Maxime Coste 9a1d50d9a2 deindent now deindent non completely indented lines
If indent is 4 spaces, and a line has only 3 leading spaces, they
will get removed. a-< can be used to avoid this behaviour.
2013-11-14 13:44:54 +00:00

1064 lines
36 KiB

#include "normal.hh"
#include "buffer.hh"
#include "buffer_manager.hh"
#include "client_manager.hh"
#include "color_registry.hh"
#include "command_manager.hh"
#include "commands.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "option_manager.hh"
#include "register_manager.hh"
#include "selectors.hh"
#include "shell_manager.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "window.hh"
#include "user_interface.hh"
#include "utf8_iterator.hh"
namespace Kakoune
using namespace std::placeholders;
template<InsertMode mode>
void insert(Context& context, int)
void repeat_insert(Context& context, int)
bool show_auto_info_ifn(const String& title, const String& info,
const Context& context)
if (not context.options()["autoinfo"].get<bool>() or not context.has_ui())
return false;
ColorPair col = get_color("Information");
DisplayCoord pos = context.window().dimensions();
pos.column -= 1;
context.ui().info_show(title, info, pos , col, MenuStyle::Prompt);
return true;
template<typename Cmd>
void on_next_key_with_autoinfo(const Context& context, Cmd cmd,
const String& title, const String& info)
const bool hide = show_auto_info_ifn(title, info, context);
context.client().on_next_key([hide,cmd](Key key, Context& context) mutable {
if (hide)
cmd(key, context);
template<SelectMode mode>
void goto_commands(Context& context, int line)
if (line != 0)
context.editor().select(BufferCoord{line - 1, 0});
if (context.has_window())
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers != Key::Modifiers::None)
Editor& editor = context.editor();
switch (tolower(key.key))
case 'g':
case 'k':
editor.select(BufferCoord{0,0}, mode);
case 'l':
editor.select(select_to_eol, mode);
case 'h':
editor.select(select_to_eol_reverse, mode);
case 'j':
editor.select({editor.buffer().line_count() - 1, 0}, mode);
case 'e':
editor.select(editor.buffer().back_coord(), mode);
case 't':
if (context.has_window())
auto line = context.window().position().line;
editor.select({line, 0}, mode);
case 'b':
if (context.has_window())
auto& window = context.window();
auto line = window.position().line + window.dimensions().line - 1;
editor.select({line, 0}, mode);
case 'c':
if (context.has_window())
auto& window = context.window();
auto line = window.position().line + window.dimensions().line / 2;
editor.select({line, 0}, mode);
case 'a':
auto& buffer_manager = BufferManager::instance();
auto it = buffer_manager.begin();
if (it->get() == &context.buffer() and ++it == buffer_manager.end())
auto& client_manager = ClientManager::instance();
case 'f':
const Range& sel = context.editor().main_selection();
const Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
String filename = content(buffer, sel);
static constexpr char forbidden[] = { '\'', '\\', '\0' };
for (auto c : forbidden)
if (contains(filename, c))
auto paths = context.options()["path"].get<std::vector<String>>();
const String& buffer_name = buffer.name();
auto it = find(reversed(buffer_name), '/');
if (it != buffer_name.rend())
paths.insert(paths.begin(), String{buffer_name.begin(), it.base()});
String path = find_file(filename, paths);
if (path.empty())
throw runtime_error("unable to find file '" + filename + "'");
CommandManager::instance().execute("edit '" + path + "'", context);
}, "goto",
"g,k: buffer top \n"
"l: line end \n"
"h: line begin \n"
"j: buffer bottom\n"
"e: buffer end \n"
"t: window top \n"
"b: window bottom\n"
"c: window center\n"
"a: last buffer \n"
"f: file \n");
