Maxime Coste b897a18aa6 Use a dummy function for SIGPIPE instead of SIG_IGN
SIG_IGN is inherited after 'execve' and requires us to reset
that signal handler, which does not work well with vfork on
OSX. Using an empty function does the trick and will be auto
reset to default on exec.
2018-12-06 20:33:13 +11:00

1121 lines
42 KiB

#include "assert.hh"
#include "backtrace.hh"
#include "buffer.hh"
#include "buffer_manager.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "client_manager.hh"
#include "command_manager.hh"
#include "commands.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "event_manager.hh"
#include "face_registry.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "highlighters.hh"
#include "insert_completer.hh"
#include "json_ui.hh"
#include "ncurses_ui.hh"
#include "option_types.hh"
#include "parameters_parser.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
#include "register_manager.hh"
#include "remote.hh"
#include "scope.hh"
#include "shared_string.hh"
#include "shell_manager.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "unit_tests.hh"
#include "window.hh"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <locale>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
namespace Kakoune
extern const char* version;
struct {
unsigned int version;
const char* notes;
} constexpr version_notes[] = { {
"» define-commands -shell-completion and -shell-candidates has been renamed\n"
"» exclusive face attributes is replaced with final (fg/bg/attr)\n"
"» <a-M> (merge consecutive) moved to <a-_> to make <a-M> backward <a-m>\n"
"» remove-hooks now takes a regex parameter\n"
}, {
"» Big breaking refactoring of various Kakoune features,\n"
" configuration might need to be updated see `:doc changelog` for details\n"
"» define-command -allow-override switch has been renamed -override\n"
}, {
"» ModeChange hook has been introduced and is expected to replace\n"
" the various ${MODE}Begin/${MODE}End hooks, consider those deprecated.\n"
"» '*' Does not strip whitespaces anymore, use built-in '_' to strip them\n"
"» 'l' on eol will go to next line, 'h' on first char will go to previous\n"
"» selections merging behaviour is now a bit more complex again\n"
"» 'x' will only jump to next line if full line is already selected\n"
"» WORD text object moved to <a-w> instead of W for consistency\n"
"» rotate main selection moved to ), rotate content to <a-)>, ( for backward\n"
"» faces are now scoped, set-face command takes an additional scope parameter\n"
"» <backtab> key is gone, use <s-tab> instead\n"
} };
void show_startup_info(Client* local_client, int last_version)
String info;
for (auto note : version_notes)
if (not note.version)
info += format("• Development version\n{}\n", note.notes);
else if (note.version > last_version)
const auto year = note.version / 10000;
const auto month = (note.version / 100) % 100;
const auto day = note.version % 100;
info += format("• Kakoune v{}.{}{}.{}{}\n{}\n",
year, month < 10 ? "0" : "", month, day < 10 ? "0" : "", day, note.notes);
if (not info.empty())
info += "See the `:doc options startup-info` to control this message\n";
local_client->info_show(format("Kakoune {}", version), info, {}, InfoStyle::Prompt);
struct startup_error : runtime_error
using runtime_error::runtime_error;
inline void write_stdout(StringView str) { try { write(1, str); } catch (runtime_error&) {} }
inline void write_stderr(StringView str) { try { write(2, str); } catch (runtime_error&) {} }
String runtime_directory()
char relpath[PATH_MAX+1];
format_to(relpath, "{}../share/kak", split_path(get_kak_binary_path()).first);
struct stat st;
if (stat(relpath, &st) == 0 and S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
return real_path(relpath);
return "/usr/share/kak";
String config_directory()
StringView config_home = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
if (config_home.empty())
return format("{}/.config/kak", homedir());
return format("{}/kak", config_home);
static const EnvVarDesc builtin_env_vars[] = { {
"bufname", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return context.buffer().display_name(); }
}, {
"buffile", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return context.buffer().name(); }
}, {
"buflist", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return join(BufferManager::instance() |
transform(&Buffer::display_name) | transform(quoter(quoting)), ' ', false); }
