Do not allocate temporary vectors to store splitted data, use the 'split' range adaptor along with transform(unescape) to provide the same feature with less allocations.
358 lines
11 KiB
358 lines
11 KiB
#ifndef option_types_hh_INCLUDED
#define option_types_hh_INCLUDED
#include "array_view.hh"
#include "coord.hh"
#include "exception.hh"
#include "flags.hh"
#include "hash_map.hh"
#include "option.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "string_utils.hh"
#include "units.hh"
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace Kakoune
template<typename T>
constexpr decltype(T::option_type_name) option_type_name(Meta::Type<T>)
return T::option_type_name;
template<typename Enum>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<Enum>::value, String>
return format("{}({})", with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<Enum>{}) ? "flags" : "enum",
join(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{}) |
transform(std::mem_fn(&EnumDesc<Enum>::name)), '|'));
inline String option_to_string(int opt) { return to_string(opt); }
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, int& opt) { opt = str_to_int(str); }
inline bool option_add(int& opt, StringView str)
auto val = str_to_int(str);
opt += val;
return val != 0;
constexpr StringView option_type_name(Meta::Type<int>) { return "int"; }
inline String option_to_string(size_t opt) { return to_string(opt); }
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, size_t& opt) { opt = str_to_int(str); }
inline String option_to_string(bool opt) { return opt ? "true" : "false"; }
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, bool& opt)
if (str == "true" or str == "yes")
opt = true;
else if (str == "false" or str == "no")
opt = false;
throw runtime_error("boolean values are either true, yes, false or no");
constexpr StringView option_type_name(Meta::Type<bool>) { return "bool"; }
inline String option_to_string(Codepoint opt) { return to_string(opt); }
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, Codepoint& opt)
if (str.char_length() != 1)
throw runtime_error{format("'{}' is not a single codepoint", str)};
opt = str[0_char];
constexpr StringView option_type_name(Meta::Type<Codepoint>) { return "codepoint"; }
constexpr char list_separator = ':';
template<typename T, MemoryDomain domain>
String option_to_string(const Vector<T, domain>& opt)
return join(opt | transform([](const T& t) { return option_to_string(t); }),
template<typename T, MemoryDomain domain>
void option_list_postprocess(Vector<T, domain>& opt)
template<typename T, MemoryDomain domain>
void option_from_string(StringView str, Vector<T, domain>& opt)
for (auto&& elem : str | split<StringView>(list_separator, '\\')
| transform(unescape<list_separator, '\\'>))
T opt_elem;
option_from_string(elem, opt_elem);
template<typename T, MemoryDomain domain>
bool option_add(Vector<T, domain>& opt, StringView str)
Vector<T, domain> vec;
option_from_string(str, vec);
return not vec.empty();
template<typename T, MemoryDomain D>
String option_type_name(Meta::Type<Vector<T, D>>)
return option_type_name(Meta::Type<T>{}) + StringView{"-list"};
template<typename Key, typename Value, MemoryDomain domain>
String option_to_string(const HashMap<Key, Value, domain>& opt)
String res;
for (auto it = opt.begin(); it != opt.end(); ++it)
if (it != opt.begin())
res += list_separator;
String elem = escape(option_to_string(it->key), '=', '\\') + "=" +
escape(option_to_string(it->value), '=', '\\');
res += escape(elem, list_separator, '\\');
return res;
template<typename Key, typename Value, MemoryDomain domain>
bool option_add(HashMap<Key, Value, domain>& opt, StringView str)
bool changed = false;
for (auto&& elem : str | split<StringView>(list_separator, '\\')
| transform(unescape<list_separator, '\\'>))
struct error : runtime_error { error(size_t) : runtime_error{"map option expects key=value"} {} };
auto key_value = elem | split<StringView>('=', '\\')
| transform(unescape<'=', '\\'>)
| static_gather<error, 2>();
HashItem<Key, Value> item;
option_from_string(key_value[0], item.key);
option_from_string(key_value[1], item.value);
changed = true;
return changed;
template<typename Key, typename Value, MemoryDomain domain>
void option_from_string(StringView str, HashMap<Key, Value, domain>& opt)
option_add(opt, str);
template<typename K, typename V, MemoryDomain D>
String option_type_name(Meta::Type<HashMap<K, V, D>>)
return format("{}-to-{}-map", option_type_name(Meta::Type<K>{}),
constexpr char tuple_separator = '|';
template<size_t I, typename... Types>
struct TupleOptionDetail
static String to_string(const std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
return TupleOptionDetail<I-1, Types...>::to_string(opt) +
tuple_separator + escape(option_to_string(std::get<I>(opt)), tuple_separator, '\\');
static void from_string(ConstArrayView<String> elems, std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
option_from_string(elems[I], std::get<I>(opt));
TupleOptionDetail<I-1, Types...>::from_string(elems, opt);
template<typename... Types>
struct TupleOptionDetail<0, Types...>
static String to_string(const std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
return option_to_string(std::get<0>(opt));
static void from_string(ConstArrayView<String> elems, std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
option_from_string(elems[0], std::get<0>(opt));
template<typename... Types>
String option_to_string(const std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
return TupleOptionDetail<sizeof...(Types)-1, Types...>::to_string(opt);
template<typename... Types>
void option_from_string(StringView str, std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
struct error : runtime_error
error(size_t i) : runtime_error{i < sizeof...(Types) ?
