the JsonUI now supports a "menu_select(int)" RPC call that should trigger explicit selection of the provided item index. As discussed for issue #2019.
496 lines
13 KiB
496 lines
13 KiB
#include "json_ui.hh"
#include "display_buffer.hh"
#include "event_manager.hh"
#include "exception.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "keys.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "string_utils.hh"
#include "unit_tests.hh"
#include "value.hh"
#include <utility>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace Kakoune
template<typename T>
String to_json(ArrayView<const T> array)
return "[" + join(array | transform([](auto&& elem) { return to_json(elem); }), ", ") + "]";
template<typename T, MemoryDomain D>
String to_json(const Vector<T, D>& vec) { return to_json(ArrayView<const T>{vec}); }
template<typename K, typename V, MemoryDomain D>
String to_json(const HashMap<K, V, D>& map)
return "{" + join(map | transform([](auto&& i) { return format("{}: {}", to_json(i.key), to_json(i.value)); }),
',', false) + "}";
String to_json(int i) { return to_string(i); }
String to_json(bool b) { return b ? "true" : "false"; }
String to_json(StringView str)
String res;
res.reserve(str.length() + 4);
res += '"';
for (auto it = str.begin(), end = str.end(); it != end; )
auto next = std::find_if(it, end, [](char c) {
return c == '\\' or c == '"' or (c >= 0 and c <= 0x1F);
res += StringView{it, next};
if (next == end)
char buf[7] = {'\\', *next, 0};
if (*next >= 0 and *next <= 0x1F)
sprintf(buf, "\\u%04x", *next);
res += buf;
it = next+1;
res += '"';
return res;
String to_json(Color color)
if (color.color == Kakoune::Color::RGB)
char buffer[10];
sprintf(buffer, R"("#%02x%02x%02x")", color.r, color.g, color.b);
return buffer;
return to_json(to_string(color));
String to_json(Attribute attributes)
struct Attr { Attribute attr; StringView name; }
attrs[] {
{ Attribute::Exclusive, "exclusive" },
{ Attribute::Underline, "underline" },
{ Attribute::Reverse, "reverse" },
{ Attribute::Blink, "blink" },
{ Attribute::Bold, "bold" },
{ Attribute::Dim, "dim" },
{ Attribute::Italic, "italic" },
return "[" + join(attrs |
filter([=](const Attr& a) { return attributes & a.attr; }) |
transform([](const Attr& a) { return to_json(a.name); }),
',', false) + "]";
String to_json(Face face)
return format(R"(\{ "fg": {}, "bg": {}, "attributes": {} })",
to_json(face.fg), to_json(face.bg), to_json(face.attributes));
String to_json(const DisplayAtom& atom)
return format(R"(\{ "face": {}, "contents": {} })", to_json(atom.face), to_json(atom.content()));
String to_json(const DisplayLine& line)
return to_json(line.atoms());
String to_json(DisplayCoord coord)
return format(R"(\{ "line": {}, "column": {} })", coord.line, coord.column);
String to_json(MenuStyle style)
switch (style)
case MenuStyle::Prompt: return R"("prompt")";
case MenuStyle::Inline: return R"("inline")";
return "";
String to_json(InfoStyle style)
switch (style)
case InfoStyle::Prompt: return R"("prompt")";
case InfoStyle::Inline: return R"("inline")";
case InfoStyle::InlineAbove: return R"("inlineAbove")";
case InfoStyle::InlineBelow: return R"("inlineBelow")";
case InfoStyle::MenuDoc: return R"("menuDoc")";
case InfoStyle::Modal: return R"("modal")";
return "";
String to_json(CursorMode mode)
switch (mode)
case CursorMode::Prompt: return R"("prompt")";
case CursorMode::Buffer: return R"("buffer")";
return "";
String concat()
return "";
template<typename First, typename... Args>
String concat(First&& first, Args&&... args)
if (sizeof...(Args) != 0)
return to_json(first) + ", " + concat(args...);
return to_json(first);
template<typename... Args>
void rpc_call(StringView method, Args&&... args)
auto q = format(R"(\{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "{}", "params": [{}] }{})",
method, concat(std::forward<Args>(args)...), "\n");
write(1, q);
: m_stdin_watcher{0, FdEvents::Read,
[this](FDWatcher&, FdEvents, EventMode mode) {
}}, m_dimensions{24, 80}
set_signal_handler(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
void JsonUI::draw(const DisplayBuffer& display_buffer,
const Face& default_face, const Face& padding_face)
rpc_call("draw", display_buffer.lines(), default_face, padding_face);
void JsonUI::draw_status(const DisplayLine& status_line,
const DisplayLine& mode_line,
const Face& default_face)
rpc_call("draw_status", status_line, mode_line, default_face);
void JsonUI::menu_show(ConstArrayView<DisplayLine> items,
DisplayCoord anchor, Face fg, Face bg,
MenuStyle style)
rpc_call("menu_show", items, anchor, fg, bg, style);
void JsonUI::menu_select(int selected)
rpc_call("menu_select", selected);
void JsonUI::menu_hide()
void JsonUI::info_show(StringView title, StringView content,
DisplayCoord anchor, Face face,
InfoStyle style)
rpc_call("info_show", title, content, anchor, face, style);
void JsonUI::info_hide()
void JsonUI::set_cursor(CursorMode mode, DisplayCoord coord)
rpc_call("set_cursor", mode, coord);
void JsonUI::refresh(bool force)
rpc_call("refresh", force);
void JsonUI::set_ui_options(const Options& options)
rpc_call("set_ui_options", options);
DisplayCoord JsonUI::dimensions()
return m_dimensions;
void JsonUI::set_on_key(OnKeyCallback callback)
m_on_key = std::move(callback);
using JsonArray = Vector<Value>;
using JsonObject = HashMap<String, Value>;
static bool is_digit(char c) { return c >= '0' and c <= '9'; }
