Recently, switch completion were given the menu behavior. Unfortunately this breaks cases like :echo -- -mark<ret> where the hypothetical user wanted to actually display "-mark", not "-markup". Simply bail if there is a double-dash. This is not fully correct, for example it wrongly disables switch completion on echo -to-file -- - but that's minor, we can fix it later. In future, we should reuse the ParametersParser when computing completions, which will obsolete this workaround.
917 lines
30 KiB
917 lines
30 KiB
#include "command_manager.hh"
#include "alias_registry.hh"
#include "assert.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "flags.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "optional.hh"
#include "option_types.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
#include "register_manager.hh"
#include "shell_manager.hh"
#include "utils.hh"
#include "unit_tests.hh"
#include <algorithm>
namespace Kakoune
bool CommandManager::command_defined(StringView command_name) const
return m_commands.find(command_name) != m_commands.end();
void CommandManager::register_command(String command_name,
CommandFunc func,
String docstring,
ParameterDesc param_desc,
CommandFlags flags,
CommandHelper helper,
CommandCompleter completer)
m_commands[command_name] = { std::move(func),
std::move(completer) };
void CommandManager::set_command_completer(StringView command_name, CommandCompleter completer)
auto it = m_commands.find(command_name);
if (it == m_commands.end())
throw runtime_error(format("no such command '{}'", command_name));
it->value.completer = std::move(completer);
bool CommandManager::module_defined(StringView module_name) const
return m_modules.find(module_name) != m_modules.end();
void CommandManager::register_module(String module_name, String commands)
auto module = m_modules.find(module_name);
if (module != m_modules.end() and module->value.state != Module::State::Registered)
throw runtime_error{format("module already loaded: '{}'", module_name)};
m_modules[module_name] = { Module::State::Registered, std::move(commands) };
void CommandManager::load_module(StringView module_name, Context& context)
auto module = m_modules.find(module_name);
if (module == m_modules.end())
throw runtime_error{format("no such module: '{}'", module_name)};
switch (module->value.state)
case Module::State::Loading:
throw runtime_error(format("module '{}' loaded recursively", module_name));
case Module::State::Loaded: return;
case Module::State::Registered: default: break;
module->value.state = Module::State::Loading;
auto restore_state = on_scope_end([&] { module->value.state = Module::State::Registered; });
Context empty_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}};
execute(module->value.commands, empty_context);
module->value.state = Module::State::Loaded;
context.hooks().run_hook(Hook::ModuleLoaded, module_name, context);
struct parse_error : runtime_error
parse_error(StringView error)
: runtime_error{format("parse error: {}", error)} {}
bool is_command_separator(char c)
return c == ';' or c == '\n';
struct ParseResult
String content;
bool terminated;
template<typename Delimiter>
ParseResult parse_quoted(ParseState& state, Delimiter delimiter)
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Delimiter, char> or std::is_same_v<Delimiter, Codepoint>);
auto read = [](const char*& it, const char* end) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Delimiter, Codepoint>)
return utf8::read_codepoint(it, end);
return *it++;
const char* beg = state.pos;
const char* end = state.str.end();
String str;
while (state.pos != end)
const char* cur = state.pos;
const auto c = read(state.pos, end);
if (c == delimiter)
auto next = state.pos;
if (next == end || read(next, end) != delimiter)
if (str.empty())
return {String{String::NoCopy{}, {beg, cur}}, true};
str += StringView{beg, cur};
return {str, true};
