Text pasted into Kakoune's normal mode is interpreted as command sequence, which is probably never what the user wants. Text pasted during insert mode will be inserted fine but may trigger auto-indentation hooks which is likely not what users want. Bracketed paste is pair of escape codes sent by terminals that allow applications to distinguish between pasted text and typed text. Let's use this feature to always insert pasted text verbatim, skipping keymap lookup and the InsertChar hook. In future, we could add a dedicated Paste hook. We need to make a decision on whether to paste before or after the selection. I chose "before" because that's what I'm used to. TerminalUI::set_on_key has EventManager::instance().force_signal(0); I'm not sure if we want the same for TerminalUI::set_on_paste? I assume it doesn't matter because they are always called in tandem. Closes #2465
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211 lines
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#ifndef input_handler_hh_INCLUDED
#define input_handler_hh_INCLUDED
#include "completion.hh"
#include "constexpr_utils.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "face.hh"
#include "normal.hh"
#include "keys.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "utils.hh"
#include "safe_ptr.hh"
#include "display_buffer.hh"
#include "event_manager.hh"
namespace Kakoune
enum class MenuEvent
using MenuCallback = std::function<void (int, MenuEvent, Context&)>;
enum class PromptEvent
using PromptCallback = std::function<void (StringView, PromptEvent, Context&)>;
enum class PromptFlags
None = 0,
Password = 1 << 0,
DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix = 1 << 1,
Search = 1 << 2,
constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<PromptFlags>) { return true; }
using KeyCallback = std::function<void (Key, Context&)>;
class InputMode;
enum class KeymapMode : char;
enum class CursorMode;
using PromptCompleter = std::function<Completions (const Context&, CompletionFlags,
StringView, ByteCount)>;
enum class InsertMode : unsigned
class InputHandler : public SafeCountable
InputHandler(SelectionList selections,
Context::Flags flags = Context::Flags::None,
String name = "");
// switch to insert mode
void insert(InsertMode mode, int count);
// repeat last insert mode key sequence
void repeat_last_insert();
// insert a string without affecting the mode stack
void paste(StringView content);
// enter prompt mode, callback is called on each change,
// abort or validation with corresponding PromptEvent value
// returns to normal mode after validation if callback does
// not change the mode itself
void prompt(StringView prompt, String initstr, String emptystr,
Face prompt_face, PromptFlags flags, char history_register,
PromptCompleter completer, PromptCallback callback);
void set_prompt_face(Face prompt_face);
// enter menu mode, callback is called on each selection change,
// abort or validation with corresponding MenuEvent value
// returns to normal mode after validation if callback does
// not change the mode itself
void menu(Vector<DisplayLine> choices, MenuCallback callback);
// execute callback on next keypress and returns to normal mode
// if callback does not change the mode itself
void on_next_key(StringView mode_name, KeymapMode mode, KeyCallback callback,
Timer::Callback idle_callback = Timer::Callback{});
// process the given key
void handle_key(Key key);
void start_recording(char reg);
bool is_recording() const;
void stop_recording();
char recording_reg() const { return m_recording_reg; }
void reset_normal_mode();
Context& context() { return m_context; }
const Context& context() const { return m_context; }
DisplayLine mode_line() const;
std::pair<CursorMode, DisplayCoord> get_cursor_info() const;
// Force an input handler into normal mode temporarily
struct ScopedForceNormal
ScopedForceNormal(InputHandler& handler, NormalParams params);
InputHandler& m_handler;
InputMode* m_mode;
Context m_context;
friend class InputMode;
Vector<RefPtr<InputMode>, MemoryDomain::Client> m_mode_stack;
InputMode& current_mode() const { return *m_mode_stack.back(); }
void push_mode(InputMode* new_mode);
void pop_mode(InputMode* current_mode);
struct Insertion{
NestedBool recording;
InsertMode mode;
Vector<Key> keys;
bool disable_hooks;
int count;
} m_last_insert = { {}, InsertMode::Insert, {}, false, 1 };
char m_recording_reg = 0;
String m_recorded_keys;
int m_recording_level = -1;
int m_handle_key_level = 0;
enum class AutoInfo
None = 0,
Command = 1 << 0,
OnKey = 1 << 1,
Normal = 1 << 2
constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<AutoInfo>) { return true; }
constexpr auto enum_desc(Meta::Type<AutoInfo>)
return make_array<EnumDesc<AutoInfo>>({
{ AutoInfo::Command, "command"},
{ AutoInfo::OnKey, "onkey"},
{ AutoInfo::Normal, "normal" }
enum class AutoComplete
None = 0,
Insert = 0b01,
Prompt = 0b10
constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<AutoComplete>) { return true; }
constexpr auto enum_desc(Meta::Type<AutoComplete>)
return make_array<EnumDesc<AutoComplete>>({
{ AutoComplete::Insert, "insert"},
{ AutoComplete::Prompt, "prompt" }
bool should_show_info(AutoInfo mask, const Context& context);
bool show_auto_info_ifn(StringView title, StringView info, AutoInfo mask, const Context& context);
void hide_auto_info_ifn(const Context& context, bool hide);
template<typename Cmd>
void on_next_key_with_autoinfo(const Context& context, StringView mode_name,
KeymapMode keymap_mode, Cmd cmd,
String title, String info)
keymap_mode, [cmd](Key key, Context& context) mutable {
bool hide = should_show_info(AutoInfo::OnKey, context);
hide_auto_info_ifn(context, hide);
cmd(key, context);
}, [&context, title=std::move(title), info=std::move(info)](Timer&) {
show_auto_info_ifn(title, info, AutoInfo::OnKey, context);
void scroll_window(Context& context, LineCount offset, bool mouse_dragging = false);
#endif // input_handler_hh_INCLUDED