlags::Backward},
close=Regex{close, RegexCompileFlags::Backward},
count](Context& context, Selection& sel) {
return select_surrounding(context, sel, open, close, count, flags);
if (key == 'c')
2016-01-27 23:04:04 +01:00
const bool info = show_auto_info_ifn(
"Enter object desc",
"format: <open regex>,<close regex>\n"
" escape commas with '\\'",
AutoInfo::Command, context);
2016-01-27 23:04:04 +01:00
"object desc:", {}, {}, context.faces()["Prompt"],
2019-06-05 15:19:27 +02:00
PromptFlags::None, '_', complete_nothing,
2016-09-27 00:32:07 +02:00
[count,info](StringView cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
if (event != PromptEvent::Change)
hide_auto_info_ifn(context, info);
2016-01-27 23:04:04 +01:00
if (event != PromptEvent::Validate)
struct error : runtime_error { error(size_t) : runtime_error{"desc parsing failed, expected <open>,<close>"} {} };
auto params = cmdline | split<StringView>(',', '\\')
| transform(unescape<',', '\\'>)
| static_gather<error, 2>();
if (params[0].empty() or params[1].empty())
throw error{0};
select_and_set_last<mode>(context, regex_selector(params[0], params[1], count));
2016-01-27 23:04:04 +01:00
2016-10-05 10:36:25 +02:00
2015-06-25 15:44:43 +02:00
2019-02-13 20:14:10 +01:00
if (key == alt(';'))
2019-02-14 15:53:36 +01:00
EnvVarMap env_vars = {
{ "count", to_string(params.count) },
{ "register", String{&params.reg, 1} },
{ "select_mode", option_to_string(mode, Quoting::Raw) },
{ "object_flags", option_to_string(flags, Quoting::Raw) }
2019-02-14 15:53:36 +01:00
command(context, std::move(env_vars));
2019-02-13 20:14:10 +01:00
static constexpr struct
char open;
char close;
char name;
} surrounding_pairs[] = {
{ '(', ')', 'b' },
{ '{', '}', 'B' },
{ '[', ']', 'r' },
{ '<', '>', 'a' },
{ '"', '"', 'Q' },
{ '\'', '\'', 'q' },
{ '`', '`', 'g' },
if (auto it = find_if(surrounding_pairs, [key](auto s) { return key == s.open or key == s.close or key == s.name; });
it != std::end(surrounding_pairs))
return select_and_set_last<mode>(
context, regex_selector(format("\\Q{}", it->open), format("\\Q{}", it->close), count));
if (auto cp = key.codepoint(); cp and is_punctuation(*cp, {}))
auto re = "\\Q" + to_string(*cp);
return select_and_set_last<mode>(context, regex_selector(re, re, count));
}, get_title(),
build_autoinfo_for_mapping(context, KeymapMode::Object,
{{{'b','(',')'}, "parenthesis block"},
2021-06-13 04:12:03 +02:00
{{'B','{','}'}, "brace block"},
{{'r','[',']'}, "bracket block"},
{{'a','<','>'}, "angle block"},
{{'"','Q'}, "double quote string"},
{{'\'','q'}, "single quote string"},
{{'`','g'}, "grave quote string"},
{{'w'}, "word"},
{{alt('w')}, "WORD"},
{{'s'}, "sentence"},
{{'p'}, "paragraph"},
{{Key::Space}, "whitespaces"},
{{'i'}, "indent"},
{{'u'}, "argument"},
{{'n'}, "number"},
2019-02-13 20:14:10 +01:00
{{'c'}, "custom object desc"},
{{alt(';')}, "run command in object context"}}));
enum Direction { Backward = -1, Forward = 1 };
template<Direction direction, bool half = false>
void scroll(Context& context, NormalParams params)
2019-11-02 21:49:26 +01:00
const Window& window = context.window();
const int count = params.count ? params.count : 1;
const LineCount offset = (window.dimensions().line - 2) / (half ? 2 : 1) * count;
scroll_window(context, offset * direction);
template<Direction direction>
void copy_selections_on_next_lines(Context& context, NormalParams params)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
const ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
Vector<Selection> result;
size_t main_index = 0;
for (auto& sel : selections)
const bool is_main = (&sel == &selections.main());
auto anchor = sel.anchor();
auto cursor = sel.cursor();
ColumnCount cursor_col = get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor);
ColumnCount anchor_col = get_column(buffer, tabstop, anchor);
if (is_main)
main_index = result.size();
const LineCount height = std::max(anchor.line, cursor.line) - std::min(anchor.line, cursor.line) + 1;
const size_t max_lines = std::max(params.count, 1);
for (size_t i = 0, nb_sels = 0; nb_sels < max_lines; ++i)
LineCount offset = direction * (i + 1) * height;
const LineCount anchor_line = anchor.line + offset;
const LineCount cursor_line = cursor.line + offset;
if (anchor_line < 0 or cursor_line < 0 or
anchor_line >= buffer.line_count() or cursor_line >= buffer.line_count())
2018-05-20 23:51:17 +02:00
const ByteCount anchor_byte = get_byte_to_column(buffer, tabstop, {anchor_line, anchor_col});
const ByteCount cursor_byte = get_byte_to_column(buffer, tabstop, {cursor_line, cursor_col});
if (anchor_byte != buffer[anchor_line].length() and
cursor_byte != buffer[cursor_line].length())
if (is_main)
main_index = result.size();
result.emplace_back(BufferCoord{anchor_line, anchor_byte},
BufferCoordAndTarget{cursor_line, cursor_byte, cursor.target});
selections.set(std::move(result), main_index);
template<Direction direction>
void rotate_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const int count = params.count ? params.count : 1;
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
const int index = selections.main_index();
const int num = selections.size();
selections.set_main_index((direction == Forward) ?