void view_commands(Context& context, int param)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [param](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers != Key::Modifiers::None or not context.has_window())
Window& window = context.window();
switch (tolower(key.key))
case 'v':
case 'c':
case 't':
case 'b':
case 'h':
context.window().scroll(-std::max<CharCount>(1, param));
case 'j':
context.window().scroll( std::max<LineCount>(1, param));
case 'k':
context.window().scroll(-std::max<LineCount>(1, param));
case 'l':
context.window().scroll( std::max<CharCount>(1, param));
}, "view",
"v,c: center cursor \n"
"t: cursor on top \n"
"b: cursor on bottom\n"
"h: scroll left \n"
"j: scroll down \n"
"k: scroll up \n"
"l: scroll right \n");
void replace_with_char(Context& context, int)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [](Key key, Context& context) {
if (not isprint(key.key))
Editor& editor = context.editor();
SelectionList sels = editor.selections();
auto restore_sels = on_scope_end([&]{ editor.select(std::move(sels)); });
editor.multi_select(std::bind(select_all_matches, _1, _2, Regex{"."}));
editor.insert(codepoint_to_str(key.key), InsertMode::Replace);
}, "replace with char", "enter char to replace with\n");
Codepoint to_lower(Codepoint cp) { return tolower(cp); }
Codepoint to_upper(Codepoint cp) { return toupper(cp); }
Codepoint swap_case(Codepoint cp)
Codepoint res = std::tolower(cp);
return res == cp ? std::toupper(cp) : res;
template<Codepoint (*func)(Codepoint)>
void for_each_char(Context& context, int)
Editor& editor = context.editor();
std::vector<String> sels = editor.selections_content();
for (auto& sel : sels)
for (auto& c : sel)
c = func(c);
editor.insert(sels, InsertMode::Replace);
void command(Context& context, int)
":", get_color("Prompt"),
std::bind(&CommandManager::complete, &CommandManager::instance(), _1, _2, _3, _4),
[](const String& cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
CommandManager::instance().execute(cmdline, context);
void pipe(Context& context, int)
context.client().prompt("pipe:", get_color("Prompt"), complete_nothing,
[](const String& cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context)
if (event != PromptEvent::Validate)
String real_cmd;
if (cmdline.empty())
real_cmd = RegisterManager::instance()['|'].values(context)[0];
RegisterManager::instance()['|'] = cmdline;
real_cmd = cmdline;
if (real_cmd.empty())
Editor& editor = context.editor();
std::vector<String> strings;
for (auto& sel : context.editor().selections())
auto str = content(context.buffer(), sel);
bool insert_eol = str.back() != '\n';
if (insert_eol)
str += '\n';
str = ShellManager::instance().pipe(str, real_cmd, context,
{}, EnvVarMap{});
if (insert_eol and str.back() == '\n')
str = str.substr(0, str.length()-1);
editor.insert(strings, InsertMode::Replace);
template<SelectMode mode, Direction direction>
void search(Context& context, int)
const char* prompt = direction == Forward ? "search:" : "reverse search:";
DynamicSelectionList selections{context.buffer(), context.editor().selections()};
context.client().prompt(prompt, get_color("Prompt"), complete_nothing,
[selections](const String& str, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
if (event == PromptEvent::Abort)
Regex ex{str};
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
if (str.empty())
ex = Regex{RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(context)[0]};
RegisterManager::instance()['/'] = str;
else if (str.empty() or not context.options()["incsearch"].get<bool>())
context.editor().select(std::bind(select_next_match<direction>, _1, _2, ex), mode);
catch (boost::regex_error& err)
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
throw runtime_error("regex error: "_str + err.what());
catch (runtime_error&)
// only validation should propagate errors,
// incremental search should not.
