Level out the builtin commands loaded at startup in terms of format and expressiveness. The following convention was followed: * commands that take more than one argument have to be described along with their parameters prior to the actual documentation, otherwise the docstring consists in a capitalized sentence e.g. `command <arg1>: do something` * optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets, to comply with the format used for hardcoded commands e.g. `cd [<directory>]` * describe the effects of the command in the documentation string and omit implementation details unless they are relevant. Usually command names include the name of the tool they use, so they don't need to be redundantly mentioned e.g. `tmux-new-pane <arguments>: open a new pane` * document the format the parameters to the commands, or list them if they are to be chosen among a list of static values (c.f. `spell.kak`)
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# termcmd should already be set in x11.kak
def -docstring %{x11-repl [<arguments>]: create a new window for repl interaction
All optional parameters are forwarded to the new window} \
-params .. \
-command-completion \
x11-repl %{ %sh{
if [ -z "${kak_opt_termcmd}" ]; then
echo "echo -color Error 'termcmd option is not set'"
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then cmd="bash"; else cmd="$@"; fi
setsid ${kak_opt_termcmd} ${cmd} -t kak_repl_window < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &
def x11-send-text -docstring "send the selected text to the repl window" %{
nop %sh{
printf %s\\n "${kak_selection}" | xsel -i
wid=$(xdotool getactivewindow)
xdotool search --name kak_repl_window windowactivate
xdotool key --clearmodifiers "Shift+Insert"
xdotool windowactivate $wid
alias global repl x11-repl
alias global send-text x11-send-text