(index + count) % num
: (index + (num - count % num)) % num);
template<Direction direction>
void rotate_selections_content(Context& context, NormalParams params)
size_t group = params.count;
size_t count = 1;
auto strings = context.selections_content();
if (group == 0 or group > (int)strings.size())
group = (int)strings.size();
count = count % group;
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
auto main = strings.begin() + selections.main_index();
for (auto it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); )
auto end = std::min(strings.end(), it + group);
auto new_beg = (direction == Direction::Forward) ? end - count : it + count;
std::rotate(it, new_beg, end);
if (it <= main and main < end)
main = main < new_beg ? end - (new_beg - main) : it + (main - new_beg);
it = end;
selections.set_main_index(main - strings.begin());
enum class SelectFlags
None = 0,
Reverse = 1,
Inclusive = 2,
Extend = 4
constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<SelectFlags>) { return true; }
template<SelectFlags flags>
void select_to_next_char(Context& context, NormalParams params)
auto get_title = [] {
return format("{} {} {} char",
flags & SelectFlags::Extend ? "extend" : "select",
flags & SelectFlags::Inclusive ? "onto" : "to",
flags & SelectFlags::Reverse ? "previous" : "next");
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "to-char", KeymapMode::None,
[params](Key key, Context& context) {
2017-09-21 11:53:10 +02:00
auto cp = key.codepoint();
if (not cp or key == Key::Escape)
constexpr auto new_flags = flags & SelectFlags::Extend ? SelectMode::Extend
: SelectMode::Replace;
2017-09-21 11:53:10 +02:00
context, [cp=*cp, count=params.count] (auto& context, auto& sel) {
auto& func = flags & SelectFlags::Reverse ? select_to_reverse : select_to;
return func(context, sel, cp, count, flags & SelectFlags::Inclusive);
}, get_title(), "enter char to select to");
void start_or_end_macro_recording(Context& context, NormalParams params)
2013-11-14 19:09:15 +01:00
if (context.input_handler().is_recording())
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '@');
if (not is_basic_alpha(reg) and reg != '@')
2018-04-06 16:56:53 +02:00
throw runtime_error("macros can only use the '@' and alphabetic registers");
void replay_macro(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '@');
if (not is_basic_alpha(reg) and reg != '@')
2018-04-06 16:56:53 +02:00
throw runtime_error("macros can only use the '@' and alphabetic registers");
static bool running_macros[27] = {};
const size_t idx = reg != '@' ? (size_t)(reg - 'a') : 26;
if (running_macros[idx])
throw runtime_error("recursive macros call detected");
ConstArrayView<String> reg_val = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context);
if (reg_val.empty() or reg_val[0].empty())
2018-04-06 16:56:53 +02:00
throw runtime_error(format("register '{}' is empty", reg));
running_macros[idx] = true;
auto stop = on_scope_end([&]{ running_macros[idx] = false; });
auto keys = parse_keys(reg_val[0]);
ScopedEdition edition(context);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
2015-12-28 00:14:14 +01:00
for (auto& key : keys)
} while (--params.count > 0);
template<Direction direction>
void jump(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const int count = std::max(1, params.count);
auto jump = (direction == Forward) ?
context.jump_list().forward(context, count) :
context.jump_list().backward(context, count);
2015-04-15 02:36:47 +02:00
Buffer* oldbuf = &context.buffer();
Buffer& buffer = const_cast<Buffer&>(jump.buffer());
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
2015-04-15 02:36:47 +02:00
if (&buffer != oldbuf)
context.selections_write_only() = jump;
void push_selections(Context& context, NormalParams)
context.print_status({ format("saved {} selections", context.selections().size()),
context.faces()["Information"] });
void align(Context& context, NormalParams)
2013-05-15 18:47:50 +02:00
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
2013-05-15 18:47:50 +02:00
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
const ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
2013-05-15 18:47:50 +02:00
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<Vector<const Selection*>> columns;
LineCount last_line = -1;
size_t column = 0;
2013-05-15 18:47:50 +02:00
for (auto& sel : selections)
auto line = sel.cursor().line;
if (sel.anchor().line != line)
throw runtime_error("align cannot work with multi line selections");
column = (line == last_line) ? column + 1 : 0;
if (column >= columns.size())
last_line = line;
2013-05-15 18:47:50 +02:00
2013-11-06 20:11:46 +01:00
const bool use_tabs = context.options()["aligntab"].get<bool>();
for (auto& col : columns)
2013-05-15 18:47:50 +02:00
ColumnCount maxcol = 0;
for (auto& sel : col)
maxcol = std::max(get_column(buffer, tabstop, sel->cursor()), maxcol);
for (auto& sel : col)
2013-11-14 13:10:51 +01:00
auto insert_coord = sel->min();
2016-10-28 10:49:32 +02:00
ColumnCount lastcol = get_column(buffer, tabstop, sel->cursor());
ColumnCount inscount = maxcol - lastcol;
2013-11-06 20:11:46 +01:00
String padstr;
if (not use_tabs)
2016-10-28 10:49:32 +02:00
padstr = String{ ' ', inscount };
2013-11-06 20:11:46 +01:00
2016-10-28 10:49:32 +02:00
ColumnCount inscol = get_column(buffer, tabstop, insert_coord);
ColumnCount targetcol = inscol + inscount;
ColumnCount tabcol = inscol - (inscol % tabstop);
CharCount tabs = (int)((targetcol - tabcol) / tabstop);
CharCount spaces = (int)(targetcol - (tabs ? (tabcol + (int)tabs * tabstop) : inscol));
