* use the list_separator variable instead of hard coding ':' * fix trailing separator when converting empty prefixed list to string * correctly escape the prefix in case it contains a separator
350 lines
10 KiB
350 lines
10 KiB
#ifndef option_types_hh_INCLUDED
#define option_types_hh_INCLUDED
#include "array_view.hh"
#include "coord.hh"
#include "exception.hh"
#include "flags.hh"
#include "hash_map.hh"
#include "option.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "string_utils.hh"
#include "units.hh"
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace Kakoune
template<typename T>
constexpr decltype(T::option_type_name) option_type_name(Meta::Type<T>)
return T::option_type_name;
template<typename Enum>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<Enum>::value, String>
return format("{}({})", with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<Enum>{}) ? "flags" : "enum",
join(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{}) |
transform(std::mem_fn(&EnumDesc<Enum>::name)), '|'));
inline String option_to_string(int opt) { return to_string(opt); }
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, int& opt) { opt = str_to_int(str); }
inline bool option_add(int& opt, StringView str)
auto val = str_to_int(str);
opt += val;
return val != 0;
constexpr StringView option_type_name(Meta::Type<int>) { return "int"; }
inline String option_to_string(size_t opt) { return to_string(opt); }
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, size_t& opt) { opt = str_to_int(str); }
inline String option_to_string(bool opt) { return opt ? "true" : "false"; }
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, bool& opt)
if (str == "true" or str == "yes")
opt = true;
else if (str == "false" or str == "no")
opt = false;
throw runtime_error("boolean values are either true, yes, false or no");
constexpr StringView option_type_name(Meta::Type<bool>) { return "bool"; }
inline String option_to_string(Codepoint opt) { return to_string(opt); }
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, Codepoint& opt)
if (str.char_length() != 1)
throw runtime_error{format("'{}' is not a single codepoint", str)};
opt = str[0_char];
constexpr StringView option_type_name(Meta::Type<Codepoint>) { return "codepoint"; }
constexpr char list_separator = ':';
template<typename T, MemoryDomain domain>
String option_to_string(const Vector<T, domain>& opt)
return join(opt | transform([](const T& t) { return option_to_string(t); }),
template<typename T, MemoryDomain domain>
void option_list_postprocess(Vector<T, domain>& opt)
template<typename T, MemoryDomain domain>
void option_from_string(StringView str, Vector<T, domain>& opt)
for (auto& elem : split(str, list_separator, '\\'))
T opt_elem;
option_from_string(elem, opt_elem);
template<typename T, MemoryDomain domain>
bool option_add(Vector<T, domain>& opt, StringView str)
Vector<T, domain> vec;
option_from_string(str, vec);
return not vec.empty();
template<typename T, MemoryDomain D>
String option_type_name(Meta::Type<Vector<T, D>>)
return option_type_name(Meta::Type<T>{}) + StringView{"-list"};
template<typename Key, typename Value, MemoryDomain domain>
String option_to_string(const HashMap<Key, Value, domain>& opt)
String res;
for (auto it = opt.begin(); it != opt.end(); ++it)
if (it != opt.begin())
res += list_separator;
String elem = escape(option_to_string(it->key), '=', '\\') + "=" +
escape(option_to_string(it->value), '=', '\\');
res += escape(elem, list_separator, '\\');
return res;
template<typename Key, typename Value, MemoryDomain domain>
bool option_add(HashMap<Key, Value, domain>& opt, StringView str)
bool changed = false;
for (auto& elem : split(str, list_separator, '\\'))
Vector<String> pair_str = split(elem, '=', '\\');
if (pair_str.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error("map option expects key=value");
Key key;
Value value;
option_from_string(pair_str[0], key);
option_from_string(pair_str[1], value);
opt.insert({ std::move(key), std::move(value) });
changed = true;
return changed;
template<typename Key, typename Value, MemoryDomain domain>
void option_from_string(StringView str, HashMap<Key, Value, domain>& opt)
option_add(opt, str);
template<typename K, typename V, MemoryDomain D>
String option_type_name(Meta::Type<HashMap<K, V, D>>)
return format("{}-to-{}-map", option_type_name(Meta::Type<K>{}),
constexpr char tuple_separator = '|';
template<size_t I, typename... Types>
struct TupleOptionDetail
static String to_string(const std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
return TupleOptionDetail<I-1, Types...>::to_string(opt) +
tuple_separator + escape(option_to_string(std::get<I>(opt)), tuple_separator, '\\');
static void from_string(ConstArrayView<String> elems, std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
option_from_string(elems[I], std::get<I>(opt));
TupleOptionDetail<I-1, Types...>::from_string(elems, opt);
template<typename... Types>
struct TupleOptionDetail<0, Types...>
static String to_string(const std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
return option_to_string(std::get<0>(opt));
static void from_string(ConstArrayView<String> elems, std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
option_from_string(elems[0], std::get<0>(opt));
template<typename... Types>
String option_to_string(const std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
return TupleOptionDetail<sizeof...(Types)-1, Types...>::to_string(opt);
template<typename... Types>
void option_from_string(StringView str, std::tuple<Types...>& opt)
auto elems = split(str, tuple_separator, '\\');
if (elems.size() != sizeof...(Types))
throw runtime_error(elems.size() < sizeof...(Types) ?
