Maxime Coste 66fe2d84da Refuse modification of ReadOnly buffers and make Debug buffer readonly
The debug buffer is a bit special as lots of events might mutate it,
permitting it to be modified leads to some buggy behaviour:

For example, `pipe` uses a ForwardChangeTracker to track buffer
changes, but when applied on a debug buffer with the profile flag
on, each shell execution will trigger an additional modification
of the buffer while applying the changes, leading to an assertion
failing as changes might not be happening in a forward way anymore.

Trying to modify a debug buffer will now raise an error immediatly.
2018-02-11 13:06:19 +11:00

294 lines
8.8 KiB

#ifndef buffer_hh_INCLUDED
#define buffer_hh_INCLUDED
#include "clock.hh"
#include "coord.hh"
#include "constexpr_utils.hh"
#include "enum.hh"
#include "safe_ptr.hh"
#include "scope.hh"
#include "shared_string.hh"
#include "value.hh"
#include "vector.hh"
#include <ctime>
namespace Kakoune
enum class EolFormat
constexpr auto enum_desc(Meta::Type<EolFormat>)
return make_array<EnumDesc<EolFormat>, 2>({
{ EolFormat::Lf, "lf" },
{ EolFormat::Crlf, "crlf" },
enum class ByteOrderMark
constexpr auto enum_desc(Meta::Type<ByteOrderMark>)
return make_array<EnumDesc<ByteOrderMark>, 2>({
{ ByteOrderMark::None, "none" },
{ ByteOrderMark::Utf8, "utf8" },
class Buffer;
constexpr timespec InvalidTime = { -1, -1 };
// A BufferIterator permits to iterate over the characters of a buffer
class BufferIterator
using value_type = char;
using difference_type = ssize_t;
using pointer = const value_type*;
using reference = const value_type&;
// computing the distance between two iterator can be
// costly, so this is not strictly random access
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
BufferIterator() noexcept : m_buffer(nullptr) {}
BufferIterator(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord coord) noexcept;
bool operator== (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator!= (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator< (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator<= (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator> (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
bool operator>= (const BufferIterator& iterator) const noexcept;
const char& operator* () const noexcept;
const char& operator[](size_t n) const noexcept;
size_t operator- (const BufferIterator& iterator) const;
BufferIterator operator+ (ByteCount size) const;
BufferIterator operator- (ByteCount size) const;
BufferIterator& operator+= (ByteCount size);
BufferIterator& operator-= (ByteCount size);
BufferIterator& operator++ ();
BufferIterator& operator-- ();
BufferIterator operator++ (int);
BufferIterator operator-- (int);
const BufferCoord& coord() const noexcept { return m_coord; }
SafePtr<const Buffer> m_buffer;
BufferCoord m_coord;
LineCount m_line_count;
StringView m_line;
using BufferLines = Vector<StringDataPtr, MemoryDomain::BufferContent>;
// A Buffer is a in-memory representation of a file
// The Buffer class permits to read and mutate this file
// representation. It also manage modifications undo/redo and
// provides tools to deal with the line/column nature of text.
class Buffer : public SafeCountable, public OptionManagerWatcher, public Scope
enum class Flags
None = 0,
File = 1 << 0,
New = 1 << 1,
Fifo = 1 << 2,
NoUndo = 1 << 3,
NoHooks = 1 << 4,
Debug = 1 << 5,
ReadOnly = 1 << 6,
friend constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<Flags>) { return true; }
Buffer(String name, Flags flags, StringView data = {},
timespec fs_timestamp = InvalidTime);
Buffer(const Buffer&) = delete;
Buffer& operator= (const Buffer&) = delete;
Flags flags() const { return m_flags; }
Flags& flags() { return m_flags; }
bool set_name(String name);
void update_display_name();
BufferCoord insert(BufferCoord pos, StringView content);
BufferCoord erase(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end);
BufferCoord replace(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end, StringView content);
size_t timestamp() const;
timespec fs_timestamp() const;
void set_fs_timestamp(timespec ts);
void commit_undo_group();
bool undo(size_t count = 1);
bool redo(size_t count = 1);
bool move_to(size_t history_id);