2013-11-06 20:11:46 +01:00
padstr = String{ '\t', tabs } + String{ ' ', spaces };
buffer.insert(insert_coord, padstr);
2014-07-22 01:41:10 +02:00
2013-05-15 18:47:50 +02:00
void copy_indent(Context& context, NormalParams params)
2013-11-22 00:20:21 +01:00
int selection = params.count;
2013-11-22 00:20:21 +01:00
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<LineCount> lines;
2013-11-22 00:20:21 +01:00
for (auto sel : selections)
for (LineCount l = sel.min().line; l < sel.max().line + 1; ++l)
if (selection > selections.size())
throw runtime_error("invalid selection index");
if (selection == 0)
selection = context.selections().main_index() + 1;
2013-11-22 00:20:21 +01:00
auto ref_line = selections[selection-1].min().line;
auto line = buffer[ref_line];
2013-11-22 00:20:21 +01:00
auto it = line.begin();
while (it != line.end() and is_horizontal_blank(*it))
const StringView indent = line.substr(0_byte, (int)(it-line.begin()));
2013-11-22 00:20:21 +01:00
ScopedEdition edition{context};
2013-11-22 00:20:21 +01:00
for (auto& l : lines)
if (l == ref_line)
auto line = buffer[l];
2013-11-22 00:20:21 +01:00
ByteCount i = 0;
while (i < line.length() and is_horizontal_blank(line[i]))
buffer.replace(l, {l, i}, indent);
2013-11-22 00:20:21 +01:00
void tabs_to_spaces(Context& context, NormalParams params)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
const ColumnCount opt_tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
const ColumnCount tabstop = params.count == 0 ? opt_tabstop : params.count;
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<Selection> tabs;
Vector<String> spaces;
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
for (auto it = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()),
end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())+1; it != end; ++it)
if (*it == '\t')
ColumnCount col = get_column(buffer, opt_tabstop, it.coord());
ColumnCount end_col = (col / tabstop + 1) * tabstop;
spaces.emplace_back(' ', end_col - col);
if (not tabs.empty())
SelectionList{ buffer, std::move(tabs) }.replace(spaces);
void spaces_to_tabs(Context& context, NormalParams params)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
const ColumnCount opt_tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
const ColumnCount tabstop = params.count == 0 ? opt_tabstop : params.count;
2015-01-12 14:58:41 +01:00
Vector<Selection> spaces;
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
for (auto it = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()),
end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())+1; it != end;)
if (*it == ' ')
auto spaces_beg = it;
auto spaces_end = spaces_beg+1;
ColumnCount col = get_column(buffer, opt_tabstop, spaces_end.coord());
while (spaces_end != end and
*spaces_end == ' ' and (col % tabstop) != 0)
if ((col % tabstop) == 0)
spaces.emplace_back(spaces_beg.coord(), (spaces_end-1).coord());
else if (spaces_end != end and *spaces_end == '\t')
spaces.emplace_back(spaces_beg.coord(), spaces_end.coord());
it = spaces_end;
if (not spaces.empty())
SelectionList{ buffer, std::move(spaces) }.replace("\t"_str);
2018-02-13 14:35:10 +01:00
void trim_selections(Context& context, NormalParams)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
Vector<int> to_remove;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)selections.size(); ++i)
2018-02-13 14:35:10 +01:00
auto& sel = selections[i];
2018-02-13 14:35:10 +01:00
auto beg = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min());
auto end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max());
while (beg != end and is_blank(*beg))
while (beg != end and is_blank(*end))
if (beg == end and is_blank(*beg))
sel.min() = beg.coord();
sel.max() = end.coord();
2018-02-13 14:35:10 +01:00
if (to_remove.size() == selections.size())
throw no_selections_remaining{};
for (auto& i : to_remove | reverse())
2018-02-13 14:35:10 +01:00
2022-08-06 21:56:03 +02:00
SelectionList read_selections_from_register(char reg, const Context& context)
if (not is_basic_alpha(reg) and reg != '^')
throw runtime_error("selections can only be saved to the '^' and alphabetic registers");
auto content = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context);
if (content.size() < 2)
2018-04-06 16:56:53 +02:00
throw runtime_error(format("register '{}' does not contain a selections desc", reg));
// Use the last two values for timestamp and main_index to allow the buffer
// name to have @ symbols
struct error : runtime_error { error(size_t) : runtime_error{"expected <buffer>@<timestamp>@main_index"} {} };
auto end_content = content[0] | reverse() | split('@') | transform([] (auto bounds) {
return StringView{bounds.second.base(), bounds.first.base()};
}) | static_gather<error, 2, false>();
const size_t main = str_to_int(end_content[0]);
const size_t timestamp = str_to_int(end_content[1]);
const auto buffer_name = StringView{ content[0].begin (), end_content[1].begin () - 1 };
Buffer& buffer = BufferManager::instance().get_buffer(buffer_name);
return selection_list_from_strings(buffer, ColumnType::Byte, content | skip(1), timestamp, main);
enum class CombineOp
CombineOp key_to_combine_op(Key key)
switch (key.key)
case 'a': return CombineOp::Append;
case 'u': return CombineOp::Union;
case 'i': return CombineOp::Intersect;
case '<': return CombineOp::SelectLeftmostCursor;
case '>': return CombineOp::SelectRightmostCursor;
case '+': return CombineOp::SelectLongest;
case '-': return CombineOp::SelectShortest;
2018-04-06 16:56:53 +02:00