"not enough elements in tuple"
: "too many elements in tuple");
TupleOptionDetail<sizeof...(Types)-1, Types...>::from_string(elems, opt);
template<typename RealType, typename ValueType>
inline String option_to_string(const StronglyTypedNumber<RealType, ValueType>& opt)
return to_string(opt);
template<typename RealType, typename ValueType>
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, StronglyTypedNumber<RealType, ValueType>& opt)
opt = StronglyTypedNumber<RealType, ValueType>{str_to_int(str)};
template<typename RealType, typename ValueType>
inline bool option_add(StronglyTypedNumber<RealType, ValueType>& opt,
StringView str)
int val = str_to_int(str);
opt += val;
return val != 0;
struct WorstMatch { template<typename T> WorstMatch(T&&) {} };
inline bool option_add(WorstMatch, StringView)
throw runtime_error("no add operation supported for this option type");
class Context;
inline void option_update(WorstMatch, const Context&)
throw runtime_error("no update operation supported for this option type");
template<typename EffectiveType, typename LineType, typename ColumnType>
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, LineAndColumn<EffectiveType, LineType, ColumnType>& opt)
auto vals = split(str, ',');
if (vals.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error("expected <line>,<column>");
opt.line = str_to_int(vals[0]);
opt.column = str_to_int(vals[1]);
template<typename EffectiveType, typename LineType, typename ColumnType>
inline String option_to_string(const LineAndColumn<EffectiveType, LineType, ColumnType>& opt)
return format("{},{}", opt.line, opt.column);
template<typename Flags, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{}))>
EnableIfWithBitOps<Flags, String> option_to_string(Flags flags)
constexpr auto desc = enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{});
String res;
for (int i = 0; i < desc.size(); ++i)
if (not (flags & desc[i].value))
if (not res.empty())
res += "|";
res += desc[i].name;
return res;
template<typename Enum, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{}))>
EnableIfWithoutBitOps<Enum, String> option_to_string(Enum e)
constexpr auto desc = enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{});
auto it = find_if(desc, [e](const EnumDesc<Enum>& d) { return d.value == e; });
if (it != desc.end())
return it->name.str();
return {};
template<typename Flags, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{}))>
EnableIfWithBitOps<Flags> option_from_string(StringView str, Flags& flags)
constexpr auto desc = enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{});
flags = Flags{};
for (auto s : str | split<StringView>('|'))
auto it = find_if(desc, [s](const EnumDesc<Flags>& d) { return d.name == s; });
if (it == desc.end())
throw runtime_error(format("invalid flag value '{}'", s));
flags |= it->value;
template<typename Enum, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{}))>
EnableIfWithoutBitOps<Enum> option_from_string(StringView str, Enum& e)
constexpr auto desc = enum_desc(Meta::Type<Enum>{});
auto it = find_if(desc, [str](const EnumDesc<Enum>& d) { return d.name == str; });
if (it == desc.end())
throw runtime_error(format("invalid enum value '{}'", str));
e = it->value;
template<typename Flags, typename = decltype(enum_desc(Meta::Type<Flags>{}))>
EnableIfWithBitOps<Flags, bool> option_add(Flags& opt, StringView str)
Flags res = Flags{};
option_from_string(str, res);
opt |= res;
return res != (Flags)0;
template<typename P, typename T>
inline String option_to_string(const PrefixedList<P, T>& opt)
if (opt.list.empty())
return format("{}", escape(option_to_string(opt.prefix), list_separator, '\\'));
return format("{}{}{}", escape(option_to_string(opt.prefix), list_separator, '\\'),
list_separator, option_to_string(opt.list));
template<typename P, typename T>
inline void option_from_string(StringView str, PrefixedList<P, T>& opt)
auto it = find(str, list_separator);
option_from_string(StringView{str.begin(), it}, opt.prefix);
if (it != str.end())
option_from_string({it+1, str.end()}, opt.list);
template<typename P, typename T>
inline bool option_add(PrefixedList<P, T>& opt, StringView str)
return option_add(opt.list, str);
#endif // option_types_hh_INCLUDED