std::tuple<Value, const char*>
parse_json(const char* pos, const char* end)
using Result = std::tuple<Value, const char*>;
if (not skip_while(pos, end, is_blank))
return {};
if (is_digit(*pos))
auto digit_end = pos;
skip_while(digit_end, end, is_digit);
return Result{ Value{str_to_int({pos, digit_end})}, digit_end };
if (end - pos > 4 and StringView{pos, pos+4} == "true")
return Result{ Value{true}, pos+4 };
if (end - pos > 5 and StringView{pos, pos+5} == "false")
return Result{ Value{false}, pos+5 };
if (*pos == '"')
String value;
bool escaped = false;
for (auto string_end = pos; string_end != end; ++string_end)
if (escaped)
escaped = false;
value += StringView{pos, string_end};
value.back() = *string_end;
pos = string_end+1;
if (*string_end == '\\')
escaped = true;
if (*string_end == '"')
value += StringView{pos, string_end};
return Result{std::move(value), string_end+1};
return {};
if (*pos == '[')
JsonArray array;
if (++pos == end)
throw runtime_error("unable to parse array");
if (*pos == ']')
return Result{std::move(array), pos+1};
while (true)
Value element;
std::tie(element, pos) = parse_json(pos, end);
if (not element)
return {};
if (not skip_while(pos, end, is_blank))
return {};
if (*pos == ',')
else if (*pos == ']')
return Result{std::move(array), pos+1};
throw runtime_error("unable to parse array, expected ',' or ']'");
if (*pos == '{')
if (++pos == end)
throw runtime_error("unable to parse object");
JsonObject object;
if (*pos == '}')
return Result{std::move(object), pos+1};
while (true)
Value name_value;
std::tie(name_value, pos) = parse_json(pos, end);
if (not name_value)
return {};
String& name = name_value.as<String>();
if (not skip_while(pos, end, is_blank))
return {};
if (*pos++ != ':')
throw runtime_error("expected :");
Value element;
std::tie(element, pos) = parse_json(pos, end);
if (not element)
return {};
object.insert({ std::move(name), std::move(element) });
if (not skip_while(pos, end, is_blank))
return {};
if (*pos == ',')
else if (*pos == '}')
return Result{std::move(object), pos+1};
throw runtime_error("unable to parse object, expected ',' or '}'");
throw runtime_error("unable to parse json");
std::tuple<Value, const char*>
parse_json(StringView json) { return parse_json(json.begin(), json.end()); }
void JsonUI::eval_json(const Value& json)
if (not json.is_a<JsonObject>())
throw runtime_error("json request is not an object");
const JsonObject& object = json.as<JsonObject>();
auto json_it = object.find("jsonrpc"_sv);
if (json_it == object.end() or json_it->value.as<String>() != "2.0")
throw runtime_error("invalid json rpc request");
auto method_it = object.find("method"_sv);
if (method_it == object.end())
throw runtime_error("invalid json rpc request (method missing)");
StringView method = method_it->value.as<String>();
auto params_it = object.find("params"_sv);
if (params_it == object.end())
throw runtime_error("invalid json rpc request (params missing)");
const JsonArray& params = params_it->value.as<JsonArray>();
if (method == "keys")
for (auto& key_val : params)
for (auto& key : parse_keys(key_val.as<String>()))
else if (method == "mouse")
if (params.size() != 3)
throw runtime_error("mouse type/coordinates not specified");
const StringView type = params[0].as<String>();
const Codepoint coord = encode_coord({params[1].as<int>(), params[2].as<int>()});
if (type == "move")
m_on_key({Key::Modifiers::MousePos, coord});
else if (type == "press")
m_on_key({Key::Modifiers::MousePress, coord});
else if (type == "release")
m_on_key({Key::Modifiers::MouseRelease, coord});
else if (type == "wheel_up")
m_on_key({Key::Modifiers::MouseWheelUp, coord});
else if (type == "wheel_down")
m_on_key({Key::Modifiers::MouseWheelDown, coord});
throw runtime_error(format("invalid mouse event type: {}", type));
else if (method == "menu_select")
if (params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error("menu_select needs the item index");
m_on_key({Key::Modifiers::MenuSelect, (Codepoint)params[0].as<int>()});
else if (method == "resize")
if (params.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error("resize expects 2 parameters");
DisplayCoord dim{params[0].as<int>(), params[1].as<int>()};
m_dimensions = dim;
throw runtime_error("unknown method");
void JsonUI::parse_requests(EventMode mode)
constexpr size_t bufsize = 1024;
char buf[bufsize];
while (fd_readable(0))
ssize_t size = ::read(0, buf, bufsize);
if (size == -1 or size == 0)
m_requests += StringView{buf, buf + size};
if (not m_on_key)
while (not m_requests.empty())
const char* pos = nullptr;
Value json;
std::tie(json, pos) = parse_json(m_requests);
if (json)
catch (runtime_error& error)
write(2, format("error while handling requests '{}': '{}'",
m_requests, error.what()));
// try to salvage request by dropping its first line
pos = std::min(m_requests.end(), find(m_requests, '\n')+1);
if (not pos)
break; // unterminated request ?
m_requests = String{pos, m_requests.end()};
UnitTest test_json_parser{[]()
auto value = std::get<0>(parse_json(R"({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "keys", "params": [ "b", "l", "a", "h" ] })"));
auto value = std::get<0>(parse_json("[10,20]"));
kak_assert(value and value.is_a<JsonArray>());
kak_assert(value.as<JsonArray>().at(1).as<int>() == 20);
auto value = std::get<0>(parse_json("{}"));
kak_assert(value and value.is_a<JsonObject>());