throw runtime_error{format("no such combine operator: '{}'", key.key)};
void combine_selection(const Buffer& buffer, Selection& sel, const Selection& other, CombineOp op)
switch (op)
case CombineOp::Union:
sel.set(std::min(sel.min(), other.min()),
std::max(sel.max(), other.max()));
case CombineOp::Intersect:
sel.set(std::max(sel.min(), other.min()),
std::min(sel.max(), other.max()));
case CombineOp::SelectLeftmostCursor:
if (sel.cursor() > other.cursor())
sel = other;
case CombineOp::SelectRightmostCursor:
if (sel.cursor() < other.cursor())
sel = other;
case CombineOp::SelectLongest:
if (char_length(buffer, sel) < char_length(buffer, other))
sel = other;
case CombineOp::SelectShortest:
if (char_length(buffer, sel) > char_length(buffer, other))
sel = other;
default: kak_assert(false);
template<typename Func>
void combine_selections(Context& context, SelectionList list, Func func, StringView title)
if (&context.buffer() != &list.buffer())
throw runtime_error{"cannot combine selections from different buffers"};
2019-11-12 22:58:15 +01:00
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "combine-selections", KeymapMode::None,
[func, list](Key key, Context& context) mutable {
if (key == Key::Escape)
const auto op = key_to_combine_op(key);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& sels = context.selections();
if (op == CombineOp::Append)
const auto main_index = list.size() + sels.main_index();
for (auto& sel : sels)
if (list.size() != sels.size())
2018-04-06 16:56:53 +02:00
throw runtime_error{format("the two selection lists don't have the same number of elements ({} vs {})",
list.size(), sels.size())};
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
combine_selection(sels.buffer(), list[i], sels[i], op);
func(context, std::move(list));
}, title.str(),
"'a': append lists\n"
"'u': union\n"
"'i': intersection\n"
"'<': select leftmost cursor\n"
"'>': select rightmost cursor\n"
"'+': select longest\n"
"'-': select shortest\n");
template<bool combine>
void save_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '^');
if (not is_basic_alpha(reg) and reg != '^')
throw runtime_error("selections can only be saved to the '^' and alphabetic registers");
auto content = RegisterManager::instance()[reg].get(context);
const bool empty = content.size() == 1 and content[0].empty();
auto save_to_reg = [reg](Context& context, const SelectionList& sels) {
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
auto to_string = [&] (const Selection& sel) { return selection_to_string(ColumnType::Byte, buffer, sel); };
auto descs = concatenated(ConstArrayView<String>{format("{}@{}@{}", buffer.name(), buffer.timestamp(), sels.main_index())},
sels | transform(to_string)) | gather<Vector<String>>();
RegisterManager::instance()[reg].set(context, descs);
context.print_status({format("{} {} selections to register '{}'",
combine ? "Combined" : "Saved", sels.size(), reg),
if (combine and not empty)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
combine_selections(context, read_selections_from_register(reg, context), save_to_reg, "combine selections to register");
save_to_reg(context, context.selections());
template<bool combine>
void restore_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params)
const char reg = to_lower(params.reg ? params.reg : '^');
auto selections = read_selections_from_register(reg, context);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto set_selections = [reg](Context& context, SelectionList sels) {
auto size = sels.size();
context.selections_write_only() = std::move(sels);
context.print_status({format("{} {} selections from register '{}'",
combine ? "Combined" : "Restored", size, reg),
if (not combine)
if (&selections.buffer() != &context.buffer())
set_selections(context, std::move(selections));
combine_selections(context, std::move(selections), set_selections, "combine selections from register");
2016-07-20 21:20:03 +02:00
void undo(Context& context, NormalParams params)
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
2016-07-20 21:20:03 +02:00
if (buffer.undo(std::max(1, params.count)))
auto ranges = compute_modified_ranges(buffer, timestamp);
if (not ranges.empty())
context.selections_write_only() = std::move(ranges);
2016-07-20 21:20:03 +02:00
throw runtime_error("nothing left to undo");
2016-07-20 21:20:03 +02:00
void redo(Context& context, NormalParams params)
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
2016-07-20 21:20:03 +02:00
if (buffer.redo(std::max(1, params.count)))
auto ranges = compute_modified_ranges(buffer, timestamp);
if (not ranges.empty())
context.selections_write_only() = std::move(ranges);
2016-07-20 21:20:03 +02:00
throw runtime_error("nothing left to redo");
template<Direction direction>
void move_in_history(Context& context, NormalParams params)
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
const int count = std::max(1, params.count);
const int history_id = (size_t)buffer.current_history_id() + direction * count;
const int max_history_id = (int)buffer.next_history_id() - 1;
if (buffer.move_to((Buffer::HistoryId)history_id))
auto ranges = compute_modified_ranges(buffer, timestamp);
if (not ranges.empty())
context.selections_write_only() = std::move(ranges);
context.print_status({ format("moved to change #{} ({})",
history_id, max_history_id),
context.faces()["Information"] });
throw runtime_error(format("no such change: #{} ({})",
history_id, max_history_id));
