Instead of triming only buffer ranges, add a trim_from method to display line to keep the initial N columns, we know how many columns are used by non-trimable widgets in DisplaySetup::widget_columns so we can just pass this. Also restore the previous logic for face merging Fixes #4670
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90 lines
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#ifndef face_hh_INCLUDED
#define face_hh_INCLUDED
#include "color.hh"
#include "flags.hh"
namespace Kakoune
enum class Attribute : int
Normal = 0,
Underline = 1 << 1,
CurlyUnderline = 1 << 2,
Reverse = 1 << 3,
Blink = 1 << 4,
Bold = 1 << 5,
Dim = 1 << 6,
Italic = 1 << 7,
Strikethrough = 1 << 8,
FinalFg = 1 << 9,
FinalBg = 1 << 10,
FinalAttr = 1 << 11,
Final = FinalFg | FinalBg | FinalAttr
constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<Attribute>) { return true; }
struct Face
Color fg = Color::Default;
Color bg = Color::Default;
Attribute attributes = Attribute::Normal;
Color underline = Color::Default;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const Face& lhs, const Face& rhs)
return lhs.fg == rhs.fg and
lhs.bg == rhs.bg and
lhs.underline == rhs.underline and
lhs.attributes == rhs.attributes;
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const Face& lhs, const Face& rhs)
return not (lhs == rhs);
friend constexpr size_t hash_value(const Face& val)
return hash_values(val.fg, val.bg, val.underline, val.attributes);
inline Face merge_faces(const Face& base, const Face& face)
auto alpha_blend = [](Color base, Color color) {
auto blend = [&](unsigned char Color::*field) {
int blended = (base.*field * (255 - color.a) + color.*field * color.a) / 255;
return static_cast<unsigned char>(blended <= 255 ? blended : 255);
int alpha = color.a + base.a * (255 - color.a) / 255;
return Color{blend(&Color::r), blend(&Color::g), blend(&Color::b),
static_cast<unsigned char>(alpha <= 255 ? alpha : 255)};
auto choose = [&](Color Face::*color, Attribute final_attr) {
if (face.attributes & final_attr)
return face.*color;
if (base.attributes & final_attr)
return base.*color;
if (face.*color == Color::Default)
return base.*color;
if ((base.*color).isRGB() and (face.*color).isRGB() and (face.*color).a != 255)
return alpha_blend(base.*color, face.*color);
return face.*color;
return Face{ choose(&Face::fg, Attribute::FinalFg),
choose(&Face::bg, Attribute::FinalBg),
face.attributes & Attribute::FinalAttr ? face.attributes :
base.attributes & Attribute::FinalAttr ? base.attributes :
face.attributes | base.attributes,
choose(&Face::underline, Attribute{0}) };
#endif // face_hh_INCLUDED