}, {
"buf_line_count", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return to_string(context.buffer().line_count()); }
}, {
"timestamp", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return to_string(context.buffer().timestamp()); }
}, {
"history_id", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return to_string((size_t)context.buffer().current_history_id()); }
}, {
"selection", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ const Selection& sel = context.selections().main();
return content(context.buffer(), sel); }
}, {
"selections", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return join(context.selections_content() | transform(quoter(quoting)), ' ', false); }
}, {
"runtime", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return runtime_directory(); }
}, {
"config", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return config_directory(); }
}, {
"version", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return version; }
}, {
"opt_", true,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return context.options()[name.substr(4_byte)].get_as_string(quoting); }
}, {
"main_reg_", true,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return context.main_sel_register_value(name.substr(9_byte)).str(); }
}, {
"reg_", true,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return join(RegisterManager::instance()[name.substr(4_byte)].get(context) |
transform(quoter(quoting)), ' ', false); }
}, {
"client_env_", true,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return context.client().get_env_var(name.substr(11_byte)).str(); }
}, {
"session", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return Server::instance().session(); }
}, {
"client", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return context.name(); }
}, {
"client_pid", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return to_string(context.client().pid()); }
}, {
"client_list", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return join(ClientManager::instance() |
transform([](const std::unique_ptr<Client>& c) -> const String&
{ return c->context().name(); }), ' ', false); }
}, {
"modified", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return context.buffer().is_modified() ? "true" : "false"; }
}, {
"cursor_line", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return to_string(context.selections().main().cursor().line + 1); }
}, {
"cursor_column", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return to_string(context.selections().main().cursor().column + 1); }
}, {
"cursor_char_value", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ auto coord = context.selections().main().cursor();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
return to_string((size_t)utf8::codepoint(buffer.iterator_at(coord), buffer.end())); }
}, {
"cursor_char_column", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ auto coord = context.selections().main().cursor();
return to_string(context.buffer()[coord.line].char_count_to(coord.column) + 1); }
}, {
"cursor_byte_offset", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ auto cursor = context.selections().main().cursor();
return to_string(context.buffer().distance({0,0}, cursor)); }
}, {
"selection_desc", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return selection_to_string(context.selections().main()); }
}, {
"selections_desc", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return selection_list_to_string(context.selections()); }
}, {
"selection_length", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return to_string(char_length(context.buffer(), context.selections().main())); }
}, {
"selections_length", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting)
{ return join(context.selections() |
transform([&](const Selection& s)
{ return to_string(char_length(context.buffer(), s)); }), ' ', false); }
}, {
"window_width", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return to_string(context.window().dimensions().column); }
}, {
"window_height", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return to_string(context.window().dimensions().line); }
}, {
"user_modes", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context, Quoting quoting) -> String
{ return join(context.keymaps().user_modes(), ' ', false); }
void register_registers()