Allow to undo and redo selection changes From the issue: > It often happens to me that I carefully craft a selection with multiple > cursors, ready to make changes elegantly, only to completely mess it > up by pressing a wrong key (by merging the cursors for example). Being > able to undo the last selection change (even if only until the previous > buffer change) would make this much less painful. Fix this by recording selection changes and allowing simple linear undo/redo of selection changes. The preliminary key bindings are <c-h> and <c-k>. Here are some other vacant normal mode keys I considered X Y <backspace> <minus> # ^ = <plus> ' unfortunately none of them is super convenient to type. Maybe we can kick out some other normal mode command? --- This feature has some overlap with the jump list (<c-o>/<c-i>) and with undo (u) but each of the three features have their moment. Currently there's no special integration with either peer feature; the three histories are completely independent. In future we might want to synchronize them so we can implement Sublime Text's "Soft undo" feature. Note that it is possible to restore selections that predate a buffer modification. Depending on the buffer modification, the selections might look different of course. (When trying to apply an old buffer's selection to the new buffer, Kakoune computes a diff of the buffers and updates the selection accordingly. This works quite well for many practical examples.) This makes us record the full history of all selections for each client. This seems wasteful, we could set a limit. I don't expect excessive memory usage in practice (we also keep the full history of buffer changes) but I could be wrong. Closes #898
2022-08-15 22:21:53 +02:00
void undo_selection_change(Context& context, NormalParams params)
int count = std::max(1, params.count);
while (count--)
void redo_selection_change(Context& context, NormalParams params)
int count = std::max(1, params.count);
while (count--)
void exec_user_mappings(Context& context, NormalParams params)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, "user-mapping", KeymapMode::None,
[params](Key key, Context& context) mutable {
if (not context.keymaps().is_mapped(key, KeymapMode::User))
auto& mapping = context.keymaps().get_mapping(key, KeymapMode::User);
ScopedSetBool disable_keymaps(context.keymaps_disabled());
ScopedSetBool disable_history(context.history_disabled());
InputHandler::ScopedForceNormal force_normal{context.input_handler(), params};
ScopedEdition edition(context);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
for (auto& key : mapping.keys)
2015-12-28 00:14:14 +01:00
}, "user mapping",
build_autoinfo_for_mapping(context, KeymapMode::User, {}));
template<bool above>
void add_empty_line(Context& context, NormalParams params)
int count = std::max(params.count, 1);
String new_lines{'\n', CharCount{count}};
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& sels = context.selections();
2017-07-13 01:24:55 +02:00
ScopedEdition edition{context};
for (int i = 0; i < sels.size(); ++i)
auto line = (above ? sels[i].min().line : sels[i].max().line + 1) + (i * count);
buffer.insert(line, new_lines);
template<typename T>
class Repeated
constexpr Repeated(T t) : m_func(t) {}
void operator() (Context& context, NormalParams params)
ScopedEdition edition(context);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
do { m_func(context, {0, params.reg}); } while(--params.count > 0);
T m_func;
template<void (*func)(Context&, NormalParams)>
void repeated(Context& context, NormalParams params)
ScopedEdition edition(context);
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
do { func(context, {0, params.reg}); } while(--params.count > 0);
template<typename Type, Direction direction, SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace>
void move_cursor(Context& context, NormalParams params)
2013-12-15 15:14:52 +01:00
kak_assert(mode == SelectMode::Replace or mode == SelectMode::Extend);
const Type offset{direction * std::max(params.count,1)};
const ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
2013-12-15 15:14:52 +01:00
for (auto& sel : selections)
auto cursor = context.buffer().offset_coord(sel.cursor(), offset, tabstop);
sel.anchor() = mode == SelectMode::Extend ? sel.anchor() : cursor;
sel.cursor() = cursor;
2013-12-15 15:14:52 +01:00
void select_whole_buffer(Context& context, NormalParams)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
context.selections_write_only() = SelectionList{buffer, {{0,0}, {buffer.back_coord(), max_column}}};
void keep_selection(Context& context, NormalParams p)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
const int index = p.count ? p.count-1 : selections.main_index();
if (index >= selections.size())
throw runtime_error{format("invalid selection index: {}", index)};
selections = SelectionList{ selections.buffer(), std::move(selections[index]) };
void remove_selection(Context& context, NormalParams p)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
auto& selections = context.selections();
const int index = p.count ? p.count-1 : selections.main_index();
if (index >= selections.size())
throw runtime_error{format("invalid selection index: {}", index)};
if (selections.size() == 1)
throw no_selections_remaining{};
void clear_selections(Context& context, NormalParams)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
sel.anchor() = sel.cursor();
void flip_selections(Context& context, NormalParams)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
const BufferCoord tmp = sel.anchor();
sel.anchor() = sel.cursor();
sel.cursor() = tmp;
