Note: `GNU/screen` has a different interpretation of what constitutes a "vertical split", hence the inverted command descriptions, compared to the tmux/iterm etc. Closes #1626
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93 lines
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# https://www.iterm2.com
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
## The default behaviour for the `new` command is to open an vertical pane in
## an iTerm session if not in a tmux session.
hook global KakBegin .* %{
if [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "iTerm.app" ] && [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then
echo "
alias global new iterm-new-vertical
alias global focus iterm-focus
define-command -hidden -params 1.. iterm-new-split-impl %{
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then kakoune_params="-e \\\"$*\\\""; fi
cmd="env PATH='${PATH}' TMPDIR='${TMPDIR}' kak -c '${kak_session}' ${kakoune_params}"
osascript \
-e "tell application \"iTerm\"" \
-e " tell current session of current window" \
-e " tell (split ${direction} with same profile command \"${cmd}\") to select" \
-e " end tell" \
-e "end tell" >/dev/null
define-command iterm-new-vertical -params .. -command-completion -docstring "Split the current pane into two, top and bottom" %{
iterm-new-split-impl 'vertically' %arg{@}
define-command iterm-new-horizontal -params .. -command-completion -docstring "Split the current pane into two, left and right" %{
iterm-new-split-impl 'horizontally' %arg{@}
define-command -params .. -command-completion \
-docstring %{iterm-new-tab [<arguments>]: create a new tab
All optional arguments are forwarded to the new kak client} \
iterm-new-tab %{
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then kakoune_params="-e \\\"$*\\\""; fi
cmd="env PATH='${PATH}' TMPDIR='${TMPDIR}' kak -c '${kak_session}' ${kakoune_params}"
osascript \
-e "tell application \"iTerm\"" \
-e " tell current window" \
-e " create tab with default profile command \"${cmd}\"" \
-e " end tell" \
-e "end tell" >/dev/null
define-command -params .. -command-completion \
-docstring %{iterm-new-window [<arguments>]: create a new window
All optional arguments are forwarded to the new kak client} \
iterm-new-window %{
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then kakoune_params="-e \\\"$*\\\""; fi
cmd="env PATH='${PATH}' TMPDIR='${TMPDIR}' kak -c '${kak_session}' ${kakoune_params}"
osascript \
-e "tell application \"iTerm\"" \
-e " create window with default profile command \"${cmd}\"" \
-e "end tell" >/dev/null
define-command -params ..1 -client-completion \
-docstring %{iterm-focus [<client>]: focus the given client
If no client is passed then the current one is used} \
iterm-focus %{ %sh{
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -client '$1' focus"
osascript \
-e "tell application \"iTerm\" to repeat with aWin in windows" \
-e " tell aWin to repeat with aTab in tabs" \
-e " tell aTab to repeat with aSession in sessions" \
-e " tell aSession" \
-e " if (unique id = \"${session}\") then" \
-e " select" \
-e " end if" \
-e " end tell" \
-e " end repeat" \
-e " end repeat" \
-e "end repeat"