* bring colors more aligned with upstream solarized implementations (e.g. vim, emacs) * tweak rust syntax * add more details, like operators, highlighting certain traits and types from std, etc * remove certain highlighters, like user types. This has the effect of just highlighting almost the whole code base one color, and wasn't really correct either. CamelCase for types is only convention
205 lines
13 KiB
205 lines
13 KiB
# http://rust-lang.org
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Detection
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global BufCreate .*[.](rust|rs) %{
set-option buffer filetype rust
# Initialization
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global WinSetOption filetype=rust %<
require-module rust
hook window ModeChange pop:insert:.* -group rust-trim-indent rust-trim-indent
hook window InsertChar \n -group rust-indent rust-indent-on-new-line
hook window InsertChar \{ -group rust-indent rust-indent-on-opening-curly-brace
hook window InsertChar [)}\]] -group rust-indent rust-indent-on-closing
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-hooks window rust-.+ }
hook -group rust-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=rust %{
add-highlighter window/rust ref rust
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/rust }
provide-module rust %§
# Highlighters
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
add-highlighter shared/rust regions
add-highlighter shared/rust/code default-region group
add-highlighter shared/rust/string region %{(?<!')"} (?<!\\)(\\\\)*" fill string
add-highlighter shared/rust/raw_string region -match-capture %{(?<!')r(#*)"} %{"(#*)} fill string
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_doctest region ^\h*//[!/]\h*```($|should_panic|no_run|ignore|allow_fail|rust|test_harness|compile_fail|E\d{4}|edition201[58]) ^\h*//[!/]\h*```$ regions
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_doctest/marker region ``` $ group
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_doctest/marker/fence regex ``` 0:meta
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_doctest/marker/keywords regex [\d\w] 0:meta # already matched above, just ignore comma
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_doctest/inner region '^\h*//[!/]( #(?= ))?' '$| ' group
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_doctest/inner/comment regex //[!/] 0:documentation
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_doctest/inner/hidden regex '#' 0:meta
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_doctest/code default-region ref rust
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_code_rest region ^\h*//[!/]\h*``` ^\h*//[!/]\h*```$ fill documentation # reset invalid doctest
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_comment2 region //[!/]{2} $ fill comment
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_doc region //[!/] $ fill documentation
add-highlighter shared/rust/line_comment1 region // $ fill comment
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_comment2 region -recurse /\*\*\* /\*\*\* \*/ fill comment
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc region -recurse /\*\* /\*\* \*/ regions
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/doctest region ```($|should_panic|no_run|ignore|allow_fail|rust|test_harness|compile_fail|E\d{4}|edition201[58]) ```$ regions
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/doctest/marker region ``` $ group
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/doctest/marker/fence regex ``` 0:meta
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/doctest/marker/keywords regex [\d\w] 0:meta # already matched above, just ignore comma
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/doctest/inner default-region group
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/doctest/inner/hidden regex '^\h*\**\h*#' 0:meta
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/doctest/inner/comment regex ^\h*\* 0:documentation
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/doctest/inner/code ref rust
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/code_rest region ``` ``` fill documentation
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_doc/doc default-region fill documentation
add-highlighter shared/rust/block_comment1 region -recurse /\* /\* \*/ fill comment