void ensure_forward(Context& context, NormalParams)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
const BufferCoord min = sel.min(), max = sel.max();
sel.anchor() = min;
sel.cursor() = max;
void merge_consecutive(Context& context, NormalParams params)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
ensure_forward(context, params);
void merge_overlapping(Context& context, NormalParams params)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
ensure_forward(context, params);
void duplicate_selections(Context& context, NormalParams params)
ScopedSelectionEdition selection_edition{context};
SelectionList& sels = context.selections();
Vector<Selection> new_sels;
const int count = params.count ? params.count : 2;
for (const auto& sel : sels)
new_sels.insert(new_sels.end(), count, sel);
context.selections().set(std::move(new_sels), sels.main_index() * count);
void force_redraw(Context& context, NormalParams)
if (context.has_client())
2019-03-16 01:54:56 +01:00
constexpr size_t keymap_max_size = 512;
template<typename T, MemoryDomain domain>
2019-03-16 01:54:56 +01:00
struct KeymapBackend : private Array<T, keymap_max_size>
using iterator = const T*;
using const_iterator = const T*;
constexpr KeymapBackend() = default;
constexpr KeymapBackend(std::initializer_list<T> items)
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
this->m_data[i] = *(items.begin() + i);
constexpr void resize(size_t s)
if (s > keymap_max_size)
throw runtime_error{"cannot resize"};
m_size = s;
constexpr size_t size() const { return m_size; }
using KeymapBackend::Array::begin;
using KeymapBackend::Array::end;
using KeymapBackend::Array::operator[];
size_t m_size = 0;
2019-03-16 01:54:56 +01:00
static constexpr HashMap<Key, NormalCmd, MemoryDomain::Undefined, KeymapBackend> keymap = {
{ {'h'}, {"move left", move_cursor<CharCount, Backward>} },
{ {'j'}, {"move down", move_cursor<LineCount, Forward>} },
{ {'k'}, {"move up", move_cursor<LineCount, Backward>} },
{ {'l'}, {"move right", move_cursor<CharCount, Forward>} },
{ {'H'}, {"extend left", move_cursor<CharCount, Backward, SelectMode::Extend>} },
{ {'J'}, {"extend down", move_cursor<LineCount, Forward, SelectMode::Extend>} },
{ {'K'}, {"extend up", move_cursor<LineCount, Backward, SelectMode::Extend>} },
{ {'L'}, {"extend right", move_cursor<CharCount, Forward, SelectMode::Extend>} },
{ {'t'}, {"select to next character", select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::None>} },
{ {'f'}, {"select to next character included", select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive>} },
{ {'T'}, {"extend to next character", select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Extend>} },
{ {'F'}, {"extend to next character included", select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive | SelectFlags::Extend>} },
{ {alt('t')}, {"select to previous character", select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Reverse>} },
{ {alt('f')}, {"select to previous character included", select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive | SelectFlags::Reverse>} },
{ {alt('T')}, {"extend to previous character", select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Extend | SelectFlags::Reverse>} },
{ {alt('F')}, {"extend to previous character included", select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive | SelectFlags::Extend | SelectFlags::Reverse>} },
{ {'d'}, {"erase selected text", erase_selections<true>} },
{ {alt('d')}, {"erase selected text, without yanking", erase_selections<false>} },
{ {'c'}, {"change selected text", change<true>} },
{ {alt('c')}, {"change selected text, without yanking", change<false>} },
{ {'i'}, {"insert before selected text", enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::Insert>} },
{ {'I'}, {"insert at line begin", enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::InsertAtLineBegin>} },
{ {'a'}, {"insert after selected text", enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::Append>} },
{ {'A'}, {"insert at line end", enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::AppendAtLineEnd>} },
{ {'o'}, {"insert on new line below", enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::OpenLineBelow>} },
{ {'O'}, {"insert on new line above", enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::OpenLineAbove>} },
{ {'r'}, {"replace with character", replace_with_char} },
{ {alt('o')}, {"add a new empty line below", add_empty_line<false>} },
{ {alt('O')}, {"add a new empty line above", add_empty_line<true>} },
{ {'g'}, {"go to location", goto_commands<SelectMode::Replace>} },
{ {'G'}, {"extend to location", goto_commands<SelectMode::Extend>} },
{ {'v'}, {"move view", view_commands<false>} },
{ {'V'}, {"move view (locked)", view_commands<true>} },
{ {'y'}, {"yank selected text", yank} },
{ {'p'}, {"paste after selected text", repeated<paste<PasteMode::Append>>} },
{ {'P'}, {"paste before selected text", repeated<paste<PasteMode::Insert>>} },
{ {alt('p')}, {"paste every yanked selection after selected text", paste_all<PasteMode::Append>} },
{ {alt('P')}, {"paste every yanked selection before selected text", paste_all<PasteMode::Insert>} },
{ {'R'}, {"replace selected text with yanked text", paste<PasteMode::Replace>} },
{ {alt('R')}, {"replace selected text with every yanked text", paste_all<PasteMode::Replace>} },
{ {'s'}, {"select regex matches in selected text", select_regex} },
{ {'S'}, {"split selected text on regex matches", split_regex} },
{ {alt('s')}, {"split selected text on line ends", split_lines} },
