Noé Rubinstein f272768544 Elixir: Fix triple-string, add support for Eex
This adds support for the Eex templating that is used in the Phoenix
web framework. Eex files include HTML and Elixir code, and Elixir files
can include Eex in string literals marked with the `~L` prefix.

Additionally this unbreaks `"""` string literals, which did not work because
`"` was matched before `"""`
2020-05-03 13:54:48 +02:00

109 lines
4.1 KiB

# http://elixir-lang.org
# ----------------------
# Detection
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global BufCreate .*[.](ex|exs) %{
set-option buffer filetype elixir
hook global BufCreate .*[.]html[.]l?eex %{
set-option buffer filetype eex
# Initialization
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global WinSetOption filetype=elixir %{
require-module elixir
hook window ModeChange pop:insert:.* -group elixir-trim-indent elixir-trim-indent
hook window InsertChar \n -group elixir-indent elixir-indent-on-new-line
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-hooks window elixir-.+ }
hook -group elixir-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=elixir %{
add-highlighter window/elixir ref elixir
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/elixir }
hook global WinSetOption filetype=eex %{
require-module eex
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-hooks window eex-.+ }
hook -group eex-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=eex %{
add-highlighter window/eex ref eex
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/eex }
provide-module eex %{
require-module html
require-module elixir
add-highlighter shared/eex regions
add-highlighter shared/eex/html default-region ref html
add-highlighter shared/eex/code region '<%=' '%>' ref elixir
provide-module elixir %[
require-module eex
# Highlighters
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
add-highlighter shared/elixir regions
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code default-region group
add-highlighter shared/elixir/double_string region -match-capture ("""|") (?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*("""|") regions
add-highlighter shared/elixir/single_string region "'" "(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*'" fill string
add-highlighter shared/elixir/comment region '#' '$' fill comment
add-highlighter shared/elixir/leex region -match-capture '~L("""|")' '(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*("""|")' ref eex
add-highlighter shared/elixir/double_string/base default-region fill string
add-highlighter shared/elixir/double_string/interpolation region -recurse \{ \Q#{ \} fill builtin
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex ':[\w_]+\b' 0:type
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex '[\w_]+:' 0:type
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex '[A-Z][\w_]+\b' 0:module
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex '(:[\w_]+)(\.)' 1:module
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex '\b_\b' 0:default
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex '\b_[\w_]+\b' 0:default
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex '~[a-zA-Z]\(.*\)' 0:string
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex \b(true|false|nil)\b 0:value
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex (->|<-|<<|>>|=>) 0:builtin
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex \b(require|alias|use|import)\b 0:keyword
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex \b(__MODULE__|__DIR__|__ENV__|__CALLER__)\b 0:value
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex \b(def|defp|defmacro|defmacrop|defstruct|defmodule|defimpl|defprotocol|defoverridable)\b 0:keyword
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex \b(fn|do|end|when|case|if|else|unless|var!|for|cond|quote|unquote|receive|with|raise|reraise|try|catch)\b 0:keyword
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex '@[\w_]+\b' 0:attribute
add-highlighter shared/elixir/code/ regex '\b\d+[\d_]*\b' 0:value
# Commands
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
define-command -hidden elixir-trim-indent %{
# remove trailing white spaces
try %{ execute-keys -draft -itersel <a-x> s \h+$ <ret> d }
define-command -hidden elixir-indent-on-new-line %{
evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %{
# copy -- comments prefix and following white spaces
try %{ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> s ^\h*\K--\h* <ret> y gh j P }
# preserve previous line indent
try %{ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> K <a-&> }
# indent after line ending with:
# try %{ execute-keys -draft k x <a-k> (do|else|->)$ <ret> & }
# filter previous line
try %{ execute-keys -draft k : elixir-trim-indent <ret> }
# indent after lines ending with do or ->
try %{ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> k x <a-k> ^.+(do|->)$ <ret> j <a-gt> }