str += StringView{beg, state.pos};
state.pos = beg = next;
if (beg < end)
str += StringView{beg, end};
return {str, false};
template<char opening_delimiter, char closing_delimiter>
ParseResult parse_quoted_balanced(ParseState& state)
int level = 1;
const char* pos = state.pos;
const char* beg = pos;
const char* end = state.str.end();
while (pos != end)
const char c = *pos++;
if (c == opening_delimiter)
else if (c == closing_delimiter and --level == 0)
state.pos = pos;
const bool terminated = (level == 0);
return {String{String::NoCopy{}, {beg, pos - terminated}}, terminated};
String parse_unquoted(ParseState& state)
const char* beg = state.pos;
const char* end = state.str.end();
String str;
while (state.pos != end)
const char c = *state.pos;
if (is_command_separator(c) or is_horizontal_blank(c))
str += StringView{beg, state.pos};
if (state.pos != beg and *(state.pos - 1) == '\\')
str.back() = c;
beg = state.pos+1;
return str;
if (beg < end)
str += StringView{beg, end};
return str;
Token::Type token_type(StringView type_name, bool throw_on_invalid)
if (type_name == "")
return Token::Type::RawQuoted;
else if (type_name == "sh")
return Token::Type::ShellExpand;
else if (type_name == "reg")
return Token::Type::RegisterExpand;
else if (type_name == "opt")
return Token::Type::OptionExpand;
else if (type_name == "val")
return Token::Type::ValExpand;
else if (type_name == "arg")
return Token::Type::ArgExpand;
else if (type_name == "file")
return Token::Type::FileExpand;
else if (throw_on_invalid)
throw parse_error{format("unknown expand '{}'", type_name)};
return Token::Type::RawQuoted;
void skip_blanks_and_comments(ParseState& state)
while (state)
const Codepoint c = *state.pos;
if (is_horizontal_blank(c))
else if (c == '\\' and state.pos + 1 != state.str.end() and
state.pos[1] == '\n')
state.pos += 2;
else if (c == '#')
while (state and *state.pos != '\n')
BufferCoord compute_coord(StringView s)
BufferCoord coord{0,0};
for (auto c : s)
if (c == '\n')
coord.column = 0;
return coord;
Token parse_percent_token(ParseState& state, bool throw_on_unterminated)
kak_assert(state.pos[-1] == '%');
const auto type_start = state.pos;
while (state and *state.pos >= 'a' and *state.pos <= 'z')
StringView type_name{type_start, state.pos};
bool at_end = state.pos == state.str.end();
const Codepoint opening_delimiter = utf8::read_codepoint(state.pos, state.str.end());
if (at_end or iswalpha(opening_delimiter))
if (throw_on_unterminated)
throw parse_error{format("expected a string delimiter after '%{}'",
return {};
Token::Type type = token_type(type_name, throw_on_unterminated);
constexpr struct CharPair { char opening; char closing; ParseResult (*parse_func)(ParseState&); } matching_pairs[] = {
{ '(', ')', parse_quoted_balanced<'(', ')'> },
{ '[', ']', parse_quoted_balanced<'[', ']'> },
{ '{', '}', parse_quoted_balanced<'{', '}'> },
{ '<', '>', parse_quoted_balanced<'<', '>'> }
auto start = state.pos;
const ByteCount byte_pos = start - state.str.begin();
if (auto it = find_if(matching_pairs, [=](const CharPair& cp) { return opening_delimiter == cp.opening; });
it != std::end(matching_pairs))
auto quoted = it->parse_func(state);
if (throw_on_unterminated and not quoted.terminated)
auto coord = compute_coord({state.str.begin(), start});
throw parse_error{format("{}:{}: unterminated string '%{}{}...{}'",
coord.line+1, coord.column+1, type_name,
it->opening, it->closing)};
return {type, byte_pos, std::move(quoted.content), quoted.terminated};
const bool is_ascii = opening_delimiter < 128;
auto quoted = is_ascii ? parse_quoted(state, (char)opening_delimiter) : parse_quoted(state, opening_delimiter);
if (throw_on_unterminated and not quoted.terminated)
auto coord = compute_coord({state.str.begin(), start});
throw parse_error{format("{}:{}: unterminated string '%{}{}...{}'",
coord.line+1, coord.column+1, type_name,