{ {alt('S')}, {"select selection boundaries", select_boundaries} },
{ {'.'}, {"repeat last insert command", repeat_last_insert} },
{ {alt('.')}, {"repeat last object select/character find", repeat_last_select} },
{ {'%'}, {"select whole buffer", select_whole_buffer} },
{ {':'}, {"enter command prompt", command} },
{ {'|'}, {"pipe each selection through filter and replace with output", pipe<true>} },
{ {alt('|')}, {"pipe each selection through command and ignore output", pipe<false>} },
{ {'!'}, {"insert command output", insert_output<PasteMode::Insert>} },
{ {alt('!')}, {"append command output", insert_output<PasteMode::Append>} },
{ {','}, {"remove all selections except main", keep_selection} },
{ {alt(',')}, {"remove main selection", remove_selection} },
{ {';'}, {"reduce selections to their cursor", clear_selections} },
{ {alt(';')}, {"swap selections cursor and anchor", flip_selections} },
{ {alt(':')}, {"ensure selection cursor is after anchor", ensure_forward} },
2018-09-29 19:41:41 +02:00
{ {alt('_')}, {"merge consecutive selections", merge_consecutive} },
{ {'+'}, {"duplicate each selection", duplicate_selections} },
{ {alt('+')}, {"merge overlapping selections", merge_overlapping} },
{ {'w'}, {"select to next word start", repeated<&select<SelectMode::Replace, select_to_next_word<Word>>>} },
{ {'e'}, {"select to next word end", repeated<select<SelectMode::Replace, select_to_next_word_end<Word>>>} },
{ {'b'}, {"select to previous word start", repeated<select<SelectMode::Replace, select_to_previous_word<Word>>>} },
{ {'W'}, {"extend to next word start", repeated<select<SelectMode::Extend, select_to_next_word<Word>>>} },
{ {'E'}, {"extend to next word end", repeated<select<SelectMode::Extend, select_to_next_word_end<Word>>>} },
{ {'B'}, {"extend to previous word start", repeated<select<SelectMode::Extend, select_to_previous_word<Word>>>} },
{ {alt('w')}, {"select to next WORD start", repeated<select<SelectMode::Replace, select_to_next_word<WORD>>>} },
{ {alt('e')}, {"select to next WORD end", repeated<select<SelectMode::Replace, select_to_next_word_end<WORD>>>} },
{ {alt('b')}, {"select to previous WORD start", repeated<select<SelectMode::Replace, select_to_previous_word<WORD>>>} },
{ {alt('W')}, {"extend to next WORD start", repeated<select<SelectMode::Extend, select_to_next_word<WORD>>>} },
{ {alt('E')}, {"extend to next WORD end", repeated<select<SelectMode::Extend, select_to_next_word_end<WORD>>>} },
{ {alt('B')}, {"extend to previous WORD start", repeated<select<SelectMode::Extend, select_to_previous_word<WORD>>>} },
{ {alt('l')}, {"select to line end", repeated<select<SelectMode::Replace, select_to_line_end<false>>>} },
{ {alt('L')}, {"extend to line end", repeated<select<SelectMode::Extend, select_to_line_end<false>>>} },
{ {alt('h')}, {"select to line begin", repeated<select<SelectMode::Replace, select_to_line_begin<false>>>} },
{ {alt('H')}, {"extend to line begin", repeated<select<SelectMode::Extend, select_to_line_begin<false>>>} },
{ {'x'}, {"extend selections to whole lines", select<SelectMode::Replace, select_lines>} },
{ {alt('x')}, {"crop selections to whole lines", select<SelectMode::Replace, trim_partial_lines>} },
{ {'m'}, {"select to matching character", select<SelectMode::Replace, select_matching<true>>} },
{ {alt('m')}, {"backward select to matching character", select<SelectMode::Replace, select_matching<false>>} },
{ {'M'}, {"extend to matching character", select<SelectMode::Extend, select_matching<true>>} },
{ {alt('M')}, {"backward extend to matching character", select<SelectMode::Extend, select_matching<false>>} },
{ {'/'}, {"select next given regex match", search<SelectMode::Replace, RegexMode::Forward>} },
{ {'?'}, {"extend with next given regex match", search<SelectMode::Extend, RegexMode::Forward>} },
{ {alt('/')}, {"select previous given regex match", search<SelectMode::Replace, RegexMode::Backward>} },
{ {alt('?')}, {"extend with previous given regex match", search<SelectMode::Extend, RegexMode::Backward>} },
{ {'n'}, {"select next current search pattern match", search_next<SelectMode::Replace, RegexMode::Forward>} },
{ {'N'}, {"extend with next current search pattern match", search_next<SelectMode::Append, RegexMode::Forward>} },
{ {alt('n')}, {"select previous current search pattern match", search_next<SelectMode::Replace, RegexMode::Backward>} },
{ {alt('N')}, {"extend with previous current search pattern match", search_next<SelectMode::Append, RegexMode::Backward>} },
{ {'*'}, {"set search pattern to main selection content", use_selection_as_search_pattern<true>} },
{ {alt('*')}, {"set search pattern to main selection content, do not detect words", use_selection_as_search_pattern<false>} },
{ {'u'}, {"undo", undo} },
{ {'U'}, {"redo", redo} },
{ {alt('u')}, {"move backward in history", move_in_history<Direction::Backward>} },
{ {alt('U')}, {"move forward in history", move_in_history<Direction::Forward>} },