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
template<SelectMode mode, Direction direction>
void search_next(Context& context, int param)
const String& str = RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(context)[0];
if (not str.empty())
Regex ex{str};
do {
context.editor().select(std::bind(select_next_match<direction>, _1, _2, ex), mode);
} while (--param > 0);
catch (boost::regex_error& err)
throw runtime_error("regex error: "_str + err.what());
throw runtime_error("no search pattern");
template<bool smart>
void use_selection_as_search_pattern(Context& context, int)
std::vector<String> patterns;
auto& sels = context.editor().selections();
const auto& buffer = context.buffer();
for (auto& sel : sels)
auto begin = utf8::make_iterator(buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()));
auto end = utf8::make_iterator(buffer.iterator_at(sel.max()))+1;
auto content = "\\Q" + String{begin.base(), end.base()} + "\\E";
if (smart)
if (begin == buffer.begin() or (is_word(*begin) and not is_word(*(begin-1))))
content = "\\b" + content;
if (end == buffer.end() or (is_word(*(end-1)) and not is_word(*end)))
content = content + "\\b";
RegisterManager::instance()['/'] = patterns;
void yank(Context& context, int)
RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = context.editor().selections_content();
context.print_status({ "yanked " + to_string(context.editor().selections().size()) +
" selections", get_color("Information") });
void cat_yank(Context& context, int)
auto sels = context.editor().selections_content();
String str;
for (auto& sel : sels)
str += sel;
RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = memoryview<String>(str);
context.print_status({ "concatenated and yanked " +
to_string(sels.size()) + " selections", get_color("Information") });
void erase_selections(Context& context, int)
RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = context.editor().selections_content();
void change(Context& context, int param)
RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = context.editor().selections_content();
insert<InsertMode::Replace>(context, param);
static InsertMode adapt_for_linewise(InsertMode mode)
if (mode == InsertMode::Append)
return InsertMode::InsertAtNextLineBegin;
if (mode == InsertMode::Insert)
return InsertMode::InsertAtLineBegin;
if (mode == InsertMode::Replace)
return InsertMode::Replace;
return InsertMode::Insert;
template<InsertMode insert_mode>
void paste(Context& context, int)
Editor& editor = context.editor();
auto strings = RegisterManager::instance()['"'].values(context);
InsertMode mode = insert_mode;
for (auto& str : strings)
if (not str.empty() and str.back() == '\n')
mode = adapt_for_linewise(mode);
editor.insert(strings, mode);
template<typename T>
void regex_prompt(Context& context, const String prompt, T on_validate)
context.client().prompt(prompt, get_color("Prompt"), complete_nothing,
[=](const String& str, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
on_validate(str.empty() ? Regex{} : Regex{str}, context);
catch (boost::regex_error& err)
throw runtime_error("regex error: "_str + err.what());
else if (event == PromptEvent::Change)
const bool ok = Regex{str, boost::regex_constants::no_except}.status() == 0;
context.client().set_prompt_colors(get_color(ok ? "Prompt" : "Error"));
void select_regex(Context& context, int)
regex_prompt(context, "select:", [](Regex ex, Context& context) {
if (ex.empty())
ex = Regex{RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(context)[0]};
RegisterManager::instance()['/'] = String{ex.str()};
if (not ex.empty() and not ex.str().empty())
context.editor().multi_select(std::bind(select_all_matches, _1, _2, ex));
void split_regex(Context& context, int)
regex_prompt(context, "split:", [](Regex ex, Context& context) {
if (ex.empty())
ex = Regex{RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(context)[0]};
RegisterManager::instance()['/'] = String{ex.str()};
if (not ex.empty() and not ex.str().empty())
