The X11 repl is unique in that it sends the selection (or parameter) with a new line appended. This patch removes that new line and thus, brings it into line with the tmux and kitty versions.
42 lines
1.4 KiB
42 lines
1.4 KiB
hook global ModuleLoaded x11 %{
require-module x11-repl
provide-module x11-repl %{
declare-option -docstring "window id of the REPL window" str x11_repl_id
define-command -docstring %{
x11-repl [<arguments>]: create a new window for repl interaction
All optional parameters are forwarded to the new window
} \
-params .. \
-shell-completion \
x11-repl %{ x11-terminal sh -c %{
winid="${WINDOWID:-$(xdotool search --pid ${PPID} | tail -1)}"
printf "evaluate-commands -try-client $1 \
'set-option current x11_repl_id ${winid}'" | kak -p "$2"
shift 2;
[ "$1" ] && "$@" || "$SHELL"
} -- %val{client} %val{session} %arg{@}
define-command x11-send-text -params 0..1 -docstring %{
x11-send-text [text]: Send text to the REPL window.
If no text is passed, then the selection is used
} %{
evaluate-commands %sh{
([ "$#" -gt 0 ] && printf "%s" "$1" || printf "%s" "${kak_selection}" ) | xsel -i ||
echo 'fail x11-send-text: failed to run xsel, see *debug* buffer for details' &&
kak_winid=$(xdotool getactivewindow) &&
xdotool windowactivate "${kak_opt_x11_repl_id}" key --clearmodifiers Shift+Insert &&
xdotool windowactivate "${kak_winid}" ||
echo 'fail x11-send-text: failed to run xdotool, see *debug* buffer for details'
alias global repl-new x11-repl
alias global repl-send-text x11-send-text