RegisterManager& register_manager = RegisterManager::instance();
for (auto c : "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/\"|^@:")
register_manager.add_register(c, std::make_unique<StaticRegister>());
using StringList = Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Registers>;
register_manager.add_register('%', make_dyn_reg(
[](const Context& context)
{ return StringList{{context.buffer().display_name()}}; }));
register_manager.add_register('.', make_dyn_reg(
[](const Context& context) {
auto content = context.selections_content();
return StringList{content.begin(), content.end()};
register_manager.add_register('#', make_dyn_reg(
[](const Context& context) {
const size_t count = context.selections().size();
StringList res;
for (size_t i = 1; i < count+1; ++i)
return res;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
register_manager.add_register('0'+i, make_dyn_reg(
[i](const Context& context) {
StringList result;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
result.emplace_back(i < sel.captures().size() ? sel.captures()[i] : "");
return result;
[i](Context& context, ConstArrayView<String> values) {
if (values.empty())
auto& sels = context.selections();
for (size_t sel_index = 0; sel_index < sels.size(); ++sel_index)
auto& sel = sels[sel_index];
if (sel.captures().size() < i+1)
sel.captures()[i] = values[std::min(sel_index, values.size()-1)];
register_manager.add_register('_', std::make_unique<NullRegister>());
static void check_tabstop(const int& val)
if (val < 1) throw runtime_error{"tabstop should be strictly positive"};
static void check_indentwidth(const int& val)
if (val < 0) throw runtime_error{"indentwidth should be positive or zero"};
static void check_scrolloff(const DisplayCoord& so)
if (so.line < 0 or so.column < 0)
throw runtime_error{"scroll offset must be positive or zero"};
static void check_timeout(const int& timeout)
if (timeout < 50)
throw runtime_error{"the minimum acceptable timeout is 50 milliseconds"};
static void check_extra_word_chars(const Vector<Codepoint, MemoryDomain::Options>& extra_chars)
if (any_of(extra_chars, is_blank))
throw runtime_error{"blanks are not accepted for extra completion characters"};
static void check_matching_pairs(const Vector<Codepoint, MemoryDomain::Options>& pairs)
if ((pairs.size() % 2) != 0)
throw runtime_error{"matching pairs should have a pair number of element"};
if (not all_of(pairs, [](Codepoint cp) { return is_punctuation(cp); }))
throw runtime_error{"matching pairs can only be punctuation"};
void register_options()
OptionsRegistry& reg = GlobalScope::instance().option_registry();
reg.declare_option<int, check_tabstop>("tabstop", "size of a tab character", 8);
reg.declare_option<int, check_indentwidth>("indentwidth", "indentation width", 4);
reg.declare_option<DisplayCoord, check_scrolloff>(
"scrolloff", "number of lines and columns to keep visible main cursor when scrolling",
reg.declare_option("eolformat", "end of line format", EolFormat::Lf);
reg.declare_option("BOM", "byte order mark to use when writing buffer",
"incrementally apply search/select/split regex",
"automatically display contextual help",
AutoInfo::Command | AutoInfo::OnKey);
"automatically display possible completions",
AutoComplete::Insert | AutoComplete::Prompt);
"use tab characters when possible for alignment",
"patterns to ignore when completing filenames",
"patterns to disable hooks whose group is matched",
reg.declare_option("filetype", "buffer filetype", ""_str);
reg.declare_option("path", "path to consider when trying to find a file",
Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Options>({ "./", "%/", "/usr/include" }));
reg.declare_option("completers", "insert mode completers to execute.",
InsertCompleterDesc{ InsertCompleterDesc::Filename, {} },
InsertCompleterDesc{ InsertCompleterDesc::Word, "all"_str }
}), OptionFlags::None);
reg.declare_option("static_words", "list of words to always consider for insert word completion",
Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Options>{});
"autoreload buffer when a filesystem modification is detected",
reg.declare_option<int, check_timeout>(
"idle_timeout", "timeout, in milliseconds, before idle hooks are triggered", 50);
reg.declare_option<int, check_timeout>(
"fs_check_timeout", "timeout, in milliseconds, between file system buffer modification checks",
"space separated list of <key>=<value> options that are "