context.editor().multi_select(std::bind(split_selection, _1, _2, ex));
void split_lines(Context& context, int)
context.editor().multi_select([](const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& sel) {
if (sel.first().line == sel.last().line)
return SelectionList{ sel };
SelectionList res;
auto min = sel.min();
auto max = sel.max();
res.push_back({min, {min.line, buffer[min.line].length()-1}});
for (auto line = min.line+1; line < max.line; ++line)
res.push_back({line, {line, buffer[line].length()-1}});
res.push_back({max.line, max});
return res;
void join_select_spaces(Context& context, int)
Editor& editor = context.editor();
editor.select(select_to_eol, SelectMode::Extend);
editor.multi_select([](const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& sel)
SelectionList res = select_all_matches(buffer, sel, Regex{"(\n\\h*)+"});
// remove last end of line if selected
kak_assert(std::is_sorted(res.begin(), res.end(),
[](const Selection& lhs, const Selection& rhs)
{ return lhs.min() < rhs.min(); }));
if (not res.empty() and res.back().max() == buffer.back_coord())
return res;
editor.insert(" ", InsertMode::Replace);
void join(Context& context, int param)
Editor& editor = context.editor();
DynamicSelectionList sels{editor.buffer(), editor.selections()};
auto restore_sels = on_scope_end([&]{ editor.select((SelectionList)std::move(sels)); });
join_select_spaces(context, param);
template<bool matching>
void keep(Context& context, int)
constexpr const char* prompt = matching ? "keep matching:" : "keep not matching:";
regex_prompt(context, prompt, [](const Regex& ex, Context& context) {
if (ex.empty())
Editor& editor = context.editor();
const Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
SelectionList keep;
for (auto& sel : editor.selections())
if (boost::regex_search(buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()),
utf8::next(buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())), ex) == matching)
if (keep.empty())
throw runtime_error("no selections remaining");
template<bool indent_empty = false>
void indent(Context& context, int)
CharCount indent_width = context.options()["indentwidth"].get<int>();
String indent = indent_width == 0 ? "\t" : String{' ', indent_width};
Editor& editor = context.editor();
DynamicSelectionList sels{editor.buffer(), editor.selections()};
auto restore_sels = on_scope_end([&]{ editor.select((SelectionList)std::move(sels)); });
editor.multi_select([&indent](const Buffer& buf, const Selection& sel) {
SelectionList res;
for (auto line = sel.min().line; line < sel.max().line+1; ++line)
if (indent_empty or buf[line].length() > 1)
res.emplace_back(line, line);
return res;
editor.insert(indent, InsertMode::Insert);
template<bool deindent_incomplete = true>
void deindent(Context& context, int)
CharCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
CharCount indent_width = context.options()["indentwidth"].get<int>();
if (indent_width == 0)
indent_width = tabstop;
Editor& editor = context.editor();
DynamicSelectionList sels{editor.buffer(), editor.selections()};
auto restore_sels = on_scope_end([&]{ editor.select((SelectionList)std::move(sels)); });
editor.multi_select([indent_width,tabstop](const Buffer& buf, const Selection& sel) {
SelectionList res;
for (auto line = sel.min().line; line < sel.max().line+1; ++line)
CharCount width = 0;
auto& content = buf[line];
for (auto column = 0_byte; column < content.length(); ++column)
const char c = content[column];
if (c == '\t')
width = (width / tabstop + 1) * tabstop;
else if (c == ' ')
if (deindent_incomplete and width != 0)
res.emplace_back(line, BufferCoord{line, column-1});
if (width == indent_width)
res.emplace_back(line, BufferCoord{line, column});
return res;
template<ObjectFlags flags, SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace>
void select_object(Context& context, int param)
int level = param <= 0 ? 0 : param - 1;
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [level](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers != Key::Modifiers::None)