"not enough elements in tuple"
: "too many elements in tuple"} {}
auto elems = str | split<StringView>(tuple_separator, '\\')
| transform(unescape<tuple_separator, '\\'>)
| static_gather<error, sizeof...(Types)>();
TupleOptionDetail<sizeof...(Types)-1, Types...>::from_string(elems, opt);
template<typename RealType, typename ValueType>
inline String option_to_string(const StronglyTypedNumber<RealType, ValueType>& opt)
return to_string(opt);
template<typename RealType, typename ValueType>
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, StronglyTypedNumber<RealType, ValueType>& opt)
opt = StronglyTypedNumber<RealType, ValueType>{str_to_int(str)};
template<typename RealType, typename ValueType>
inline bool option_add(StronglyTypedNumber<RealType, ValueType>& opt,
StringView str)
int val = str_to_int(str);
opt += val;
return val != 0;
struct WorstMatch { template<typename T> WorstMatch(T&&) {} };
inline bool option_add(WorstMatch, StringView)
throw runtime_error("no add operation supported for this option type");
class Context;
inline void option_update(WorstMatch, const Context&)
throw runtime_error("no update operation supported for this option type");
template<typename EffectiveType, typename LineType, typename ColumnType>
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, LineAndColumn<EffectiveType, LineType, ColumnType>& opt)
struct error : runtime_error { error(size_t) : runtime_error{"expected <line>,<column>"} {} };
auto vals = str | split<StringView>(',')
| static_gather<error, 2>();
opt.line = str_to_int(vals[0]);
opt.column = str_to_int(vals[1]);
template<typename EffectiveType, typename LineType, typename ColumnType>
inline String option_to_string(const LineAndColumn<EffectiveType, LineType, ColumnType>& opt)
return format("{},{}", opt.line, opt.column);
template<typename Flags, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{}))>
EnableIfWithBitOps<Flags, String> option_to_string(Flags flags)
constexpr auto desc = enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{});
String res;
for (int i = 0; i < desc.size(); ++i)
if (not (flags & desc[i].value))
if (not res.empty())
res += "|";
res += desc[i].name;
return res;
template<typename Enum, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{}))>
EnableIfWithoutBitOps<Enum, String> option_to_string(Enum e)
constexpr auto desc = enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{});
auto it = find_if(desc, [e](const EnumDesc<Enum>& d) { return d.value == e; });
if (it != desc.end())
return it->name.str();
return {};
template<typename Flags, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{}))>
EnableIfWithBitOps<Flags> option_from_string(StringView str, Flags& flags)
constexpr auto desc = enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{});
flags = Flags{};
for (auto s : str | split<StringView>('|'))
auto it = find_if(desc, [s](const EnumDesc<Flags>& d) { return d.name == s; });
if (it == desc.end())
throw runtime_error(format("invalid flag value '{}'", s));
flags |= it->value;
template<typename Enum, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{}))>
EnableIfWithoutBitOps<Enum> option_from_string(StringView str, Enum& e)
constexpr auto desc = enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{});
auto it = find_if(desc, [str](const EnumDesc<Enum>& d) { return d.name == str; });
if (it == desc.end())
throw runtime_error(format("invalid enum value '{}'", str));
e = it->value;
template<typename Flags, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{}))>
EnableIfWithBitOps<Flags, bool> option_add(Flags& opt, StringView str)
Flags res = Flags{};
option_from_string(str, res);
opt |= res;
return res != (Flags)0;
template<typename P, typename T>
inline String option_to_string(const PrefixedList<P, T>& opt)
if (opt.list.empty())
return format("{}", escape(option_to_string(opt.prefix), list_separator, '\\'));
return format("{}{}{}", escape(option_to_string(opt.prefix), list_separator, '\\'),
list_separator, option_to_string(opt.list));
template<typename P, typename T>
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, PrefixedList<P, T>& opt)
auto it = find(str, list_separator);
option_from_string(StringView{str.begin(), it}, opt.prefix);
if (it != str.end())
option_from_string({it+1, str.end()}, opt.list);
template<typename P, typename T>
inline bool option_add(PrefixedList<P, T>& opt, StringView str)
return option_add(opt.list, str);
#endif // option_types_hh_INCLUDED