"passed to and interpreted by the user interface\n"
"The ncurses ui supports the following options:\n"
" <key>: <value>:\n"
" ncurses_assistant clippy|cat|dilbert|none|off\n"
" ncurses_status_on_top bool\n"
" ncurses_set_title bool\n"
" ncurses_enable_mouse bool\n"
" ncurses_change_colors bool\n"
" ncurses_wheel_up_button int\n"
" ncurses_wheel_down_button int\n"
" ncurses_shift_function_key int\n",
reg.declare_option("modelinefmt", "format string used to generate the modeline",
"%val{bufname} %val{cursor_line}:%val{cursor_char_column} {{context_info}} {{mode_info}} - %val{client}@[%val{session}]"_str);
reg.declare_option("debug", "various debug flags", DebugFlags::None);
reg.declare_option("readonly", "prevent buffers from being modified", false);
reg.declare_option<Vector<Codepoint, MemoryDomain::Options>, check_extra_word_chars>(
"Additional characters to be considered as words for insert completion",
{ '_' });
reg.declare_option<Vector<Codepoint, MemoryDomain::Options>, check_matching_pairs>(
"set of pair of characters to be considered as matching pairs",
{ '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '<', '>' });
reg.declare_option<int>("startup_info_version", "version up to which startup info changes should be hidden", 0);
static Client* local_client = nullptr;
static int local_client_exit = 0;
static UserInterface* local_ui = nullptr;
static bool convert_to_client_pending = false;
enum class UIType
UIType parse_ui_type(StringView ui_name)
if (ui_name == "ncurses") return UIType::NCurses;
if (ui_name == "json") return UIType::Json;
if (ui_name == "dummy") return UIType::Dummy;
throw parameter_error(format("error: unknown ui type: '{}'", ui_name));
std::unique_ptr<UserInterface> make_ui(UIType ui_type)
struct DummyUI : UserInterface
DummyUI() { set_signal_handler(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); }
bool is_ok() const override { return true; }
void menu_show(ConstArrayView<DisplayLine>, DisplayCoord,
Face, Face, MenuStyle) override {}
void menu_select(int) override {}
void menu_hide() override {}
void info_show(StringView, StringView, DisplayCoord, Face, InfoStyle) override {}
void info_hide() override {}
void draw(const DisplayBuffer&, const Face&, const Face&) override {}
void draw_status(const DisplayLine&, const DisplayLine&, const Face&) override {}
DisplayCoord dimensions() override { return {24,80}; }
void set_cursor(CursorMode, DisplayCoord) override {}
void refresh(bool) override {}
void set_on_key(OnKeyCallback) override {}
void set_ui_options(const Options&) override {}
switch (ui_type)
case UIType::NCurses: return std::make_unique<NCursesUI>();
case UIType::Json: return std::make_unique<JsonUI>();
case UIType::Dummy: return std::make_unique<DummyUI>();
throw logic_error{};
pid_t fork_server_to_background()
if (pid_t pid = fork())
return pid;
if (fork()) // double fork to orphan the server
write_stderr(format("Kakoune forked server to background ({}), for session '{}'\n",
getpid(), Server::instance().session()));
return 0;
std::unique_ptr<UserInterface> create_local_ui(UIType ui_type)
if (ui_type != UIType::NCurses)
return make_ui(ui_type);
struct LocalUI : NCursesUI
kak_assert(not local_ui);
local_ui = this;
m_old_sigtstp = set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, [](int) {
if (ClientManager::instance().count() == 1 and
*ClientManager::instance().begin() == local_client)
// Suspend normally if we are the only client
auto current = set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, static_cast<LocalUI*>(local_ui)->m_old_sigtstp);
sigset_t unblock_sigtstp, old_mask;
sigaddset(&unblock_sigtstp, SIGTSTP);
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &unblock_sigtstp, &old_mask);
set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, current);
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old_mask, nullptr);
convert_to_client_pending = true;
~LocalUI() override
set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, m_old_sigtstp);
local_client = nullptr;
local_ui = nullptr;
if (not convert_to_client_pending and
not ClientManager::instance().empty())
if (fork_server_to_background())
using SigHandler = void (*)(int);
SigHandler m_old_sigtstp;
if (not isatty(1))
throw startup_error("stdout is not a tty");
if (not isatty(0))
// move stdin to another fd, and restore tty as stdin
int fd = dup(0);
int tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY);