add-highlighter shared/rust/macro_attributes region -recurse "\[" "#!?\[" "\]" regions
add-highlighter shared/rust/macro_attributes/ default-region fill meta
add-highlighter shared/rust/macro_attributes/string region %{(?<!')"} (?<!\\)(\\\\)*" fill string
add-highlighter shared/rust/macro_attributes/raw_string region -match-capture %{(?<!')r(#*)"} %{"(#*)} fill string
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/operators_arithmetic regex (\+|-|/|\*|=|\^|&|\||!|>|<|%)=? 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/operators_as regex \bas\b 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/ref_ref regex (&\h+[&~@*])[^)=\s\t\r\n] 1:type
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/ref regex ([&~@*])[^)=\s\t\r\n] 1:type
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/operators_logic regex &&|\|\| 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/lifetime_or_loop_label regex ('([a-zA-Z]\w+|_\w+))\b 1:meta
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/namespace regex \b[a-zA-Z](\w+)?(\h+)?(?=::) 0:module
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/mod_path_sep regex :: 0:meta
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/question_mark regex \? 0:meta
# the language keywords are defined here, but many of them are reserved and unused yet:
# https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/keywords.html
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/function_call regex _?[a-zA-Z]\w*\s*(?=\() 0:function
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/generic_function_call regex _?[a-zA-Z]\w*\s*(?=::<) 0:function
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/function_declaration regex (?:fn\h+)(_?\w+)(?:<[^>]+?>)?\( 1:function
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/keywords regex \b(?:let|as|fn|return|match|if|else|loop|for|in|while|break|continue|box|where|impl|dyn|unsafe|async|await|mod|crate|use|extern|trait|struct|enum|union|type|default)\b 0:keyword
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/storage regex \b(move|mut|ref|static|const)\b 0:type
# after let can be an arbitrary pattern match
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/macro regex \b\w+! 0:meta
# the number literals syntax is defined here:
# https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/tokens.html#numb ers
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/values regex \b(?:self|true|false|[0-9][_0-9]*(?:\.[0-9][_0-9]*|(?:\.[0-9][_0-9]*)?E[\+\-][_0-9]+)(?:f(?:32|64))?|(?:0x[_0-9a-fA-F]+|0o[_0-7]+|0b[_01]+|[0-9][_0-9]*)(?:(?:i|u|f)(?:8|16|32|64|128|size))?)\b 0:value
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/char_character regex "'([^\\]|\\(.|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}\}))'" 0:green
# TODO highlight error for unicode or single escape by te character
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/byte_character regex b'([\x00-\x5B\x5D-\x7F]|\\(.|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}))' 0:yellow
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/builtin_types regex \b(?:u8|u16|u32|u64|u128|usize|i8|i16|i32|i64|i128|isize|f32|f64|bool|char|str|Self)\b 0:type
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/return regex \breturn\b 0:meta
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/enum regex \b(Option|Result)\b 0:type
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/enum_variant regex \b(Some|None|Ok|Err)\b 0:value
add-highlighter shared/rust/code/std_traits regex \b(Copy|Send|Sized|Sync|Drop|Fn|FnMut|FnOnce|Box|ToOwned|Clone|PartialEq|PartialOrd|Eq|Ord|AsRef|AsMut|Into|From|Default|Iterator|Extend|IntoIterator|DoubleEndedIterator|ExactSizeIterator|SliceConcatExt|String|ToString|Vec)\b 0:type
# Commands
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
define-command -hidden rust-trim-indent %{
# remove trailing white spaces
try %{ execute-keys -draft -itersel <a-x> s \h+$ <ret> d }
define-command -hidden rust-indent-on-new-line %~
evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %@
try %{
try %[ # line comment
evaluate-commands -draft -save-regs '/"' %[
# copy the commenting prefix
execute-keys -save-regs '' k <a-x> s ^\h*//[!/]{0,2}\h* <ret> y
try %[
# if the previous comment isn't empty, create a new one
execute-keys <a-x><a-K>^\h*//[!/]{0,2}$<ret> j<a-x>s^\h*<ret>P
] catch %[