Allow to undo and redo selection changes From the issue: > It often happens to me that I carefully craft a selection with multiple > cursors, ready to make changes elegantly, only to completely mess it > up by pressing a wrong key (by merging the cursors for example). Being > able to undo the last selection change (even if only until the previous > buffer change) would make this much less painful. Fix this by recording selection changes and allowing simple linear undo/redo of selection changes. The preliminary key bindings are <c-h> and <c-k>. Here are some other vacant normal mode keys I considered X Y <backspace> <minus> # ^ = <plus> ' unfortunately none of them is super convenient to type. Maybe we can kick out some other normal mode command? --- This feature has some overlap with the jump list (<c-o>/<c-i>) and with undo (u) but each of the three features have their moment. Currently there's no special integration with either peer feature; the three histories are completely independent. In future we might want to synchronize them so we can implement Sublime Text's "Soft undo" feature. Note that it is possible to restore selections that predate a buffer modification. Depending on the buffer modification, the selections might look different of course. (When trying to apply an old buffer's selection to the new buffer, Kakoune computes a diff of the buffers and updates the selection accordingly. This works quite well for many practical examples.) This makes us record the full history of all selections for each client. This seems wasteful, we could set a limit. I don't expect excessive memory usage in practice (we also keep the full history of buffer changes) but I could be wrong. Closes #898
2022-08-15 22:21:53 +02:00
{ {ctrl('h')}, {"undo selection change", undo_selection_change} },
{ {ctrl('k')}, {"redo selection change", redo_selection_change} },
{ {alt('i')}, {"select inner object", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::ToEnd | ObjectFlags::Inner>} },
{ {alt('a')}, {"select whole object", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::ToEnd>} },
{ {'['}, {"select to object start", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin>} },
{ {']'}, {"select to object end", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToEnd>} },
{ {'{'}, {"extend to object start", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin, SelectMode::Extend>} },
{ {'}'}, {"extend to object end", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToEnd, SelectMode::Extend>} },
{ {alt('[')}, {"select to inner object start", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::Inner>} },
{ {alt(']')}, {"select to inner object end", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToEnd | ObjectFlags::Inner>} },
{ {alt('{')}, {"extend to inner object start", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::Inner, SelectMode::Extend>} },
{ {alt('}')}, {"extend to inner object end", select_object<ObjectFlags::ToEnd | ObjectFlags::Inner, SelectMode::Extend>} },
{ {alt('j')}, {"join lines", join_lines} },
{ {alt('J')}, {"join lines and select spaces", join_lines_select_spaces} },
{ {alt('k')}, {"keep selections matching given regex", keep<true>} },
{ {alt('K')}, {"keep selections not matching given regex", keep<false>} },
{ {'$'}, {"pipe each selection through shell command and keep the ones whose command succeed", keep_pipe} },
{ {'<'}, {"deindent", deindent<true>} },
{ {'>'}, {"indent", indent<false>} },
{ {alt('>')}, {"indent, including empty lines", indent<true>} },
{ {alt('<')}, {"deindent, not including incomplete indent", deindent<false>} },
{ {ctrl('i')}, {"jump forward in jump list",jump<Forward>} },
{ {Key::Tab}, {"jump forward in jump list",jump<Forward>} }, // legacy terminals encode <tab> / <c-i> the same way
{ {ctrl('o')}, {"jump backward in jump list", jump<Backward>} },
{ {ctrl('s')}, {"push current selections in jump list", push_selections} },
{ {')'}, {"rotate main selection forward", rotate_selections<Forward>} },
{ {'('}, {"rotate main selection backward", rotate_selections<Backward>} },
{ {alt(')')}, {"rotate selections content forward", rotate_selections_content<Forward>} },
{ {alt('(')}, {"rotate selections content backward", rotate_selections_content<Backward>} },
{ {'q'}, {"replay recorded macro", replay_macro} },
{ {'Q'}, {"start or end macro recording", start_or_end_macro_recording} },
{ {'`'}, {"convert to lower case in selections", for_each_codepoint<to_lower>} },
{ {'~'}, {"convert to upper case in selections", for_each_codepoint<to_upper>} },
{ {alt('`')}, { "swap case in selections", for_each_codepoint<swap_case>} },
{ {'&'}, {"align selection cursors", align} },
{ {alt('&')}, {"copy indentation", copy_indent} },
{ {'@'}, {"convert tabs to spaces in selections", tabs_to_spaces} },
{ {alt('@')}, {"convert spaces to tabs in selections", spaces_to_tabs} },
2018-02-13 14:35:10 +01:00
{ {'_'}, {"trim selections", trim_selections} },
{ {'C'}, {"duplicate selections on the lines that follow them.", copy_selections_on_next_lines<Forward>} },
{ {alt('C')}, {"duplicate selections on the lines that precede them.", copy_selections_on_next_lines<Backward>} },
{ {Key::Space}, {"user mappings", exec_user_mappings} },
{ {Key::PageUp}, { "scroll one page up", scroll<Backward>} },
{ {Key::PageDown}, {"scroll one page down", scroll<Forward>} },
{ {ctrl('b')}, {"scroll one page up", scroll<Backward >} },
{ {ctrl('f')}, {"scroll one page down", scroll<Forward>} },
{ {ctrl('u')}, {"scroll half a page up", scroll<Backward, true>} },
{ {ctrl('d')}, {"scroll half a page down", scroll<Forward, true>} },
{ {'z'}, {"restore selections from register", restore_selections<false>} },
{ {alt('z')}, {"combine selections from register", restore_selections<true>} },
{ {'Z'}, {"save selections to register", save_selections<false>} },
{ {alt('Z')}, {"combine selections to register", save_selections<true>} },
{ {ctrl('l')}, {"force redraw", force_redraw} },
Optional<NormalCmd> get_normal_command(Key key)
auto it = keymap.find(key);
if (it != keymap.end())
return it->value;
return {};