dup2(tty, 0);
create_fifo_buffer("*stdin*", fd, Buffer::Flags::None);
return std::make_unique<LocalUI>();
int run_client(StringView session, StringView name, StringView client_init,
Optional<BufferCoord> init_coord, UIType ui_type,
bool suspend)
EventManager event_manager;
RemoteClient client{session, name, make_ui(ui_type), getpid(), get_env_vars(),
client_init, std::move(init_coord)};
if (suspend)
while (not client.exit_status() and client.is_ui_ok())
return client.exit_status().value_or(-1);
catch (disconnected& e)
write_stderr(format("{}\ndisconnecting\n", e.what()));
return -1;
struct convert_to_client_mode
String session;
String client_name;
String buffer_name;
String selections;
enum class ServerFlags
None = 0,
IgnoreKakrc = 1 << 0,
Daemon = 1 << 1,
ReadOnly = 1 << 2,
StartupInfo = 1 << 3,
constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<ServerFlags>) { return true; }
int run_server(StringView session, StringView server_init,
StringView client_init, Optional<BufferCoord> init_coord,
ServerFlags flags, UIType ui_type, DebugFlags debug_flags,
ConstArrayView<StringView> files)
static bool terminate = false;
if (flags & ServerFlags::Daemon)
if (session.empty())
write_stderr("-d needs a session name to be specified with -s\n");
return -1;
if (pid_t child = fork())
write_stderr(format("Kakoune forked to background, for session '{}'\n"
"send SIGTERM to process {} for closing the session\n",
session, child));
set_signal_handler(SIGTERM, [](int) { terminate = true; });
EventManager event_manager;
Server server{session.empty() ? to_string(getpid()) : session.str()};
StringRegistry string_registry;
GlobalScope global_scope;
ShellManager shell_manager{builtin_env_vars};
CommandManager command_manager;
RegisterManager register_manager;
HighlighterRegistry highlighter_registry;
DefinedHighlighters defined_highlighters;
ClientManager client_manager;
BufferManager buffer_manager;
write_to_debug_buffer("*** This is the debug buffer, where debug info will be written ***");
GlobalScope::instance().options().get_local_option("readonly").set<bool>(flags & ServerFlags::ReadOnly);
bool startup_error = false;
if (not (flags & ServerFlags::IgnoreKakrc)) try
Context init_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}};
command_manager.execute(format("source {}/kakrc", runtime_directory()),
catch (runtime_error& error)
startup_error = true;
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while parsing kakrc:\n"
" {}", error.what()));
if (not server_init.empty()) try
Context init_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}};
command_manager.execute(server_init, init_context);
catch (runtime_error& error)
startup_error = true;
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while running server init commands:\n"
" {}", error.what()));
Context empty_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}};
global_scope.hooks().run_hook(Hook::KakBegin, session, empty_context);
if (not files.empty()) try
// create buffers in reverse order so that the first given buffer
// is the most recently created one.
for (auto& file : files | reverse())
Buffer *buffer = open_or_create_file_buffer(file);
if (flags & ServerFlags::ReadOnly)
buffer->flags() |= Buffer::Flags::ReadOnly;
catch (runtime_error& error)
startup_error = true;
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while opening file '{}':\n"
" {}", file, error.what()));
catch (runtime_error& error)
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while opening command line files: {}", error.what()));
if (not (flags & ServerFlags::Daemon))
local_client = client_manager.create_client(
create_local_ui(ui_type), getpid(), {}, get_env_vars(), client_init, std::move(init_coord),
[](int status) { local_client_exit = status; });
if (startup_error and local_client)
"error during startup, see *debug* buffer for details",
if (flags & ServerFlags::StartupInfo and local_client)
show_startup_info(local_client, global_scope.options()["startup_info_version"].get<int>());
while (not terminate and
(not client_manager.empty() or server.negotiating() or
(flags & ServerFlags::Daemon)))
// Loop so that eventual inputs happening during the processing are handled as
// well, avoiding unneeded redraws.
bool allow_blocking = not client_manager.has_pending_inputs();
while (event_manager.handle_next_events(EventMode::Normal, nullptr, allow_blocking))