# TODO figure out a way to not delete empty comment in current line
# if there is no space and text in the previous comment, remove it completely
execute-keys s //.*<ret> d
] catch %[ # block comment
# if the previous line isn't within a comment scope, break
execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^(\h*/\*|\h+\*(?!/))<ret>
# find comment opening, validate it was not closed, and check its using star prefixes
execute-keys -draft <a-?>/\*<ret><a-H> <a-K>\*/<ret> <a-k>\A\h*/\*([^\n]*\n\h*\*)*[^\n]*\n\h*.\z<ret>
try %[
# if the previous line is opening the comment, insert star preceeded by space
execute-keys -draft k<a-x><a-k>^\h*/\*<ret>
execute-keys -draft i*<space><esc>
] catch %[
try %[
# if the next line is a comment line insert a star
execute-keys -draft j<a-x><a-k>^\h+\*<ret>
execute-keys -draft i*<space><esc>
] catch %[
try %[
# if the previous line is an empty comment line, close the comment scope
execute-keys -draft k<a-x><a-k>^\h+\*\h+$<ret> <a-x>1s\*(\h*)<ret>c/<esc>
] catch %[
# if the previous line is a non-empty comment line, add a star
execute-keys -draft i*<space><esc>
# trim trailing whitespace on the previous line
try %[ execute-keys -draft s\h+$<ret> d ]
# align the new star with the previous one
execute-keys K<a-x>1s^[^*]*(\*)<ret>&
} catch %`
# re-indent previous line if it starts with where to match previous block
# string literal parsing within extern does not handle escape
try %% execute-keys -draft k <a-x> <a-k> ^\h*where\b <ret> hh <a-?> ^\h*\b(impl|((|pub\ |pub\((crate|self|super|in\ (::)?([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(::[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*)\)\ )((async\ |const\ )?(unsafe\ )?(extern\ ("[^"]*"\ )?)?fn|struct|enum|union)))\b <ret> <a-S> 1<a-&> %
# preserve previous line indent
try %{ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> K <a-&> }
# indent after lines ending with [{([].+ and move first parameter to own line
try %< execute-keys -draft [c[({[],[)}\]] <ret> <a-k> \A[({[][^\n]+\n[^\n]*\n?\z <ret> L i<ret><esc> <gt> <a-S> <a-&> >
# indent after non-empty lines not starting with operator and not ending with , or ; or {
# XXX simplify this into a single <a-k> without s
try %< execute-keys -draft k <a-x> s [^\h].+ <ret> <a-K> \A[-+*/&|^})<gt><lt>#] <ret> <a-K> [,<semicolon>{](\h*/[/*].*|)$ <ret> j <a-gt> >
# indent after lines ending with {
try %+ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> <a-k> \{$ <ret> j <a-gt> +
# dedent after lines starting with . and ending with } or ) or , or ; or .await (} or ) or .await maybe with ?)
try %_ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> <a-k> ^\h*\. <ret> <a-k> ([,<semicolon>]|(([})]|\.await)\?*))\h*$ <ret> j <a-lt> _
# dedent after lines ending with " => {}" - part of empty match
try %# execute-keys -draft k <a-x> <a-k> \ =>\ \{\}\h*$ <ret> j <a-lt> #
# align to opening curly brace or paren when newline is inserted before a single closing
try %< execute-keys -draft <a-h> <a-k> ^\h*[)}] <ret> h m <a-S> 1<a-&> >
# todo dedent additional unmatched parenthesis
# try %& execute-keys -draft k <a-x> s \((?:[^)(]+|\((?:[^)(]+|\([^)(]*\))*\))*\) l Gl s\) %sh{
# count previous selections length
# printf "j $(echo $kak_selections_length | wc -w) <a-lt>"
# } &
# filter previous line
try %{ execute-keys -draft k : rust-trim-indent <ret> }
define-command -hidden rust-indent-on-opening-curly-brace %[
evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %~
# align indent with opening paren when { is entered on a new line after the closing paren
try %[ execute-keys -draft h <a-F> ) M <a-k> \A\(.*\)\h*\n\h*\{\z <ret> s \A|.\z <ret> 1<a-&> ]
# dedent standalone { after impl and related block without any { in between
try %@ execute-keys -draft hh <a-?> ^\h*\b(impl|((|pub\ |pub\((crate|self|super|in\ (::)?([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(::[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*)\)\ )((async\ |const\ )?(unsafe\ )?(extern\ ("[^"]*"\ )?)?fn|struct|enum|union))|if|for)\b <ret> <a-K> \{ <ret> <a-semicolon> <semicolon> ll <a-x> <a-k> ^\h*\{$ <ret> <a-lt> @
define-command -hidden rust-indent-on-closing %~
evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %_
# align to opening curly brace or paren when alone on a line
try %< execute-keys -draft <a-h> <a-k> ^\h*[)}\]]$ <ret> h m <a-S> 1<a-&> >