const Codepoint c = key.key;
static constexpr struct
Codepoint key;
Selection (*func)(const Buffer&, const Selection&, ObjectFlags);
} selectors[] = {
{ 'w', select_whole_word<Word> },
{ 'W', select_whole_word<WORD> },
{ 's', select_whole_sentence },
{ 'p', select_whole_paragraph },
{ 'i', select_whole_indent },
for (auto& sel : selectors)
if (c == sel.key)
return context.editor().select(std::bind(sel.func, _1, _2, flags), mode);
static constexpr struct
CodepointPair pair;
Codepoint name;
} surrounding_pairs[] = {
{ { '(', ')' }, 'b' },
{ { '{', '}' }, 'B' },
{ { '[', ']' }, 'r' },
{ { '<', '>' }, '\0' },
{ { '"', '"' }, '\0' },
{ { '\'', '\'' }, '\0' },
for (auto& sur : surrounding_pairs )
if (sur.pair.first == c or sur.pair.second == c or
(sur.name != 0 and sur.name == c))
return context.editor().select(std::bind(select_surrounding, _1, _2,
sur.pair, level, flags), mode);
}, "select object",
"b,(,): parenthesis block\n"
"B,{,}: braces block \n"
"r,[,]: brackets block \n"
"<,>: angle block \n"
"\": double quote string\n"
"': single quote string\n"
"w: word \n"
"W: WORD \n"
"s: sentence \n"
"p: paragraph \n"
"i: indent \n");
template<Key::NamedKey key>
void scroll(Context& context, int)
static_assert(key == Key::PageUp or key == Key::PageDown,
"scrool only implements PageUp and PageDown");
Window& window = context.window();
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
DisplayCoord position = window.position();
LineCount cursor_line = 0;
if (key == Key::PageUp)
position.line -= (window.dimensions().line - 2);
cursor_line = position.line;
else if (key == Key::PageDown)
position.line += (window.dimensions().line - 2);
cursor_line = position.line + window.dimensions().line - 1;
auto cursor_pos = utf8::advance(buffer.iterator_at(position.line),
void rotate_selections(Context& context, int count)
context.editor().rotate_selections(count != 0 ? count : 1);
void rotate_selections_content(Context& context, int count)
if (count == 0)
count = 1;
Editor& editor = context.editor();
auto strings = editor.selections_content();
count = count % strings.size();
std::rotate(strings.begin(), strings.end()-count, strings.end());
editor.insert(strings, InsertMode::Replace);
enum class SelectFlags
None = 0,
Reverse = 1,
Inclusive = 2,
Extend = 4
constexpr SelectFlags operator|(SelectFlags lhs, SelectFlags rhs)
return (SelectFlags)((int) lhs | (int) rhs);
constexpr bool operator&(SelectFlags lhs, SelectFlags rhs)
return ((int) lhs & (int) rhs) != 0;
template<SelectFlags flags>
void select_to_next_char(Context& context, int param)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [param](Key key, Context& context) {
std::bind(flags & SelectFlags::Reverse ? select_to_reverse : select_to,
_1, _2, key.key, param, flags & SelectFlags::Inclusive),
flags & SelectFlags::Extend ? SelectMode::Extend : SelectMode::Replace);
}, "select to next char","enter char to select to");
void start_or_end_macro_recording(Context& context, int)
if (context.client().is_recording())
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::None and
key.key >= 'a' and key.key <= 'z')
}, "record macro", "enter macro name ");
void replay_macro(Context& context, int count)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [count](Key key, Context& context) mutable {
if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::None)
static std::unordered_set<char> running_macros;
if (contains(running_macros, key.key))
throw runtime_error("recursive macros call detected");
memoryview<String> reg_val = RegisterManager::instance()[key.key].values(context);
if (not reg_val.empty())
auto stop = on_scope_end([&]{ running_macros.erase(key.key); });
auto keys = parse_keys(reg_val[0]);
scoped_edition edition(context.editor());
do { exec_keys(keys, context); } while (--count > 0);
}, "replay macro", "enter macro name");
template<Direction direction>
void jump(Context& context, int)
auto jump = (direction == Forward) ?