opening_delimiter, opening_delimiter)};
return {type, byte_pos, std::move(quoted.content), quoted.terminated};
template<typename Target>
requires (std::is_same_v<Target, Vector<String>> or std::is_same_v<Target, String>)
void expand_token(Token&& token, const Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context, Target& target)
constexpr bool single = std::is_same_v<Target, String>;
auto set_target = [&](auto&& s) {
if constexpr (single)
target = std::move(s);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(s)>, String>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<decltype(s), Vector<String>&&>)
target.insert(target.end(), std::make_move_iterator(s.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(s.end()));
target.insert(target.end(), s.begin(), s.end());
auto&& content = token.content;
switch (token.type)
case Token::Type::ShellExpand:
auto str = ShellManager::instance().eval(
content, context, {}, ShellManager::Flags::WaitForStdout,
if (not str.empty() and str.back() == '\n')
str.resize(str.length() - 1, 0);
return set_target(std::move(str));
case Token::Type::RegisterExpand:
if constexpr (single)
return set_target(context.main_sel_register_value(content).str());
return set_target(RegisterManager::instance()[content].get(context));
case Token::Type::OptionExpand:
auto& opt = context.options()[content];
if constexpr (single)
return set_target(opt.get_as_string(Quoting::Raw));
return set_target(opt.get_as_strings());
case Token::Type::ValExpand:
auto it = shell_context.env_vars.find(content);
if (it != shell_context.env_vars.end())
return set_target(it->value);
auto val = ShellManager::instance().get_val(content, context);
if constexpr (single)
return set_target(join(val, false, ' '));
return set_target(std::move(val));
case Token::Type::ArgExpand:
auto& params = shell_context.params;
if (content == '@')
if constexpr (single)
return set_target(join(params, ' ', false));
return set_target(params);
const int arg = str_to_int(content);
if (arg < 1)
throw runtime_error("invalid argument index");
return set_target(arg <= params.size() ? params[arg-1] : String{});
case Token::Type::FileExpand:
return set_target(read_file(content));
case Token::Type::RawEval:
return set_target(expand(content, context, shell_context));
case Token::Type::Raw:
case Token::Type::RawQuoted:
return set_target(std::move(content));
default: kak_assert(false);
CommandParser::CommandParser(StringView command_line) : m_state{command_line, command_line.begin()} {}
Optional<Token> CommandParser::read_token(bool throw_on_unterminated)
if (not m_state)
return {};
const StringView line = m_state.str;
const char* start = m_state.pos;
const char c = *m_state.pos;
if (c == '"' or c == '\'')
start = ++m_state.pos;
ParseResult quoted = parse_quoted(m_state, c);
if (throw_on_unterminated and not quoted.terminated)
throw parse_error{format("unterminated string {0}...{0}", c)};
return Token{c == '"' ? Token::Type::RawEval
: Token::Type::RawQuoted,
start - line.begin(), std::move(quoted.content),
else if (c == '%')
return parse_percent_token(m_state, throw_on_unterminated);
else if (is_command_separator(c))
return Token{Token::Type::CommandSeparator,
++m_state.pos - line.begin(), {}};
if (c == '\\' and m_state.pos + 1 != m_state.str.end())
const char next = m_state.pos[1];
if (next == '%' or next == '\'' or next == '"')
return Token{Token::Type::Raw, start - line.begin(), parse_unquoted(m_state)};
return {};
template<typename Postprocess>
String expand_impl(StringView str, const Context& context,
const ShellContext& shell_context,
Postprocess postprocess)
ParseState state{str, str.begin()};
String res;
auto beg = state.pos;
while (state)
if (*state.pos++ == '%')
if (state and *state.pos == '%')
res += StringView{beg, state.pos};
beg = ++state.pos;
res += StringView{beg, state.pos-1};
String token;
expand_token(parse_percent_token(state, true), context, shell_context, token);