allow_blocking = false;
if (local_client and not contains(client_manager, local_client))
local_client = nullptr;
else if (local_client and not local_client->is_ui_ok())
ClientManager::instance().remove_client(*local_client, false, -1);
local_client = nullptr;
if (not client_manager.empty() and fork_server_to_background())
return 0;
else if (convert_to_client_pending)
const String client_name = local_client->context().name();
const String buffer_name = local_client->context().buffer().name();
const String selections = selection_list_to_string(local_client->context().selections());
ClientManager::instance().remove_client(*local_client, true, 0);
convert_to_client_pending = false;
if (fork_server_to_background())
String session = server.session();
throw convert_to_client_mode{ std::move(session), std::move(client_name), std::move(buffer_name), std::move(selections) };
catch (const kill_session& kill)
local_client_exit = kill.exit_status;
Context empty_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}};
global_scope.hooks().run_hook(Hook::KakEnd, "", empty_context);
return local_client_exit;
int run_filter(StringView keystr, ConstArrayView<StringView> files, bool quiet, StringView suffix_backup)
StringRegistry string_registry;
GlobalScope global_scope;
EventManager event_manager;
ShellManager shell_manager{builtin_env_vars};
RegisterManager register_manager;
BufferManager buffer_manager;
auto keys = parse_keys(keystr);
auto apply_to_buffer = [&](Buffer& buffer)
InputHandler input_handler{
{ buffer, Selection{{0,0}, buffer.back_coord()} },
for (auto& key : keys)
catch (runtime_error& err)
if (not quiet)
write_stderr(format("error while applying keys to buffer '{}': {}\n",
buffer.display_name(), err.what()));
for (auto& file : files)
Buffer* buffer = open_file_buffer(file, Buffer::Flags::NoHooks);
if (not suffix_backup.empty())
write_buffer_to_file(*buffer, buffer->name() + suffix_backup);
write_buffer_to_file(*buffer, buffer->name());
if (not isatty(0))
Buffer& buffer = *buffer_manager.create_buffer(
"*stdin*", Buffer::Flags::NoHooks, read_fd(0), InvalidTime);
write_buffer_to_fd(buffer, 1);
catch (runtime_error& err)
write_stderr(format("error: {}\n", err.what()));
return 0;
int run_pipe(StringView session)
send_command(session, read_fd(0));
catch (disconnected& e)
write_stderr(format("{}\ndisconnecting\n", e.what()));
return -1;
return 0;
void signal_handler(int signal)
const char* text = nullptr;
switch (signal)
case SIGSEGV: text = "SIGSEGV"; break;
case SIGFPE: text = "SIGFPE"; break;
case SIGQUIT: text = "SIGQUIT"; break;
case SIGTERM: text = "SIGTERM"; break;
case SIGPIPE: text = "SIGPIPE"; break;
if (signal != SIGTERM)
auto msg = format("Received {}, exiting.\nPid: {}\nCallstack:\n{}",
text, getpid(), Backtrace{}.desc());
if (Server::has_instance())
if (BufferManager::has_instance())
if (signal == SIGTERM)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace Kakoune;
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
set_signal_handler(SIGSEGV, signal_handler);
set_signal_handler(SIGFPE, signal_handler);
set_signal_handler(SIGQUIT, signal_handler);
set_signal_handler(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
set_signal_handler(SIGPIPE, [](int){});
set_signal_handler(SIGINT, [](int){});
set_signal_handler(SIGCHLD, [](int){});
const ParameterDesc param_desc{
SwitchMap{ { "c", { true, "connect to given session" } },
{ "e", { true, "execute argument on client initialisation" } },
{ "E", { true, "execute argument on server initialisation" } },
{ "n", { false, "do not source kakrc files on startup" } },
{ "s", { true, "set session name" } },
{ "d", { false, "run as a headless session (requires -s)" } },
{ "p", { true, "just send stdin as commands to the given session" } },
{ "f", { true, "filter: for each file, select the entire buffer and execute the given keys" } },
{ "i", { true, "backup the files on which a filter is applied using the given suffix" } },
{ "q", { false, "in filter mode, be quiet about errors applying keys" } },
{ "ui", { true, "set the type of user interface to use (ncurses, dummy, or json)" } },
{ "l", { false, "list existing sessions" } },
{ "clear", { false, "clear dead sessions" } },
{ "debug", { true, "initial debug option value" } },
{ "version", { false, "display kakoune version and exit" } },
{ "ro", { false, "readonly mode" } },