context.jump_forward() : context.jump_backward();
Buffer& buffer = const_cast<Buffer&>(jump.buffer());
if (&buffer != &context.buffer())
auto& manager = ClientManager::instance();
context.editor().select(SelectionList{ jump });
void save_selections(Context& context, int)
context.print_status({ "saved " + to_string(context.editor().selections().size()) +
" selections", get_color("Information") });
static CharCount get_column(const Buffer& buffer,
CharCount tabstop, BufferCoord coord)
auto& line = buffer[coord.line];
auto col = 0_char;
for (auto it = line.begin();
it != line.end() and coord.column > (int)(it - line.begin());
it = utf8::next(it))
if (*it == '\t')
col = (col / tabstop + 1) * tabstop;
return col;
template<bool insert_at_begin>
void align(Context& context, int)
auto& selections = context.editor().selections();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
const CharCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
std::vector<std::vector<const Selection*>> columns;
LineCount last_line = -1;
size_t column = 0;
for (auto& sel : selections)
auto line = sel.last().line;
if (sel.first().line != line)
throw runtime_error("align cannot work with multi line selections");
column = (line == last_line) ? column + 1 : 0;
if (column >= columns.size())
last_line = line;
const bool use_tabs = context.options()["aligntab"].get<bool>();
for (auto& col : columns)
CharCount maxcol = 0;
for (auto& sel : col)
maxcol = std::max(get_column(buffer, tabstop, sel->last()), maxcol);
for (auto& sel : col)
auto insert_coord = insert_at_begin ? sel->min() : sel->last();
auto lastcol = get_column(buffer, tabstop, sel->last());
String padstr;
if (not use_tabs)
padstr = String{ ' ', maxcol - lastcol };
auto inscol = get_column(buffer, tabstop, insert_coord);
auto targetcol = maxcol - (lastcol - inscol);
auto tabcol = inscol - (inscol % tabstop);
auto tabs = (targetcol - tabcol) / tabstop;
auto spaces = targetcol - (tabs ? (tabcol + tabs * tabstop) : inscol);
padstr = String{ '\t', tabs } + String{ ' ', spaces };
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at(insert_coord), std::move(padstr));
template<typename T>
class Repeated
constexpr Repeated(T t) : m_func(t) {}
void operator() (Context& context, int count)
scoped_edition edition(context.editor());
do { m_func(context, 0); } while(--count > 0);
T m_func;
template<typename T>
constexpr Repeated<T> repeated(T func) { return Repeated<T>(func); }
template<SelectMode mode, typename T>
class Select
constexpr Select(T t) : m_func(t) {}
void operator() (Context& context, int)
context.editor().select(m_func, mode);
T m_func;
template<SelectMode mode, typename T>
constexpr Select<mode, T> select(T func) { return Select<mode, T>(func); }
template<typename Type, Direction direction, SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace>
void move(Context& context, int count)
Type offset(std::max(count,1));
context.editor().move_selections(direction == Backward ? -offset : offset, mode);
KeyMap keymap =
{ 'h', move<CharCount, Backward> },
{ 'j', move<LineCount, Forward> },
{ 'k', move<LineCount, Backward> },
{ 'l', move<CharCount, Forward> },
{ 'H', move<CharCount, Backward, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 'J', move<LineCount, Forward, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 'K', move<LineCount, Backward, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 'L', move<CharCount, Forward, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 't', select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::None> },
{ 'f', select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive> },
{ 'T', select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Extend> },
{ 'F', select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive | SelectFlags::Extend> },
{ alt('t'), select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Reverse> },
{ alt('f'), select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive | SelectFlags::Reverse> },
{ alt('T'), select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Extend | SelectFlags::Reverse> },
{ alt('F'), select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive | SelectFlags::Extend | SelectFlags::Reverse> },
{ 'd', erase_selections },
{ 'c', change },
{ 'i', insert<InsertMode::Insert> },
{ 'I', insert<InsertMode::InsertAtLineBegin> },
{ 'a', insert<InsertMode::Append> },
{ 'A', insert<InsertMode::AppendAtLineEnd> },
{ 'o', insert<InsertMode::OpenLineBelow> },
{ 'O', insert<InsertMode::OpenLineAbove> },
{ 'r', replace_with_char },
{ 'g', goto_commands<SelectMode::Replace> },
{ 'G', goto_commands<SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 'v', view_commands },
{ 'y', yank },
