
59 lines
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Raw Normal View History

decl -hidden str clang_filename
decl str clang_options
decl str-list clang_completions
def clang-complete %{
filename=$(mktemp -d -t kak-clang.XXXXXXXX)/buffer.cpp
echo "set buffer clang_filename $filename"
echo "write $filename"
# end the previous %sh{} so that its output gets interpreted by kakoune
# before launching the following as a background task.
# this runs in a detached shell, asynchronously, so that kakoune does not hang while clang is running.
# As completions references a cursor position and a buffer timestamp, only valid completions should be
# displayed.
cd $(dirname ${kak_buffile})
2014-03-27 23:00:14 +01:00
clang++ -x c++ -fsyntax-only ${kak_opt_clang_options} -Xclang -code-completion-at=${pos} - < ${kak_opt_clang_filename} 2>&1 | awk -e '
function rmblocks(opening, closing, val, res) {
while (match(val, opening)) {
res = res substr(val, 1, RSTART-1)
val = substr(val, RSTART + RLENGTH)
if (match(val, closing))
val = substr(val, RSTART + RLENGTH)
return res val
BEGIN { out = ENVIRON["kak_cursor_line"] "." ENVIRON["kak_cursor_column"] "@" ENVIRON["kak_timestamp"] }
/^COMPLETION:[^:]+:/ {
gsub("^COMPLETION:[^:]+: +", ""); gsub(":", "\\:")
c = rmblocks("\\[#", "#\\]", rmblocks("<#", "#>", rmblocks("\\{#", "#\\}", $0)))
gsub("\\((, )+\\)", "(", c)
out = out ":" c
cmd = "kak -p " ENVIRON["kak_session"]
print "eval -client " ENVIRON["kak_client"] " %[ echo completed; set buffer clang_completions %[" out "] ]" | cmd
rm -r $(dirname ${kak_opt_clang_filename})
) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
def clang-enable-autocomplete %{
set window completers %sh{ echo "'option=clang_completions:${kak_opt_completers}'" }
hook window -id clang-autocomplete InsertIdle .* %{ try %{
2014-01-25 19:49:44 +01:00
exec -draft <a-h><a-k>(\.|->|::).$<ret>
echo 'completing...'
} }
2013-04-11 14:30:02 +02:00
def clang-disable-autocomplete %{
set window completers %sh{ echo "'${kak_opt_completers}'" | sed -e 's/option=clang_completions://g' }
rmhooks window clang-autocomplete