res += postprocess(token);
beg = state.pos;
res += StringView{beg, state.pos};
return res;
String expand(StringView str, const Context& context,
const ShellContext& shell_context)
return expand_impl(str, context, shell_context, [](String s){ return s; });
String expand(StringView str, const Context& context,
const ShellContext& shell_context,
const FunctionRef<String (String)>& postprocess)
return expand_impl(str, context, shell_context, postprocess);
StringView resolve_alias(const Context& context, StringView name)
auto alias = context.aliases()[name];
return alias.empty() ? name : alias;
void CommandManager::execute_single_command(CommandParameters params,
Context& context,
const ShellContext& shell_context)
if (params.empty())
constexpr int max_command_depth = 100;
if (m_command_depth > max_command_depth)
throw runtime_error("maximum nested command depth hit");
auto pop_depth = on_scope_end([this] { --m_command_depth; });
auto command_it = m_commands.find(resolve_alias(context, params[0]));
if (command_it == m_commands.end())
throw runtime_error("no such command");
auto debug_flags = context.options()["debug"].get<DebugFlags>();
if (debug_flags & DebugFlags::Commands)
write_to_debug_buffer(format("command {}", join(params, ' ')));
auto profile = on_scope_end([&, start = (debug_flags & DebugFlags::Profile) ? Clock::now() : Clock::time_point{}] {
if (not (debug_flags & DebugFlags::Profile))
auto full = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(Clock::now() - start);
write_to_debug_buffer(format("command {} took {} us", params[0], full.count()));
command_it->value.func({{params.begin()+1, params.end()}, command_it->value.param_desc},
context, shell_context);
void CommandManager::execute(StringView command_line,
Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context)
CommandParser parser(command_line);
ByteCount command_pos{};
Vector<String> params;
while (true)
Optional<Token> token = parser.read_token(true);
if (not token or token->type == Token::Type::CommandSeparator)
execute_single_command(params, context, shell_context);
catch (failure& error)
catch (runtime_error& error)
auto coord = compute_coord(command_line.substr(0_byte, command_pos));
error.set_what(format("{}:{}: '{}': {}", coord.line+1, coord.column+1,
params[0], error.what()));
if (not token)
if (params.empty())
command_pos = token->pos;
if (token->type == Token::Type::ArgExpand and token->content == '@')
params.insert(params.end(), shell_context.params.begin(),
expand_token(*std::move(token), context, shell_context, params);
Optional<CommandInfo> CommandManager::command_info(const Context& context, StringView command_line) const
CommandParser parser{command_line};
Vector<Token> tokens;
while (auto token = parser.read_token(false))
if (token->type == Token::Type::CommandSeparator)
if (tokens.empty() or
(tokens.front().type != Token::Type::Raw and
tokens.front().type != Token::Type::RawQuoted))
return {};
auto cmd = m_commands.find(resolve_alias(context, tokens.front().content));
if (cmd == m_commands.end())
return {};
CommandInfo res;
res.name = cmd->key;
if (not cmd->value.docstring.empty())
res.info += cmd->value.docstring + "\n";
if (cmd->value.helper)
Vector<String> params;
for (auto it = tokens.begin() + 1; it != tokens.end(); ++it)
if (it->type == Token::Type::Raw or
it->type == Token::Type::RawQuoted or
it->type == Token::Type::RawEval)
String helpstr = cmd->value.helper(context, params);
if (not helpstr.empty())
res.info += format("{}\n", helpstr);
String aliases;
for (auto& alias : context.aliases().aliases_for(cmd->key))
aliases += " " + alias;
if (not aliases.empty())
res.info += format("Aliases:{}\n", aliases);
auto& switches = cmd->value.param_desc.switches;
if (not switches.empty())
res.info += format("Switches:\n{}", indent(generate_switches_doc(switches)));
return res;