{ 'Y', cat_yank },
{ 'p', repeated(paste<InsertMode::Append>) },
{ 'P', repeated(paste<InsertMode::Insert>) },
{ alt('p'), paste<InsertMode::Replace> },
{ 's', select_regex },
{ 'S', split_regex },
{ alt('s'), split_lines },
{ '.', repeat_insert },
{ '%', [](Context& context, int) { context.editor().clear_selections(); context.editor().select(select_whole_buffer); } },
{ ':', command },
{ '|', pipe },
{ ' ', [](Context& context, int count) { if (count == 0) context.editor().clear_selections();
else context.editor().keep_selection(count-1); } },
{ alt(' '), [](Context& context, int count) { if (count == 0) context.editor().flip_selections();
else context.editor().remove_selection(count-1); } },
{ 'w', repeated(select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_next_word<Word>)) },
{ 'e', repeated(select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_next_word_end<Word>)) },
{ 'b', repeated(select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_previous_word<Word>)) },
{ 'W', repeated(select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_next_word<Word>)) },
{ 'E', repeated(select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_next_word_end<Word>)) },
{ 'B', repeated(select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_previous_word<Word>)) },
{ alt('w'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_next_word<WORD>)) },
{ alt('e'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_next_word_end<WORD>)) },
{ alt('b'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_previous_word<WORD>)) },
{ alt('W'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_next_word<WORD>)) },
{ alt('E'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_next_word_end<WORD>)) },
{ alt('B'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_previous_word<WORD>)) },
{ alt('l'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_eol)) },
{ alt('L'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_eol)) },
{ alt('h'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_eol_reverse)) },
{ alt('H'), repeated(select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_eol_reverse)) },
{ 'x', repeated(select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_line)) },
{ 'X', repeated(select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_line)) },
{ alt('x'), select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_whole_lines) },
{ alt('X'), select<SelectMode::Replace>(trim_partial_lines) },
{ 'm', select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_matching) },
{ 'M', select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_matching) },
{ '/', search<SelectMode::Replace, Forward> },
{ '?', search<SelectMode::Extend, Forward> },
{ alt('/'), search<SelectMode::Replace, Backward> },
{ alt('?'), search<SelectMode::Extend, Backward> },
{ 'n', search_next<SelectMode::Replace, Forward> },
{ alt('n'), search_next<SelectMode::ReplaceMain, Forward> },
{ 'N', search_next<SelectMode::Append, Forward> },
{ '*', use_selection_as_search_pattern<true> },
{ alt('*'), use_selection_as_search_pattern<false> },
{ 'u', repeated([](Context& context, int) { if (not context.editor().undo()) context.print_status({ "nothing left to undo", get_color("Information") }); }) },
{ 'U', repeated([](Context& context, int) { if (not context.editor().redo()) context.print_status({ "nothing left to redo", get_color("Information") }); }) },
{ alt('i'), select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::ToEnd | ObjectFlags::Inner> },
{ alt('a'), select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::ToEnd> },
{ ']', select_object<ObjectFlags::ToEnd> },
{ '[', select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin> },
{ '}', select_object<ObjectFlags::ToEnd, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ '{', select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ alt('j'), join },
{ alt('J'), join_select_spaces },
{ alt('k'), keep<true> },
{ alt('K'), keep<false> },
{ '<', deindent },
{ '>', indent },
{ alt('>'), indent<true> },
{ alt('<'), deindent<false> },
{ ctrl('i'), jump<Forward> },
{ ctrl('o'), jump<Backward> },
{ ctrl('s'), save_selections },
{ alt('r'), rotate_selections },
{ alt('R'), rotate_selections_content },
{ 'q', start_or_end_macro_recording },
{ 'Q', replay_macro },
{ '`', for_each_char<to_lower> },
{ '~', for_each_char<to_upper> },
{ alt('`'), for_each_char<swap_case> },
{ '&', align<false> },
{ alt('&'), align<true> },
{ Key::Left, move<CharCount, Backward> },
{ Key::Down, move<LineCount, Forward> },
{ Key::Up, move<LineCount, Backward> },
{ Key::Right, move<CharCount, Forward> },
{ Key::PageUp, scroll<Key::PageUp> },
{ Key::PageDown, scroll<Key::PageDown> },