{ "help", { false, "display a help message and quit" } } }
auto show_usage = [&]()
write_stdout(format("Usage: {} [options] [file]... [+<line>[:<col>]|+:]\n\n"
"Prefixing a positional argument with a plus (`+`) sign will place the\n"
"cursor at a given set of coordinates, or the end of the buffer if the plus\n"
"sign is followed only by a colon (`:`)\n",
argv[0], generate_switches_doc(param_desc.switches)));
return 0;
const auto params = ArrayView<char*>{argv+1, argv + argc}
| transform([](auto* s) { return String{s}; })
| gather<Vector<String>>();
if (contains(params, "--help"_sv))
return show_usage();
ParametersParser parser{params, param_desc};
const bool show_help_message = (bool)parser.get_switch("help");
if (show_help_message)
return show_usage();
if (parser.get_switch("version"))
write_stdout(format("Kakoune {}\n", Kakoune::version));
return 0;
const bool list_sessions = (bool)parser.get_switch("l");
const bool clear_sessions = (bool)parser.get_switch("clear");
if (list_sessions or clear_sessions)
const String username = get_user_name();
const StringView tmp_dir = tmpdir();
for (auto& session : list_files(format("{}/kakoune/{}/", tmp_dir,
const bool valid = check_session(session);
if (list_sessions)
write_stdout(format("{}{}\n", session, valid ? "" : " (dead)"));
if (not valid and clear_sessions)
char socket_file[128];
format_to(socket_file, "{}/kakoune/{}/{}", tmp_dir,
username, session);
return 0;
if (auto session = parser.get_switch("p"))
for (auto opt : { "c", "n", "s", "d", "e", "E", "ro" })
if (parser.get_switch(opt))
write_stderr(format("error: -{} is incompatible with -p\n", opt));
return -1;
return run_pipe(*session);
auto client_init = parser.get_switch("e").value_or(StringView{});
auto server_init = parser.get_switch("E").value_or(StringView{});
const UIType ui_type = parse_ui_type(parser.get_switch("ui").value_or("ncurses"));
if (auto keys = parser.get_switch("f"))
if (parser.get_switch("ro"))
write_stderr("error: -ro is incompatible with -f\n");
return -1;
Vector<StringView> files;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parser.positional_count(); ++i)
return run_filter(*keys, files, (bool)parser.get_switch("q"),
Vector<StringView> files;
Optional<BufferCoord> init_coord;
for (auto& name : parser)
if (not name.empty() and name[0_byte] == '+')
if (name == "+" or name == "+:")
client_init = client_init + "; exec gj";
auto colon = find(name, ':');
if (auto line = str_to_int_ifp({name.begin()+1, colon}))
init_coord = BufferCoord{
*line - 1,
colon != name.end() ?
str_to_int_ifp({colon+1, name.end()}).value_or(1) - 1
: 0
if (auto server_session = parser.get_switch("c"))
for (auto opt : { "n", "s", "d", "E", "ro" })
if (parser.get_switch(opt))
write_stderr(format("error: -{} is incompatible with -c\n", opt));
return -1;
String new_files;
for (auto name : files)
new_files += format("edit '{}';", escape(real_path(name), "'", '\\'));
return run_client(*server_session, {}, new_files + client_init, init_coord, ui_type, false);
StringView session = parser.get_switch("s").value_or(StringView{});
auto flags = (parser.get_switch("n") ? ServerFlags::IgnoreKakrc : ServerFlags::None) |
(parser.get_switch("d") ? ServerFlags::Daemon : ServerFlags::None) |
(parser.get_switch("ro") ? ServerFlags::ReadOnly : ServerFlags::None) |
(argc == 1 and isatty(0) ? ServerFlags::StartupInfo : ServerFlags::None);
auto debug_flags = option_from_string(Meta::Type<DebugFlags>{}, parser.get_switch("debug").value_or(""));
return run_server(session, server_init, client_init, init_coord, flags, ui_type, debug_flags, files);
catch (convert_to_client_mode& convert)
return run_client(convert.session, convert.client_name,
format("try %^buffer '{}'; select '{}'^; echo converted to client only mode",
escape(convert.buffer_name, "'^", '\\'), convert.selections), {}, ui_type, true);
catch (parameter_error& error)
write_stderr(format("Error while parsing parameters: {}\n"
"Valid switches:\n"
"{}", error.what(),
return -1;
catch (startup_error& error)
write_stderr(format("Could not start kakoune: {}\n", error.what()));
return -1;
catch (Kakoune::exception& error)
write_stderr(format("uncaught exception ({}):\n{}\n", typeid(error).name(), error.what()));
return -1;
catch (std::exception& error)
write_stderr(format("uncaught exception ({}):\n{}\n", typeid(error).name(), error.what()));
return -1;
catch (...)
write_stderr("uncaught exception");
return -1;
return 0;