Completions CommandManager::complete_command_name(const Context& context, StringView query) const
auto commands = m_commands
| filter([](const CommandMap::Item& cmd) { return not (cmd.value.flags & CommandFlags::Hidden); })
| transform(&CommandMap::Item::key);
auto aliases = context.aliases().flatten_aliases()
| transform(&HashItem<String, String>::key);
return {0, query.length(),
Kakoune::complete(query, query.length(), concatenated(commands, aliases)),
Completions::Flags::Menu | Completions::Flags::NoEmpty};
Completions CommandManager::complete_module_name(StringView query) const
return {0, query.length(),
Kakoune::complete(query, query.length(), m_modules | filter([](auto&& item) { return item.value.state == Module::State::Registered; })
| transform(&ModuleMap::Item::key))};
static Completions complete_expansion(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags,
Token token, ByteCount start,
ByteCount cursor_pos, ByteCount pos_in_token)
switch (token.type) {
case Token::Type::RegisterExpand:
return { start, cursor_pos,
token.content, pos_in_token) };
case Token::Type::OptionExpand:
return { start, cursor_pos,
token.content, pos_in_token) };
case Token::Type::ShellExpand:
return offset_pos(shell_complete(context, flags, token.content,
pos_in_token), start);
case Token::Type::ValExpand:
return { start, cursor_pos,
token.content, pos_in_token) };
case Token::Type::FileExpand:
const auto& ignored_files = context.options()["ignored_files"].get<Regex>();
return { start, cursor_pos, complete_filename(
token.content, ignored_files, pos_in_token, FilenameFlags::Expand) };
throw runtime_error("unknown expansion");
static Completions complete_raw_eval(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags,
StringView prefix, ByteCount start,
ByteCount cursor_pos, ByteCount pos_in_token)
ParseState state{prefix, prefix.begin()};
while (state)
if (*state.pos++ == '%')
if (state and *state.pos == '%')
auto token = parse_percent_token(state, false);
if (token.terminated)
if (token.type == Token::Type::Raw or token.type == Token::Type::RawQuoted)
return {};
return complete_expansion(context, flags, token,
start + token.pos, cursor_pos,
pos_in_token - token.pos);
return {};
Completions CommandManager::complete(const Context& context,
CompletionFlags flags,
StringView command_line,
ByteCount cursor_pos)
auto prefix = command_line.substr(0_byte, cursor_pos);
CommandParser parser{prefix};
const char* cursor = prefix.begin() + (int)cursor_pos;
Vector<Token> tokens;
bool is_last_token = true;
while (auto token = parser.read_token(false))
if (token->type == Token::Type::CommandSeparator)
if (parser.pos() >= cursor)
is_last_token = false;
if (is_last_token)
tokens.push_back({Token::Type::Raw, prefix.length(), {}});
kak_assert(not tokens.empty());
const auto& token = tokens.back();
if (token.terminated) // do not complete past explicit token close
return Completions{};
auto requote = [](Completions completions, Token::Type token_type) {
if (completions.flags & Completions::Flags::Quoted)
return completions;
if (token_type == Token::Type::Raw)
const bool at_token_start = completions.start == 0;
for (auto& candidate : completions.candidates)
const StringView to_escape = ";\n \t";
if ((at_token_start and candidate.substr(0_byte, 1_byte) == "%") or
any_of(candidate, [&](auto c) { return contains(to_escape, c); }))
candidate = at_token_start ? quote(candidate) : escape(candidate, to_escape, '\\');
else if (token_type == Token::Type::RawQuoted)
completions.flags |= Completions::Flags::Quoted;
return completions;
const ByteCount start = token.pos;
const ByteCount pos_in_token = cursor_pos - start;
// command name completion
if (tokens.size() == 1 and (token.type == Token::Type::Raw or
token.type == Token::Type::RawQuoted))
return offset_pos(requote(complete_command_name(context, prefix), token.type), start);
switch (token.type)
