A new `status_info_version` option allows user to disable info message regarding changes that happened at that version or earlier.
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= Options
== Description
Kakoune can store named and typed values that can be used both to
customize the core editor behaviour, and to store data used by extension
Options can be modified using the `set-option` command:
set-option [-add] <scope> <name> <values>...
<scope> can be *global*, *buffer*, *window* or *current* (See
<<scopes#,`:doc scopes`>>). *current* relates to the narrowest scope in
which the option is already set.
Multiple <values> can be given as separate arguments when the option is a
list or map.
If `-add` is specified, the new value is *added* to the current one
instead of replacing it (the exact outcome depends on the type, see below).
Options values can be unset in a specific scope with the `unset-option`
unset-option <scope> <name>
Unsetting an option will make it fallback to the value of its parent mode,
hence options cannot be unset from the *global* scope.
New options can be declared using the `declare-option` command:
declare-option [-hidden] <type> <name> [<value>...]
If `-hidden` is specified, the option will not be displayed in completion
Certain option type can be *updated*, usually to match potential changes
in the buffer they relate to. This can be triggered by the `update-option`
update-option <scope> <name>
== Types
All options have a type, which defines how they are translated to/from
text and their set of valid values.
Some types are usable for user defined options while some other types
are exclusively available to built-in options.
an integer number.
`set -add` performs a math addition
a boolean value, yes/true or no/false
a string, some freeform text
as a string but the set commands will complain if the entered text
is not a valid regex
a line, column pair (separated by a comma)
a list, elements are specified as separate arguments to the command.
`set -add` appends the new element to the list
a list of a pair of a buffer range (`<begin line>.<begin column>,
<end line>.<end column>` or `<begin line>.<begin column>+<length>`)
and a string (separated by `|`), except for the first element which
is just the timestamp of the buffer. When the `update-option` is
used on an option of this type, its ranges gets updated according
to all the buffer modifications that happened since its timestamp.
See <<highlighters#specs-highlighters,`:doc highlighters specs-highlighters`>>)
`set -add` appends the new pair to the list
a list of a line number and a corresponding flag (`<line>|<flag
text>`), except for the first element which is just the timestamp
of the buffer. When the `update-option` is used on an option of this
type, its lines gets updated according to all the buffer modifications
that happened since its timestamp.
See <<highlighters#specs-highlighters,`:doc highlighters specs-highlighters`>>)
`set -add` appends the new spec to the list
a list of `<text>|<docstring>|<menu text>` candidates,
except for the first element which follows the
`<line>.<column>[+<length>]@<timestamp>` format to define where the
completion apply in the buffer. Markup can be used in the menu text.
`set -add` adds a new completion to the list
an enum, taking one of the given values
a set of flags, taking a combination of the given values joined by a
'|' character.
`set -add` adds the new flag to the combination
a list of `key=value` pairs.
`set -add` adds the new pair to the hashmap or replace an already
existing key.
== Builtin options
*tabstop* `int`::
_default_ 8 +
width of a tab character
*indentwidth* `int`::
_default_ 4 +
width (in spaces) used for indentation, 0 means a tab character
*scrolloff* `coord`::
_default_ 0,0 +
number of lines, columns to keep visible around the cursor when
*eolformat* `enum(lf|crlf)`::
_default_ lf +
the format of end of lines when writing a buffer, this is autodetected
on load; values of this option assigned to the `window` scope are
*BOM* `enum(none|utf8)`::
_default_ none +
define if the file should be written with a unicode byte order mark;
values of this option assigned to the `window` scope are ignored
*readonly* `bool`::
_default_ false +
prevent modifications from being saved to disk, all buffers if set
to `true` in the `global` scope, or current buffer if set in the
`buffer` scope; values of this option assigned to the `window`
scope are ignored
*incsearch* `bool`::
_default_ true +
execute search as it is typed
*aligntab* `bool`::
_default_ false +
use tabs for alignment command
*autoinfo* `flags(command|onkey|normal)`::
_default_ command|onkey +
display automatic information box in the enabled contexts
*autoshowcompl* `bool`::
_default_ true +
automatically display possible completions when editing a prompt
*ignored_files* `regex`::
filenames matching this regex won't be considered as candidates
on filename completion (except if the text being completed already
matches it)
*disabled_hooks* `regex`::
hooks whose group matches this regex won't be executed. For example
indentation hooks can be disabled with `.*-indent`
*filetype* `str`::
arbitrary string defining the type of the file filetype dependant
actions should hook on this option changing for activation/deactivation
*path* `str-list`::
_default_ ./:%/:/usr/include +
directories to search for *gf* command and filenames completion
`%/` represents the current buffer directory
*completers* `completer-list`::
_default_ filename:word=all +
completion engines to use for insert mode completion (they are tried
in order until one generates candidates). Existing completers are:
*word=all*, *word=buffer*:::
which complete using words in all buffers (*word=all*)
or only the current one (*word=buffer*)
which tries to detect when a filename is being entered and
provides completion based on local filesystem
which complete using lines in current buffer
where *opt-name* is an option of type 'completions' whose
contents will be used
*static_words* `str-list`::
list of words that are always added to completion candidates
when completing words in insert mode
*extra_word_chars* `codepoint-list`::
a list of all additional codepoints that should be considered
as word character.
*matching_pairs* `codepoint-list`::
_default_ `(:):{:}:[:]:<:>`
a list of codepoints that are to be treated as matching pairs
for the *m* command.
*autoreload* `enum(yes|no|ask)`::
_default_ ask +
auto reload the buffers when an external modification is detected
*debug* `flags(hooks|shell|profile|keys|commands)`::
dump various debug information in the '\*debug*' buffer
*idle_timeout* `int`::
_default_ 50 +
timeout, in milliseconds, with no user input that will trigger the
*PromptIdle*, *InsertIdle* and *NormalIdle* hooks, and autocompletion.
*fs_checkout_timeout* `int`::
_default_ 500 +
timeout, in milliseconds, between checks in normal mode of modifications
of the file associated with the current buffer on the filesystem.
*modelinefmt* `string`::
A format string used to generate the mode line, that string is
first expanded as a command line would be (expanding '%...{...}'
strings), then markup tags are applied (See <<expansions#,`:doc expansions`>>)
Two special atoms are available as markup:
Information about the current mode, such as `insert 3 sel` or
`prompt`. The faces used are StatusLineMode, StatusLineInfo,
and StatusLineValue.
Information such as `[+][recording (@)][no-hooks][new file][fifo]`,
in face Information.
The default value is '%val{bufname} %val{cursor_line}:%val{cursor_char_column} {{context_info}} {{mode_info}} - %val{client}@[%val{session}]'
*ui_options* `str-to-str-map`::
a list of `key=value` pairs that are forwarded to the user
interface implementation. The NCurses UI support the following options:
if *yes* or *true*, the terminal emulator title will
be changed
if *yes*, or *true* the status line will be placed
at the top of the terminal rather than at the bottom
specify the nice assistant displayed in info boxes,
can be *clippy* (the default), *cat*, *dilbert* or *none*
boolean option that enables mouse support
boolean option that can disable color palette changing if the
terminfo enables it but the terminal does not support it.
*ncurses_wheel_down_button*, *ncurses_wheel_up_button*:::
specify which button send for wheel down/up events
Function key from which shifted function key start, if the
terminal sends F13 for <s-F1>, this should be set to 12.
*startup_info_version* `int`::
_default_ 0 +
Controls which messages will be displayed in the startup info box, only messages
relating to a Kakoune version greater than this value will be displayed. Versions
are written as a single number: Like `20180413` for version `2018.04.13`