size_t current_history_id() const noexcept;
size_t next_history_id() const noexcept { return m_next_history_id; }
String string(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end) const;
StringView substr(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end) const;
const char& byte_at(BufferCoord c) const;
ByteCount distance(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end) const;
BufferCoord advance(BufferCoord coord, ByteCount count) const;
BufferCoord next(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord prev(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord char_next(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord char_prev(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord back_coord() const;
BufferCoord end_coord() const;
bool is_valid(BufferCoord c) const;
bool is_end(BufferCoord c) const;
BufferCoord last_modification_coord() const;
BufferIterator begin() const;
BufferIterator end() const;
LineCount line_count() const;
StringView operator[](LineCount line) const
{ return m_lines[line]; }
const StringDataPtr& line_storage(LineCount line) const
{ return m_lines.get_storage(line); }
// returns an iterator at given coordinates. clamp line_and_column
BufferIterator iterator_at(BufferCoord coord) const;
// returns nearest valid coordinates from given ones
BufferCoord clamp(BufferCoord coord) const;
BufferCoord offset_coord(BufferCoord coord, CharCount offset, ColumnCount, bool);
BufferCoordAndTarget offset_coord(BufferCoordAndTarget coord, LineCount offset, ColumnCount tabstop, bool avoid_eol);
const String& name() const { return m_name; }
const String& display_name() const { return m_display_name; }
// returns true if the buffer is in a different state than
// the last time it was saved
bool is_modified() const;
// notify the buffer that it was saved in the current state
void notify_saved();
ValueMap& values() const { return m_values; }
void run_hook_in_own_context(StringView hook_name, StringView param,
String client_name = {});
void reload(StringView data, timespec fs_timestamp = InvalidTime);
void check_invariant() const;
struct Change
enum Type : char { Insert, Erase };
Type type;
BufferCoord begin;
BufferCoord end;
ConstArrayView<Change> changes_since(size_t timestamp) const;
String debug_description() const;
// Methods called by the buffer manager
void on_registered();
void on_unregistered();
void throw_if_read_only() const;
void on_option_changed(const Option& option) override;
BufferCoord do_insert(BufferCoord pos, StringView content);
BufferCoord do_erase(BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end);
struct Modification;
void apply_modification(const Modification& modification);
void revert_modification(const Modification& modification);
struct LineList : BufferLines
StringDataPtr& get_storage(LineCount line)
{ return BufferLines::operator[]((int)line); }
const StringDataPtr& get_storage(LineCount line) const
{ return BufferLines::operator[]((int)line); }
StringView operator[](LineCount line) const
{ return get_storage(line)->strview(); }
StringView front() const { return BufferLines::front()->strview(); }
StringView back() const { return BufferLines::back()->strview(); }
LineList m_lines;
String m_name;
String m_display_name;
Flags m_flags;
using UndoGroup = Vector<Modification, MemoryDomain::BufferMeta>;
struct HistoryNode : SafeCountable, UseMemoryDomain<MemoryDomain::BufferMeta>
HistoryNode(size_t id, HistoryNode* parent);
UndoGroup undo_group;
Vector<std::unique_ptr<HistoryNode>, MemoryDomain::BufferMeta> childs;
SafePtr<HistoryNode> parent;
HistoryNode* redo_child = nullptr; // not a SafePtr to avoid lifetime issues between this and childs
size_t id;
TimePoint timepoint;
size_t m_next_history_id = 0;
HistoryNode m_history;
SafePtr<HistoryNode> m_history_cursor;
SafePtr<HistoryNode> m_last_save_history_cursor;
UndoGroup m_current_undo_group;
void move_to(HistoryNode* history_node);
template<typename Func> HistoryNode* find_history_node(HistoryNode* node, const Func& func);
Vector<Change, MemoryDomain::BufferMeta> m_changes;
timespec m_fs_timestamp;
// Values are just data holding by the buffer, they are not part of its
// observable state
mutable ValueMap m_values;
#include "buffer.inl.hh"
#endif // buffer_hh_INCLUDED