case Token::Type::RegisterExpand:
case Token::Type::OptionExpand:
case Token::Type::ShellExpand:
case Token::Type::ValExpand:
case Token::Type::FileExpand:
return complete_expansion(context, flags, token, start, cursor_pos, pos_in_token);
case Token::Type::Raw:
case Token::Type::RawQuoted:
StringView command_name = tokens.front().content;
if (command_name != m_last_complete_command)
m_last_complete_command = command_name.str();
flags |= CompletionFlags::Start;
auto command_it = m_commands.find(resolve_alias(context, command_name));
if (command_it == m_commands.end())
return Completions{};
auto& command = command_it->value;
const bool has_switches = not command.param_desc.switches.empty();
auto is_switch = [=](StringView s) { return has_switches and s.substr(0_byte, 1_byte) == "-"; };
if (is_switch(token.content)
and not contains(tokens | drop(1) | transform(&Token::content), "--"))
auto switches = Kakoune::complete(token.content.substr(1_byte), pos_in_token,
| transform(&SwitchMap::Item::key),
return switches.empty()
? Completions{}
: Completions{start+1, cursor_pos, std::move(switches), Completions::Flags::Menu};
if (not command.completer)
return Completions{};
auto params = tokens | skip(1) | transform(&Token::content) | filter(std::not_fn(is_switch)) | gather<Vector>();
auto index = params.size() - 1;
return offset_pos(requote(command.completer(context, flags, params, index, pos_in_token), token.type), start);
case Token::Type::RawEval:
return complete_raw_eval(context, flags, token.content, start, cursor_pos, pos_in_token);
return Completions{};
Completions CommandManager::complete(const Context& context,
CompletionFlags flags,
CommandParameters params,
size_t token_to_complete,
ByteCount pos_in_token)
StringView prefix = params[token_to_complete].substr(0, pos_in_token);
if (token_to_complete == 0)
return complete_command_name(context, prefix);
StringView command_name = params[0];
if (command_name != m_last_complete_command)
m_last_complete_command = command_name.str();
flags |= CompletionFlags::Start;
auto command_it = m_commands.find(resolve_alias(context, command_name));
if (command_it != m_commands.end() and command_it->value.completer)
return command_it->value.completer(
context, flags, params.subrange(1),
token_to_complete-1, pos_in_token);
return Completions{};
UnitTest test_command_parsing{[]
auto check_quoted = [](StringView str, bool terminated, StringView content)
auto check_quoted_impl = [&](auto type_hint) {
ParseState state{str, str.begin()};
const decltype(type_hint) delimiter = *state.pos++;
auto quoted = parse_quoted(state, delimiter);
kak_assert(quoted.terminated == terminated);
kak_assert(quoted.content == content);
check_quoted("'abc'", true, "abc");
check_quoted("'abc''def", false, "abc'def");
check_quoted("'abc''def'''", true, "abc'def'");
check_quoted(StringView("'abc''def'", 5), true, "abc");
auto check_balanced = [](StringView str, bool terminated, StringView content)
ParseState state{str, str.begin()+1};
auto quoted = parse_quoted_balanced<'{', '}'>(state);
kak_assert(quoted.terminated == terminated);
kak_assert(quoted.content == content);
check_balanced("{abc}", true, "abc");
check_balanced("{abc{def}}", true, "abc{def}");
check_balanced("{{abc}{def}", false, "{abc}{def}");
auto check_unquoted = [](StringView str, StringView content)
ParseState state{str, str.begin()};
kak_assert(parse_unquoted(state) == content);
check_unquoted("abc def", "abc");
check_unquoted("abc; def", "abc");
check_unquoted("abc\\; def", "abc;");
check_unquoted("abc\\;\\ def", "abc; def");
CommandParser parser(R"(foo 'bar' "baz" qux)");
kak_assert(parser.read_token(false)->content == "foo");
kak_assert(parser.read_token(false)->content == "bar");
kak_assert(parser.read_token(false)->content == "baz");
kak_assert(parser.read_token(false)->content == "qux");
kak_assert(not parser.read_token(false));